If you saw any of my posts a while ago I was doing terribly, infact over 4 years of no driving and barely leaving the house.. it got so much worse that I stopped leaving my bed for sometimes a week at a time. Scared that if I stood up or did any basic activity I'd faint or spin out.. I was convinced I had so many health problems all while dealing with agoraphobia. Anyway it reached the point that people were so concerned. I was not showering and avoiding eating because it involved preparing food, I had to visit our local mental health hospital, surprisingly after the first visit with my mum taking me. The medication I was prescribed and the routine I was giving completely changed everything, I've tried atleast 4 different ssri medications all of which had terrible side effects and only made me feel worse but I was prescribed cymbalta, 60mg and it's completely destroyed my anxiety.. I know it won't be the same for everyone but I figured it's worth sharing because it feels like a miracle, I'm not fully confident to travel super long distances but I've basically gotten my own car again, a new job and even started dating..
Moral of this story is never give up no matter how terrible you think it is.. please keep trying different options.