I hate law of attraction, i feel bad, guilty, and seriously going crazy because of it
I have anxiety disorder and OCD, I can not not thinking bad thing will happened, I will obsessively looking on something until I feel satisfaction (which is almost never happened).
I know LOA is just metaphysics without real evidences, but the fear it spread makes me fear my own thought and always feel guilty, worse, people surround me believe this LOA religiously.
I had a cat with FIP (a severe and gravely illness with no cure and happened due to unique mutation of coronavirus, with very small oddity happened) and have been put to sleep last month, my remaining cat was healthy until he shred and ate yoga mat lead him to light bowel obstruction, when i said, "i'm scared he will be like the last cat" my mother retort with, "don't call it then, when you think and said negative things, it will happened" << which frigging worsened my anxiety, my vet also said the same thing, and i feel truly guilty, it feels like i'm the one who make my cat illness worsened.
here;s the thing about LOA, it taught us to never think negative thoughts, always be positive, which is I can't, it's been years I have incapability of positive thoughts, I always assume bad thing will happened to me. one of the LOA theorist said "If you think or talk about diseases, you will become sick. What you think or surround yourself with – good or bad, is what you will bring upon yourself" << so if i thought about "I'm scared of FIP, will my cat get FIP" will come true? but how come when I wish good thing happened to me and visualize it, it never happened, but negative thing happened? how spiteful universe toward me???
because of LOA, i feel guilty, miserable, and live in fear. when i'm a teenager, my teacher gave me "The Secret" book to boost me think more positively, guess what, it brings me down even harder, and develop OCD ritual, everytime i think negative thoughts, i will knocking the wood repettitively, when the thoughts keep going, guess what? i keep knocking on wood whole day until my hand develop blisters and wound