I'm 67 and have had anxiety since menopause. I don't do hrt and haven't taken natural supplements. My anxiety comes and goes and is exacerbated by histamine in pollen season and possibly low oestrogen ongoing. Constantly light headed and sob intermittently and can't make arrangements in advance as each day presents different symptoms. Long story short I need advice on herbal remedies eg ashwaganda /gaba/l thianine etc. Any anecdotal experience welcome. I take thyroxine and am aware that there can be side effects. The light-headedness is my main problem as this so easily tips over into panic in certain circumstances. Thank you in advance!
Need recommendations for herbal supplements. - Anxiety Support
Need recommendations for herbal supplements.

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Hi there, I too am 67, I went through a very late menopause, last period being aged 55 years. But my menopause has destroyed my life big-time. I think if I had my time over again I would have gone on HRT. Of course at that time we were being told of the risk of breast cancer, so I didn't go there, now I would because it has been horrific. x
Sorry to hear that. Did things settle? What were the worst symptoms for you if you don't mind sharing.
Hi I always had extreme mood swings during period times, and I can only say I felt what I call normal for 1 week out of every month.
So when menopause kicked in for me the anxiety was unbearable, sweating non-stop, and my depression got really bad, I would sometimes just go to my bedroom for 2-3 days and stay there. Also I had been taking blood pressure tablets for years and years and I was fine, but when menopause came I suddenly became intolerant to medications. I have been diagnosed with Intolerances by a leading Professor in London. But for me no 2 days were the same. I couldn't make plans for anything, I haven't travelled far from home for years, and we never go on holiday. Sadly my daughter is a carbon copy of me, she is going through the same old stuff. I know this is an anxiety page, but now I am left with trying to control my BP, which brings me even more anxiety.
Wow, that's awful ...when I had really bad PMT I took starflower oil supplements and they really worked. It was like a mental illness so I'm reactive to hormones. Thank you so much for taking time to reply and share your experiences. I find I get few replies on this forum which surprises me as communication is key for anxiety.
Hi yea I tried all supplements too, I don't think any of it touched me at all. Hormones are a tough one to crack, because no-one really understands it at all, as my poor daughter is finding out, in face they have told her the only way to go for her at 47 is to have a hysterectomy. Sorry if my replies are so long ha ha, but I am passionate about talking about all this stuff, to try and help.
do you still take starflower oil ? I read recently it is a potent phytoestrogen