Tingling/Twitching/Off balance: Well after... - Anxiety Support

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Tingling/Twitching/Off balance

5 Replies

Well after doing ok for about a month I am now worried sick again. Couple of weeks ago I was sitting at my laptop when I noticed my middle finger on my left hand twitching like visibly moving side to side every few seconds. I couldn't stop it if I tried. Of course this sent me into a panic straight away and started googling thinking the worst again. It lasted about 2 days and then stopped. So that was me feeling a bit better for a few days, but for they 2 days I was ill with worry again. Then after that was gone I noticed a tingling/buzzing in my second toe it was like buzzing for a few seconds then stopping for a few and then buzzing again.. for about 5 days. Today the toe buzzing doesn't seem to be happening but instead its my whole foot and it seems that both my feet are actually tingling now. I dont know if I can feel a weird sensation on my ankle too like tingling or burning. Its all quite mild but I can feel the tingling. Ive been having body twitches for weeks also but I'm more worried now as these symptoms are here together. I don't have any pain or weakness. I've actually been back doing my swimming the past few weeks trying to keep active. When I was at my worst a few months ago with weakness and fatigue, dizziness etc it turned out my thyroid was underactive. I was to go back and get re-tested on Christmas eve which I did.. The results showed it was still underactive but not as much so the doctor advised to be tested again in 3 months this time rather than a month. I'm not sure if any of this could be linked to my thyroid as im not sure if its even still underactive. Today I have had one of my most fearful symptoms returning which is the feeling of being very off balance when walking. All of these things together just make me think theres something terribly wrong with me. I've dealt with it better this time though, I am still up and out every day with my little girl making sure I don't fall into another depression but I still cant take my mind off it. Im googling every spare second I get and still just worried sick. I'm going to make another appointment with my doctor tomorrow but I'm sure they will just do the usual checks and tell me its nothing serious again. Anyone have similar symptoms and ben told its anxiety?

5 Replies

Hi Natasha

I somtimes a forwards thinking individual ,but then again

sometimes I’ve just seemed to be at a loss ,momentarily...

Coming back to the” focusing ,sometimes I do a chant “ it seems to work for myself ... I have been

practicing Budahism parallel alongside my Catholism ... If it’s impossoble I

try reading as well as mute the tv and accessing the Disabilty Sub\Titles |LANGUAGES REALLY

This SOCIETY ME MY HEALTH ! God guidance too...

Penny565 profile image

Hi Natasha. I saw your comment on another post to Karen. Mine is a very long story ( not sure if you have read on the other thread?) I ve been through a shocking time recently. Thinking back now I think I went into a depression? all started in October while away on holiday. It started with stiff feet when I woke up in the morning. When returning home to England, the stiffness got worse. I then started experiencing twitches all over my body. I think it started in my legs at first then arms, back, bottom and stomach... pretty much all over. Sometimes my leg would jerk.

I then started with hand stiffness, then I started feeling drunk ( maybe vertigo) by this point I could hardly stand up and when I walked, I walked like a robot. I was really off balance alot. I went to the doctors a few times who said that I need to have a brain scan.

I started having panic attacks? Due to the worry of it all. Where I felt like I couldn't swallow and I couldn't take a deep breath.

When I googled my symptoms it would always come back with MS or motor neuron disease. This freaked me out even more! I actually convinced myself that I had either disease. I was admitted for an emergency brain scan from my own doctors.

Vertigo started to fade. All over Twitches got worse.. anxiety was awful. BP and heart rate were threw the roof that I had to have 2 ECGs ( which were normal)

Anyway my brain scan came back all clear...

I still wasn't convinced that I was clear.

Spoke with the doctor. He said he needs to sort my anxiety out. I was put on medication.

Anyway 3 weeks on I can honestly say I am feeling so much better. Lots of symptoms have faded and I feel I can be more rational now. Even though I still have the odd moment where I think I have something wrong... but then it goes in a flash. Yours sounds just like how I was. It's horrific x

in reply to Penny565

Hi penny,

So sorry you are going through this its horrible! Im glad your scans were all clear that would have been a relief for you!

That sounds so much like me when this all started round about the end of October start of November. I started feeling a bit teary out of the blue one day, about a week later started to feel really off balance which scared me a lot. This sent me into a panic, constant worrying thinking there was something wrong with my brain. I couldnt stop crying, then as the days went on my legs felt weak and like jelly, i was tripping and couldnt control them properly, thought they were going to snap if i tried to walk up stairs. Was having sleep hallucinations, Had twitching all over my body. All i wanted to do was cry and sleep but i was scared to sleep because of the hallucinations.. my hair was falling out I became obsessed with googling and had the thought of MS and Parkinsons in my head constantly. My auntie had parkinsons and so did her dad. I didnt eat for about 3 weeks and lost over a stone in weight. I was given a neurological examination, all the usual checks and sent for a CT scan - everything was fine. I was seeing a counsellor for about 4 weeks and each week my score was higher which meant I was feeling more anxious and depressed. I cried uncontrolably at every session. Was having racing thoughts about dying and leaving my kids etc.. this became more of a problem for me than the physical symptoms - the off balance started to ease after about 3 weeks and so did the weakness. It was the longest time of my life. The more i researched anxiety physical symptoms the more i was able to convince myself it could actually be anxiety, i did breathing exercizes, put epsom salts in every bath, and i think all of this helped but then I was just left feeling really depressed and just a couple of weeks before christmas the doc prescribed me with prozac, they made me take panic attacks and the off balance feeling was back ten times worse. I took my kids shopping and neerly collapsed in the shopping centre, had to get back to the car fast and they were really worried seeing me in such a state. I thought that was the normal first side effects of prozac but the doctor said if it was still that bad after 8 days I should switch to zoloft. I stopped taking prozac and was told to take the zoloft 2 days later but I woke up that morning feeling ok. I decided not to take the zoloft. My mood has been slightly up and down but ive been a lot better and able to enjoy my days with my kids again.... until now as you have read on my other thread. So really i havent felt myself now since the end of October. Im thinking now that it wasnt amxiety and now this is more symptoms flaring up and contributing to whatever disease I have! Im coping a lot better this time - there have been no tears and im still able to get on with life but I have been constantly worried and googling again. Its horrible i just always feel scared im going to be diagnosed with something awful and the thing that worrys me most is not being able to be a good mum to my kids or missing out on anything with them. I love them so much (as any parent does) and this makes me worry more.

Sorry for the lengthly post but thats my whole story there! Can i ask what medication you are taking? I was ready for relying on the medication but it wasnt the right one for me at that time and then when I was told to stop taking it, i decided to just try without it again. What are your physical symptoms now that you have been taking medication? Do you still have any?


Your GP seems to be following a well worn pathway regards Thyroid and Anxiety.

The problem with Anxiety, the more concerned you are the more irrational with your fears you become and this will make you more concerned and worried. You become sensitized to your body, for example I am sitting in my chair with bare feet, my feet are cold and tingling. That is normal. I know this is normal so I try not to worry. My problem is I do not want to get up to put my socks on.

Trust your GP He is in partnership with you as far as your health concerns dictate. That trust in some cases can be hard earned when patients suffer Anxiety. He has your interests at heart


Penny565 profile image

Hey I'm so sorry that I never replied. How are you feeling? I hope all is ok. The medication I am on is sertraline and has done its job. I am almost back to where I was... around 90 percent. At xmas I was at 1 percent. So I have come far regards to my anxiety. This has tought me that anxiety is real and it can mess with your head and emotions.. which then will set your brain into a over drive state. That the best way to explain it.

Well I hope all is good with you now. My fingers are crossed and again. Sorry I never replied x

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