**Help With Anxiety During this Time... - Anxiety Support

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**Help With Anxiety During this Time...

LostInNJ profile image
10 Replies

Hi... I am not quite sure how to word exactly how I am feeling. I will give a heads up that this might be a long post. If anyone has time to read it and reply I would be most grateful...

I am 43 yrs old and live in NYC with my mother. It's been almost three years living here since coming home from a four year abusive relationship...

I spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals due to my extreme depressions and anxiety. It's been over a year since being in a hospital. My mom is pretty much all I have. No friends I can reach out to. My mother with my sister and nephews in NJ is the extent of who's in my life.

My 72 yr old mother is the strongest, loving and most beautiful woman I know. She is probably healthier then me. I wake up everyday not knowing what day it is until I turn on the TV to see that yesterday will be just like today - and most definitely worse then the day before. I applaud the nurses, doctors etc. that are on the front lines of this "war". I would give anything for that kind of strength.

All I do is worry about not IF I get the virus but WHEN. More so I don't know what I would do if passing it on to my mother. This woman has taken care of me through every depression, panic attack and all that goes with it. IDK what to do if she gets this and I would be the one to take care of her. Everything that is going on is keeping me in a state of FEAR. Anyone that lives in NYC I hope can relate to any of this. I have a dog I have to walk and it is frightening outside. 9A on a Wednesday morning in NYC and there is NO ONE around. Those that are around wear masks (as do I) and gloves. Passing my fellow dog walker like that is just unbelievable to say the least.

Can anyone offer some advice to me?? I feel very alone in this and I need to be strong for my mother at the very least.

Thank you just for listening.


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LostInNJ profile image
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10 Replies
Kn515 profile image

Hi , I’m really sorry you are feeling like this , and although I don’t have and advice as I am in a similar position just consumed by anxiety , I’m in the uk , If you ever just need to talk or get things off your chest feel free to message me it might help us both xx

LilyAnnepuppy profile image

Aimee, I feel for you. I can only imagine your fear. I don't live in NY, but still am afraid my husband will get sick. I understand the anxiety, and have no words to take that away. What I try to do is breathe, meditation, exercise, get enough rest. Social distancing. Stay at home. Pray. Just know you're not alone and we're here for you. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing. Stay safe.

Timmypliskin profile image

Hope you hang in there, I know its strange seeing so few people, but keep in mind, that is a good thing at this point, the more people stay home, the faster this will end.

The overall numbers are below the projected curve, because of these precautions.

Be there for you mom. I hope you feel better.

Andrea1915 profile image

I feel your fear I have the same I am in total disbelief about what is happening in this world I stare at the numbers multiple times a day on that worldometer site and it just causes more anxiety I am in California the news scares the hell out of me i am feeling the same way as you wondering when It will happen to me I haven’t left my house in 17 days no joke! I am terrified and my anxiety is so bad I can barely be around my family I lock myself in my room and douse myself in essential oils check my temp multiple times a day and my O2 meter it’s no way to live I have dreams at night that I’m in a public place or at my work and there are people everywhere and I freak out and try to get away I’m always running from crowds in my dreams I am wondering how this is going to change me when it’s all over will I be able to go around groups of people again without worrying about getting a deadly virus! We are all worried to some extent right now all over the world you are definitely not alone in your fears the best you can do is try your hardest to keep away from people keep your hands clean things like that because that’s really the only control we have over this situation other than that we just have to pray and hope that things will start to look positive and we will come out of this sooner rather than later.

Ryan990 profile image

Sometimes my supplements and daily routines help with any negative thoughts about the virus . I do a little exercise in the house , I take , vitamin c 3000mg , vitamin D , turmeric concentrate ( curacumin it’s called ) , magnesium glistenate, green tea extract capsules , live pro ( it’s a mix of black garlic , ginger and lots of other herbs ect ) , I take a pro biotic . On top of all that , I drink a big mouthful of warm lemon juice mixed with Manuka honey . And then I have a shot of Apple cider vinegar . I know it’s not a certain that I won’t get the virus , but mentally it makes me feel so much more mentally prepared knowing my body has all the right nutrients . Oh and also , I drink a gallon of water a day. I am not saying all this will cure your anxiety , but it’s a good start in changing how we approach something that’s worrying us. Deep down in my head, my faith in god keeps me calm . Whatever path he chooses for me, is the path I will accept . Stay strong , try and do something differently that will positively effect the way you think about things .

gbn_ profile image

Hi Aimee. I live in Reading PA., which might be part of the corridor with Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York. I know exactly how you feel right now. My son, daughter, and 2 grandchildren live with my ex-wife here nearby. Since we still remain good friends, I'm always over there helping out where I can, and I too worry quite a bit. My daughter works at a near-by Wal- Mart, and she took 2 weeks off because of the heightened anxiety with all of this because of the way the store is, not a healthy environment with all the rude shoppers who just still don't listen. She worries about bringing things home too. The news of course is full of anxiety causing info right now. What we can do is just be smart with this, wash your hands, A LOT, phones,keyboards,door knobs, punching in numbers with store purchases at machines is all cause for anxiety right now, so use gloves and use your keys to touch pads at the store,etc. My gym is closed, so I go for walks at night for now. For you, of course, mornings or afternoons would be better. We can manage ourselves with anxiety with all of this or we can take this situation head-on with being as positive as possible. In these times, I know, no easy task. Realize, above all else, that you are not alone!

Aimee, I'm so sorry this is such a difficult time for you. You are not alone! I'm sending you warmest wishes for comfort, strength, & wellness ~ in body, mind, spirit! ~ from Minnesota.

I also have severe anxiety & depression. And I also live with my mom. I moved in to help her unpack & settle in, & now it looks as if I'll be here a while! She is 76, & I share your concern about the safety of our dear moms!

Please reach out to people you can talk with... Continue to post here for support... And remember, you made it through an abusive relationship ~ & you are strong enough to survive this. 💗

gelato99 profile image


I feel for you all in NYC.

Living with your mother, if you have to go out, social distancing and washing your hands once returning from outdoors is, by all accounts, VITALLY important.

Try to occupy yourselves with joint activities ( I WILL become a Backgammon master!! ), listen to music, cook, ( if possible ) and keep the news media at a distance as this can be a trigger.

We are all in this together, so remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE, we are here for you.

Keep positive, : )

sunny5818 profile image

You are not alone remember that the world is going through this with you. Pray to god . You are blessed to have such a wonderful mother. Keep strong. You should be well if you stay inside other than a walk . Turn your thoughts into positive thoughts. Our mind is powerful tell yourself you will be fine and be a stronger person because of this situation. Read a book to take your mind off of the news. Open the window to breathe fresh air if needed. Play cards with your mom . Do a puzzle . Keep your mind busy!!

I hope this helps . We are in this together!!

PlumNice profile image

I'm praying for you and your mother. May GOD continue to keep you safe and healthy.

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