Does anyone have any suggestions for books that have helped them with their anxiety? I've looked at a few on Amazon, but would like recommendations from people from here.
Book recommendations for helping anxiety? - Anxiety Support
Book recommendations for helping anxiety?
Hi, There is a website by Pauline Holmes Phd that has helped me understand and lessen my anxiety. Free downloads of the topics and books by Dr Holmes are available on the website. It is bible based psychotherapy. Go to and select the "Our WebRadio Station" at the top of the screen and you will see a list of topics beginning with the "Fear" series that you can listen to. May the information on the website be a blessing to you.
I think this is quite good, but don't expect a cure, it's more learning to live with anxiety
I personally found 'Hope and Help for your Nerves' by Dr. Claire Weekes very insightful and useful. I would highly recommend it
Dare ..great book and audio by Barry McDonough...
Lots of people with anxiety have improved quickly with the help of this book !!!
Go for it 👍
I'm reading "at last a life" by David Paul and it has helped me incredibly. It focuses on learning to accept your anxiety rather than constantly fighting it and it's really changed the way I think about my anxiety. I would definitely recommend
Go to Amazon and purchase "Self help for my nerves " written by Clair Weekes. Then read it at your leisure and take appropriate notes on a sheet of paper and carry such about with you for reference when needed.
This book will really help you to battle your problems, use it as your aid ,
Buy it today as your Christmas present to your self!
All the very best to you in 2017
Definitely "self help for your nerves" by Dr Claire Weekes, amazing lady, worked for me xxx
Yes "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy
I found mind over mood a useful read, had plenty of coping strategies and teaches you why your thought processes make you feel as you do.
I agree with three other replies, the very best book of all is Claire Weekes 'Self help with your nerves' (UK) or 'Hope and help with your nerves' (in the U.S.), first it will reassure you, then it will explain why you feel the way you do and then it tells you the remedy which is simple but takes a lot of practicing. And it does result in a cure, not by preventing you ever feeling anxiety again but telling you how to overcome it and keep it in perspective. The book was written in the 1960s so some of the domestic situations she describes appear dated but that doesn't matter, literally hundreds of thousands of people have found relief and cure through the late Doctor Weekes' book (she wrote other books later but this is the main one). You can pick up a copy on Amazon and if you're watching what you spend you can even get a second hand copy on Amazon for a couple of quid/dollars.
Remember, all troubles pass and what is making you miserable is only a temporary imbalance of hormones which will return to normal once you have successfully applied Doctor Weekes' methods. Good luck.
Its a must read by Claire weeks, true acceptance is the key to helping you cope and alot of courage.
Thank you Jeff1943 - that's exactly what I wanted to offer in response to the question, but any responses in my head rarely convert to the written word in a coherent form!
Claire Weekes books offer reassurance that the weird symptoms we worry about are not only 'normal' in the circumstances, but occur in an order she can predict and explain. This is in addition to advice on how to work towards relief and understanding that we aren't insane and all without needing prescription drugs with all their side effects.
A couple of mini strokes have damaged my frontal lobes so I can only focus on an activity like reading, remembering, concentrating and thinking for about 15 minutes max. before post-stroke fatigue means my head is thumping/ nausea/giddy/vision disturb etc. Finding Claire Weekes talks on MP3 was such a help and her voice is so positive that you can't help believing that you will recover if you do as she suggests- as she did herself. Here's the info I found after buying her book:
Dr Weekes (1903-1990) pioneered a world renowned method of giving you
back control over your state of mind. The strength of her step by step
method comes from clinical analysis and her belief that the mind and body
react together.
She believed that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from
stress and nervous fatigue, to produce a pattern of symptoms which can
become more frightening than the original cause.
In these resources, Dr Weekes teaches you, through simple steps, to
reverse your pattern of symptoms and to find your own inner strength,
bringing about a permanent cure.
Scroll down to "How To Recover From Anxiety by Dr Claire Weekes" to find
the four free MP3 files for download.
Andrew Johnson apps and MP3 files are invaluable too - he has a soothing voice and offers free apps so you can check whether or not they'd suit you.
Good luck!
Anything that advocates acceptance as the way to recover such as the books published by Dr Claire Weekes and "At last a life" by Paul David. Also worthwhile looking up the latter's website
It contains a lot of useful information and a more up to date / practical application of the teachings published by the late Dr Weekes. It's all about giving your mind and body the space it needs to heal naturally by accepting all that anxiety has to offer instead of fighting the symptoms (because you fear them). Fearing of the symptoms is the reason why people continue to suffer. Disrobe the fear and see anxiety for what it really is. One big bluff which relies upon fear to keep going. Remove the fear and you will recover.
Check out the forum too. Loads of posts from people on their road to recovery and expert advice from those who have recovered. This is all I relied upon in my recovery (understanding anxiety which helps to remove the fear and application of that understanding) but you do have to get out there and "walk the walk" rather than using the books for reassurance all the time.
Dare by barry mcdonagh. Worked for so many people including myself. The facebook groups for this as absolutely brilliant too...there are also loads of audios to help you. Cant recommend it highly enough
The DARE response by Barry McDonagh is excellent
Dr Claire Weekes Peace from Nervous Suffering
Managing Anxiety with CBT for Dummies
Hope this helps😃
hope and help for your nerves def. helped me , give it a try
Hi - definitely recommend the Claire Weekes books and also Living with IT by Bev Aisbett. It's a cartoon style book, very easy to read and very helpful.xx
Pauline Holmes PhD is a psychotherapist that helped me with my anxiety. Her free audio programs are available on her website When you are at the webpage, click on “our web radio page” at the top of the screen. You will then see many topics including the “Fear” series at the beginning of the list. This series will help you understand and lessen your anxiety. Dr. Holmes programs are bible based teachings. May the website be a blessing to you.