Hi, I have always had bad anxiety and I don’t know if this is due to my worrying or if it’s something else. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced muscle twitches on their tongue and face? My tongue twitches at rest mostly in the same spot I can feel it it goes really fast for a few seconds then stops and starts again. It’s not constant but does happen daily. Also spread to my chin, cheeks etc but again comes and goes. I’ve had it now for 2.5 months and of course googled it and scared myself to death! Just looking for some reassurance I guess if possible.
twitching : Hi, I have always had bad... - Anxiety Support
Hi Emlou19, Welcome to a caring and supportive community.
Since we aren't doctors, of course we will always recommend you have
a doctor address the issue. I can see this however, as a part of your anxiety
because of the over sensitized nervous system that we all have. The energy
within us must come out some way and for many including myself it was
with "twitching". Mine were my eyelids, sometimes my knee caps. That
twitch uncontrollably in a spot as if it had it's own heart beat lol.
Once you get this cleared by your doctor that it is from your anxious state,
I think that alone may help reassure you. I'm happy you are with us Emlou xx
Hi Emlou19! Welcome to the group.
When my anxiety is bad I twitch, or have muscle spasms, and sometimes even seizures (though very rare.) What is normal for me might not be normal for you- we are all unique. Definitely bring this up to your doctor at your next wellness exam/physical/appointment just to ensure that it is not a medical condition. But, anxiety can manifest in so many ways: stomach ache/cramps, fatigue, muscle aches, rapid thoughts and even lapse in memory.