my anxiety has been ruling my life lately. I can’t do normal daily tasks without feeling intense worry or having panic attacks. My rescue meds make me too sleepy and it’s difficult to function at work.
intro : my anxiety has been ruling my life... - Anxiety Support
At work you can try a calming breathing technique sitting at your desk without anyone noticing. A soft, quiet inhale through your nose to the count of 4, hold for 2, and a soft exhale through your nose for 6. The longer exhale is key to calming the system. You can do 5 or 6 rounds and see if it makes a difference but stop at any time you feel the need to breathe regularly, then resume when you are ready. Also keep your shoulders low at a distance from your ears, not hunched.
Hi,If the calming technique suggested by Southern Sally don't work then you might need to take some sick leave away from work to work on your anxiety.
Use the time to trial taking your medication at night so that you aren't so sleepy during the day.
If the side effects persist, go back to the prescriber and try something else.
Most employers have a an employee assistance program (EAP) which you could contact for assistance. The EAP is confidential, nothing comes back to the workplace. You will only have to inform your boss if you want time off to attend an appointment.
Since you are in the USA, you can also call the ADDA helpline or the national mental health helpline 988. It like 911 for all kinds of conditions.
Whatever happens, you need to do something to ease your situation at home and work.
We are here to support you in the meantime 💜 🐈⬛