Hi! My name is Ci and I'm a 27 year old pharmacy Technician with 2 beautiful girls and a wonderful fiancé... I just started dealing with anxiety about five months ago when the anniversary of my great aunt's death whom raised me came around in March (she died March 4th of 2016) and then I lost my grandmother (March 29th 2017) and my grandfather (June 2017). I have been a wreck! The attacks come out of nowhere! I can be driving, at work, ringing up a customer, using the bathroom. And they just appear. My family doctor put me on Alprazolam 0.25 MG but I chew those like candy. She wanted me start this medicine called Lexapro. Has anybody had any good outcomes on it? I just wanna return to normal and be here for my family. I will try anything that will get me back to normal or at least close to it.. Nice to meet you all.
Dealing with Anxiety and panic attacks - Anxiety Support
Dealing with Anxiety and panic attacks

Hi Ci, I haven't tried that one but I know a friend who has an he swore by it. Thought it was the best thing since sliced bread! Calmed him down and turned him back in to a normal human being
That good, huh?! Lol!! Well it's worth a try.. Dodnhe get worse before he got better? I know a lot of reviews I've read says they got worse before they saw a difference. How long did it take him to bounce back?
Nah he didn't have any bad side effects, only thing was they made him tired and he'd fall asleep at his desk in work, so he changed the time he took them to when he got home and everything was fine. I think people get anxious about taking them so they do get worse before they get better because they worry about what side effects they're going to get, so they get side effects! If you take them with a positive attitude you'll get a positive result I find only people that have bad side effects write stuff online so it's not that accurate. I started taking anxiety tablets and had no side effects what so ever, I didn't write a review! So don't go off what people say on the internet. give them a try.
I think i will start them in the morning! 😀😀 Thank you so much.. And I've read your bio... Do you ever get anxieties about any head pains?! I think when I noticed my relatives passing, I automatically just thought any pain, throb, pinch, poke, or anything was something fatal and I was gonna be next! My first bough was with these head pains and I thought I had an aneurysm.. Turned out I had a perfectly normal brain and nothing was growing or shifting or anything! Now I'm just having these weird watery feelings and I think I'm back to the aneurysm thing again! I'm driving myself crazy!! I think that's where my anxiety is stemming from... I try to call down put these pains just persist.. i have an appt. with my neurologist so hopefully I can figure this thing out..
Yeah I've convinced myself I've had a brain tumour before lol it's mental what we do to ourselves. Think it was just a virus going round that gave me a week long headache. Trust what the doctors say, if they say nothing is wrong, then nothing is wrong. I never used to believe them and think they were fobbing me off. Take your anxiety tablets, they did a world of good for me. I felt normal again, it was so nice and such a nice break from myself and my thoughts. I've had to stop taking them because I'm pregnant and now my health anxiety has come back with a bang, terrible! Thought I had an sti! Got my results today come back clear, but I've been having constant panic attacks for a week and a half. I wish there was a cure for this crap 😅
Hi Cmoore I'm on lexapro 5 weeks and 3 days now I was so bad with anxiety and panic attacks I could barely leave the house I had every anxiety physical system going you name it I had it I was so afraid to start lexapro I waited months all the bad reviews put me off
Well I can tell you I'm doing really well on them the first 3 days I was so tired then after that I was grand no other side effects all my anxiety systoms are gone I'm not anxious I'm eating and sleeping great and able to go out again my only regret is that I didn't start them sooner
I started at 10mg my doctor keeping me on the same dose cause I'm doing so well
I also took .25 xanax for the first 2 weeks now I don't take xanax atal.
Best of luck to you I hope this helped
A good medicine i ever used i take 10 mg every night few month ago i stoo it and my anxiety come back to i start it again and it help alot
Took my first dose his morning and I felt great!!! No anxieties or nothing all day!! I was really surprised that it worked so quickly! I shoulda started taking it sooner... Thanks everyone for your encouraging words... You were all so helpful... 🤗🤗🤗