So since some stress in August of this year I feel like ive been extra anxious...i get like a fainting feeling and it really scares me. My doctor prescribed Escitalopram but I reacted badly to it. Actually I think it was a normal reaction but I didnt like it. Ive been anxious since the age of 13 when I had my first panic attacks. Im 26 now...4 years ago I became dizzy and derealized. Doctors said at first from an inner ear infection...but now I dont know as ive felt the same way 24/7 for 4 years! I was managing it though and feeling happy...then like I said the stress in August triggered anxiety I dont know how to stop it. Last night I awoke with a shock thinking I was dying! My heart raced and everything...but anyway I dont really know where in going with this. I guess I just dont wanna feel alone in this. If anyone wants to talk I'm here
Hey guys. New here! : So since some stress... - Anxiety Support
Hey guys. New here!

Hi there. I would say if you feel dizzy and derealised for so long it is clear to be anxiety symptoms. It is pretty scary some of the stuff it can throw at you. What woke you in the night? You are not alone, this is a good site with some great advice
Hi! I’m also in my 20s and just began having horrible anxiety and feelings of detachment around the ending of August. I worry constantly and sometimes feel like I’m not myself. I get feelings of federalization. It’s very scary! I’ve never taken any medicine. What kind of side effects did you experience on the medicine?
Yes I have been derealized for 4 years now. Its horrible! The side effect of the medication I didnt like was how it made my skin feel like it was on fire! Then a got covered in was really heart was racing. But after only 1 pill I'm scared its not out of my system...i feel sick and trembley today..
Only one pill?! I have never tried medicine and I am very nervous to. Even when I have a cold, I do not like taking medicine. I am very sensitive i feel. How do you cope with the derealization besides medication?
Yes the first 10mg pill got me like that they said to cut it to 5mg but I am still scared...i never want to feel like that again! But its different for everyone. What happened to me may not happen to you so if youre really bad off you should at least try. I may try another one in the future Idk..the derealization I just had to get used to and for years I did without much anxiety...then after some stress in August I got dizzier and more anxious. My doctor just did blood tests and then gave anxiety medicine. I'm worried its more than just anxiety...
I also had blood tests! Got the results back and everything is normal. I still don’t know what is causing my headaches, dizziness, increased anxiety, and feelings of detachment. It’s awful!! I want to feel normal again
Yes my blood tests were normal too!! Thats the only test my doc did...i dont even know what they tested for in my blood though. I feel the same way as you...i dont really get headaches but I do get extreme pressure...when the pressure is bad the anxiety and derealization gets worse. I wonder if I went to the ER if they would do an MRI...?
Also I'm off balance...when I went to the ER 4 years ago when this first happened they diagnosed me with labrynthitis an inner ear disorder...but that doesnt last for 4 years...
Wow that is so weird!! I had 5 different blood tests. I think they mainly
Look for thyroid issues, kidney issues. I wanted to see if I had anemia or a chemical imbalance. Everything looked good! I was also thinking of having a brain scan. But I don’t know if that’s necessary
Hmm well I'm glad my blood was all clear but its like what now? For my own peace of mind id like a MRI lol but they will look at me like I'm crazy I bet. Its stupid of me to worry about a brain tumor or something cause a brain tumor would only get worse over time mine has stayed fairly the same until stress kicked up...and its good all your stuff was clear too! I've been told it could be silent migraines but cant get a doctor to agree since ive never had migraines...
Hi you are not alone!! I been feeling dizzy for years now off and on!! And also my doctor has done so many exams and nothing!! Anxiety and it’s weird because I sometimes feel dizzy without feeling anxious!! But keep your head up God bless
Thank you! Same to you Its weird ive been dizzy and derealized 24/7 for 4 years. I just dont know what to do anymore.
I havent gone to see a therapist yet. But it seems like it could help maybe! Ugh I hate the dizziness. I'm more off balanced feeling. Its scary
I'm so sorry you're feeling all this stress and anxiety. It's terrible what anxiety can do to our bodies...I spent the evening in the ER with DH a few weeks ago because he thought he was having a heart attack - no, "just" a panic attack. I know when you're in the midst of it all it's hard to focus and think about good things but try to, and above all BREATHE -- it sounds so silly but try to take nice slow deep breaths because that really will help calm you some. I'd try a therapist too - often talking things out helps and the therapist can give you some tips and strategies on how to deal with the anxiety, hopefully before it becomes so overwhelming for you. I know it's not always the answer for everyone but talk to your doctor about what happened with the medicine - another one will probably be fine! Saying a prayer for you to have a good day today.
I also get very panicky when I go soemwherr now it’s so horrible I feel like I’m going to pass out and I get dizzy lightheaded and feel sooo weird !

Me too...ugh I just don't know what to do you take meds?
No they prescribed me zoloft and I’m scared to take it !

Maybe you should at least try it! I hate the meds but I've only tried one. Made me sick and scared so I stopped may need to go back to the doc....
What did they give tou

They gave me escitalopram but I didnt like it. The first night I took it I felt like my body was on fire!! Plus my heart was racing.
This definitely sounds like anxiety and another stressor can definitely trigger it. I’m goin through the same thing. I woke up with my heart racing and in the middle of a panic attack. Deep breaths and drinking water I was able to get back to sleep. This last week has been extremely stressful for me after a nasty argument with my adult daughter which as totally amped the stress so I understand. Everyone here is really supportive.

Yes mine was triggered from a fight with my bf. But I don't get it we made up and I still started to panic like the next week after it happened. Now I can't stop...but sorry you are going through this also it's horrible. Can't see a psychiatrist til December!!
Hi! I've read your posts and can relate to the dizziness and nausea. Is the nausea related to the dizziness? I've suffered w chronic dizziness for 8 years now and it has destroyed my life. For years I was even afraid to leave the house. Whenever I'm dizzy, I feel anxious. I don't really think the anxiety brings it on but it certainly doesn't help. I have my good days and bad days. I've spent a ton if money on Drs and nothing has worked. They just want to put me on antidepressants. I have to stay away from caffeine bc it makes it worse. Any stimulant triggers it. I try to keep going with my daily activities but it's hard. I hope you're feeling better.
For me the nausea seems to be from my stomach muscles tensed my nerves are making me sick. And I don't know what to do about my dizziness. I can't afford to keep going to doctors. I'm not sure if the dizzy is causing the anxiety or if it's the other way around! I just know I was coping with the dizziness a few months ago with zero anxiety and it was fine. Now that the anxiety is back the dizzy is ten times worse!
As far as the dizziness, I'm trying to figure out the same thing! Is the anxiety the cause? But there are times I wake up with it and I'm not anxious at all. However, when the dizziness happens I become a nervous wreck. I think it may be my ears, but I'm not completely sure. My heart goes out to you. I understand and it's awful. Everyone in my life doesn't understand any of this bc I don't have an actual diagnosis.
It's so terrible to feel this way. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope and pray that you can get it figured out one day <3 I was so stressed when this all started so that's what has me thinking this whole thing is anxiety related. I've always been an anxious person even before the stress I went through but who knows. The one antidepressant I tried to take made me feel horrible after only one pill so I'm guessing I need to try a different one
Unfortunately stress is so powerful and it can do a number on our bodies. I've had anxiety my whole life and the meds make me feel worse. I wish there was an easier way. I've heard that meditation can help tremendously. Maybe that is something to try? Just know you're not alone and I can totally relate. Keep me posted on how you're doing. I really hope it gets better for you. ☺️
You have been posting about your bad days.
I assume you also had some good days.
can you tell us about them?
If you cannot recall any days that you would consider good, can you at least describe the days or the part of days when you felt better?