Well I went out for a walk and no it did not go perfectly but that is the point , to do any way regardless ! I felt very subconscious and a little paranoid like I was being watched all the time, almost feel as tho people are questioning why I'm out that I should not be because of my mental state , but it's got to be a good thing that I went anyway, also I'm New to this so hope that its for airing issues .
Going outside: Well I went out for a walk... - Anxiety Support
Going outside

Yes, you can air any issues here. People are all willing to help. Welcome to the group.
I feel like people can " read me" that I somehow have mental health tattooed to my forehead. Is that kind of like what you are saying?
Thanks dolphin14 yes I do feel as tho people can read my mind, if I were to say walk past or thro a group of people on the street, I would feel very subconscious hang my head down, it's like people can feel my fear and how ashamed I am but why should I feel this way, I have done nothing wrong, I find telling my GP very unhelpful, how do people cope with these feeling , I have had about 6 session of CBT but it was just like a weekly humiliation, every session was a repeating how ugly useless and ashamed I feel but no suggestion for how to deal with these thoughts , I is such a relieve to find a place like this, I am not alone in feeling this way,
Definitely keep going out. Don't stay inside. I know this feeling very well.
I feel like there's something about having a problem with some mental health issue makes me less" worthy" than someone with a medical issue.
It's not right and it's us doing that to ourselves. The best thing I've found to do is keep exposing myself to the outside world.
I can relate. I had the same feelings as you and I used to walk with my face averted from people's gazes. It's not a pleasant feeling by any stretch. You're not alone. Keep taking walks outside, and deep breaths, and doing what you're doing
Hi do you mean self conscious? I have to say that I am sure no one is watching or judging you as why would they? You are simply not important enough for them to spend their time and energy on and I am sure they are much more involved in their own lives to bother about yours. You are projecting your own feelings about yourself onto them.
You need to work on your feelings of shame and embarrassment and this is where your energy and attention should be focused x
Great job getting out! And if your CBT is quality, you “should” be given ‘homework’ or skills ti practice to challenge your thoughts. If you are not getting this from your therapist, find a new one!
Yes thanks, perhaps I missed the point which is so like me I was given homework and attended all the sessions but for last few week having a Change in medication i felt unable to attend which is totally my own fault , I approach my therapist about coping strategies but the last session I had was a total embarrassment, I was filmed on an lap top talking to a complete stranger about anything that I could think of twice! Only to have to watch my embarrassment on the next visit, I find it hard to take in information , so could well have been a reason for this , but having extreme feelings of embaresment anyway I was unsure of what this was supposed to achieve , it could well be rhat again I totally missed the point ,
You did it ! Well done you!
You deserve to be where you want to be.
There is no shame - negative thoughts are not true thoughts. When they come , don't entertain them, you just remind yourself that you are lovely and Precious. Yes you may have made mistakes, you are human . Same goes for us all.
Fighting fears isn't easy - but you did it !
You went outside and that is great that is part of the healing of the Mind so if in fear of something do it in fear it then becomes no fear it's only a mental state of mine fear his only in our mind we conquer our fears by doing what we are afraid of and then it becomes nothing because you conquered that battle just keep going outside and don't worry about what people think because you are human they go outside your healing I know I've been there not ever free to go outside but a mental illness with post-traumatic stress I know I have no fear anymore I am recovered but I daily recovered to keep her covered you just keep going outside and you enjoy life and don't think about what other people say or think of you because it's not your problem it's theirs you stand strong and you stand crowd and you are healing your mind and it is possible because I have
Even in my worst days I'd walk in the hills and felt shit...but guess what...delayed reaction...next day I felt good...keep it up