Help! Recently Anxiety is sky high - Anxiety Support

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Help! Recently Anxiety is sky high

nursingpassion profile image
14 Replies

Idk what’s wrong with me but something is up. My anxiety is sky high randomly. I can’t identify the trigger which is probably giving me more anxiety. And it’s like a whole domino effect. I can’t deal with this

I’m at school and my anxiety is a constant 7 when my normal is a constant 4.

My anxiety is triggering my depression I think too. And I’m normally able to manage my depression pretty damn well considering...

When I’m at home my depression can be really bad.

I don’t want to move and I just cry. And curl in a ball.

Idk what’s happening

I can normally identify my triggers..

Idk what to do

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nursingpassion profile image
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14 Replies
Katt2015 profile image

Sorry to hear that and sorry to say that I’m in the same situation!! Does your heart rate shoot up?? Mine is constant tachy!!! If I’m standing for just a little while I feel like I’m going to pass out and have to sit!! I had surgery a month ago and my cardiologist seems to believe that I’m having these symptoms due to fluid shift from my surgery and my body is just trying to readjust! God I hope she’s right!!! It’s causing me to be depressed!! My high heart rate is what causes me to be so scared and anxious! And, the fact that I can’t stand up too long without feeling like I’m going to pass out. What exactly are your symptoms?? I’m in Nursing school and my anxiety Is high there and really wherever I’m at.

Agora1 profile image

Hi nursingpassion .. There doesn't always have to be a trigger for sky high anxiety.

As long as there is a flicker of adrenaline in our bodies, just a thought can produce

fear of fear. The more we focus and try to figure it out as to where it came from, the

flicker can go into full blown anxiety.

Anxiety in itself is so wearing on the mind and body that it can lead to depression.

Why me? When's this going to end? And we go into the depths of depressed mood.

Try focusing on other things that are not stressful, things you enjoy. Once you realize

where these feelings are coming from your anxiety will lower. :) xx

Katt2015 profile image
Katt2015 in reply to Agora1

I know this message wasn’t for me, but I appreciate it cause I myself have high anxiety lately and it may be causing the feeling I’m getting every time I’m standing. I fainted a month ago and it scared the hell out of me so i keep thinking it’s going to happen again everyday 😞

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Katt2015

Hi Katt, it's true that once you have an issue that scared you by exaggerating a

physical symptom, the fear can magnify. However, since I'm not a doctor it is always

in your best interest to see your GP in regards to feeling faint every time you stand.

It could be that your blood pressure might go down giving you this feeling. Also

dehydration can play a part in this as well. Only your doctor knows your health history

and can make a diagnosis. I'm glad you responded. Let me know what your doctor says. :) xx

Katt2015 profile image
Katt2015 in reply to Agora1

I was 1 week post op surgery when that happened and my surgeon told me most likely it was from dehydration. I even went to the ER two weeks after I fainted and they said the same thing but I’m thinking how is it that I still dehydrated and it’s 1 month post op now! I went to cardio today and my b/p isn’t changing much when I get up. I never feel faint or dizzy, a feeling comes over me having me think that I am going to pass out. Does that makes sense? In other words, what’s making feel like I’m going to pass out is the fact that I feel my heart rate go fast and because that’s what I felt when I fainted that one time, I get this feeling that it may happen again. 🥺 all my labs and tests cane back fine when I went to the ER. So I’m wondering if I’m doing that to myself....

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Katt2015

Katt, . I believe what's happening is your

sub conscious mind is replaying what happened to you over and over again.

Dehydration is quite possible on a daily basis whether due to surgery, medications

or mouth breathing. Sufficient amount of water is necessary in order for the heart

to function properly. Proper hydration allows the blood flow to oxygenate our body.

The fact that you have been given clearance by your doctor may mean you have to

look into a psychological reason this is happening. :) xx

Katt2015 profile image
Katt2015 in reply to Agora1

I’m having a holter monitor put on soon as my insurance approves it. My cardiologist told me that she believes that the tachycardia when rising could be from the fluid shift due to surgery. She told me that she has good expectations and that she foresees me getting back to normal within a month! God I hope she’s right!! She did say that my anxiety could very well be making things worse and she’s hoping that her prediction can make my anxiety lessen. She ordered the holter to make sure she rules out any possible heart problems just Incase. That alone has me anxious, the not knowing and waiting. 😩 my echocardiogram, ekg and chest ct all came back normal so I’m praying the holter does too. I’ll admit, I didn’t hydrate myself enough but I thought by now being 1 month post op that I should be completely free from these symptoms. And what’s crazy is that it’s times I’m ok but I’ve noticed it’s when I have a positive attitude but the what if’s always wins!!!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Katt2015

Oh I so hear you Katt. Wearing the Holter Monitor should put your mind at ease

once you get the results. It's the in between waiting that's hard. Trust in your

cardiologist and her prognosis. Any kind of surgery always takes a lot out of

a person both physically and mentally. A month sounds about right in feeling better

and getting back to normal.

Meanwhile, besides using hydration, a suggestion may be to practice some meditation each day as well as breathing exercises. It will help calm your

nervous system. You've basically proved to yourself that when you have that

positive attitude you are okay. The "what ifs" will always try to lie to us. It's a fact

of having anxiety. If you haven't already heard of Dr. Claire Weekes, I'd suggest

going on YouTube and watching some of her videos on Anxiety. I have her book

"Hope & Help for your Nerves" that is my go to when life gets overwhelming.

It will give you the reassurance you need right now. :) xx

Katt2015 profile image
Katt2015 in reply to Agora1

I appreciate you so much right now you don’t even know!! My husband keeps reminding me that I had major surgery and that it will take time. I guess I’m just afraid that I will never get back to normal because of how I feel now. Ive always been very active and I must admit that I’m having a hard time not being able to be as active because of my heart rate and the thought of passing out!! I’m always checking my heart rate on my Iwatch and it’s driving me insane. I just want to feel normal again and the thought of me never feeling normal again has me really upset and depressed. I truly hope and pray that my cardiologist knows what she’s talking about 🙏🏼

I appreciate you taking the time out to reply ❤️

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Katt2015

:) xx

Sallyderek profile image

Oh bless you darling I am suffering the same but have had my propanol put up and that has really helped. I also take Venlafaxine, Pregabalin and at night Trazadone to help me sleep. This is an combination work great and has giving back my life to a degree. You need to go and see your doctor ASAP as you cannot satay as you are🧡

Sallyderek profile image

A few miss types there🙄

Gretajetta profile image

Medication helps. It helped me a lot. I am no longer calling 911 or sitting with a blood pressure cuff on 24/7. I am not heavily medicated because I don’t like that feeling, I like to be in control. But Prozac has helped and a low dose Xanax. I don’t know where I would be with out Xanax. I’m on .25 lowest possible. Have been on it for years. I never wanted to go higher and I don’t abuse it so it helps. Please talk to your doctor. Explain all this. It may sound crazy but we are not. We are experiencing stress and anxiety which leads to depression. Good luck

nursingpassion profile image
nursingpassion in reply to Gretajetta

Thank you I think I’m going to do that. I’m already on Prozac and have been for years... I’m a lot better than I use to be but it also use to be reallly bad lol

I’m currently at the max for my Prozac so it might help to get something for my panic/anxiety attacks too like Xanax

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