Im M, 29, abd have had severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder since high school and have had it manifest in all kinds of ways but this is new. I recently had a bizarre panic attack/mental breakdown of sorts (I couldnt stop obsessing about thoughts and my thinking and what thoughts are and how brains work) and began my old symptom of frantically pacing which was so bad I was suicidal so I voluntarily went into a behavioral health clinic. While there I started getting a squeezing tension headache (?) and now 13 days later it has STILL not gone away! it gets worse when I focus on it (I know I know, bit "just dont think about it" is easier said tgan done when its the thing I use for thinking thats feeling it) and when it gets bad its REALLY bad and its making me give up hope again. My meds were changed while hospitalized but my dr didnt think it was from that, however it did start in there. I honestly did not feel safe or ready to discharge because of this but my insurance could no longer cover my stay so I was essentially kicked out. This is utterly and severely hindering my ability to function. Could it be just anxiety? Ive read others having similar but theirs lasted YEARS. Im sp exhausted and hopeless I dont have that in me. What should I do? (Ive had an MRI and other extensive checkups in the past year and I doubt its that.
Hopeless please help or give advice - Anxiety Support
Hopeless please help or give advice
Hi Enpi, Welcome to this safe and caring forum. I can certainly relate to what you are going through. It happened to me as well many years ago. I've since recovered. I use to suffer from daily tension headaches due to my severe anxiety. I feared everything. When we are like this, both our mind and body can't relax and so each muscle works overtime causing pain and spasms.
I too asked to be in patient where they experimented with different meds and dosages. I used that time to learn about myself and my fears as well as to find coping skills to see me through. The fact that you have had an MRI (which I did as well) and other tests, it most likely boils down to your anxiety causing these headaches. I found that using Relaxation Meditation and deep Breathing brought about some changes in my body that allowed me to be more in control. You Tube has become my "go to". Many great headache meditations that work better then pain medication which could sometimes be overdone and cause rebound headaches. I wish you well and happy they you have found us. You are not alone new friend xx