A few days ago or before yesterday, I got this really new symptom where my eyes and forehead feel very weird in a scary way, I get this weird feeling in my eyes as if I about to pass out? I googled it since I have the bad habit of doing so, and it came up with blood pressure diseases! And other neurological diseases. The feeling is like dizziness but not dizziness idk how to explain it, but there are times where the feeling worsens/fires up for a few seconds and so I go like: yup, im definitely going to faint. But i don’t? Please help has anyone gotten this feeling before? It’s scaring me so much to the point it makes me want to cry
Anyone ever gotten this weird feeling? :( ... - Anxiety Support
Anyone ever gotten this weird feeling? :( im really scared

Get this often, glad to see I’m not alone. To me it’s like a split second seizure and funny feeling behind my eyes. It’s very scary.

I’m glad too but I’m really worried whether it’s anxiety or not because it feels too scary and physical to be anxiety! ;-;
I’ve been getting this for a few years when anxiety is bad. I see people describe it as Brain Zaps which is caused by anxiety

Oh okay thanks
Hi, I’ve had it too! I wish I could tell you what causes it, (I always feel like if I know the exact reason why anxiety makes you feel a certain way, it’s easier to battle). I think I had a doctor tell me something like a combination of overall muscle tension and highly sensitized nerves. I always found it to be one of the key features of heightened anxiety and panic for me. Just don’t feed it, when you notice that sensation do your best to focus your thoughts on a sensation elsewhere in your body, like how your big toe feels pressing on the floor, or your back resting against the sofa. So much of what we feel with physical anxiety is a tiny part of our body as a whole. We focus on it, and feed our fear into it, and it becomes the sole sensation/symptom we feel. Just remember it’s nothing aside from another way your brain make your body feel like crap.
Awh okay thank you so much this made me feel a bit better! ❤️
I know it’s super hard but the bedrock rule we should always remember when we have health anxiety is to first remember that if we feel some scary sensation or symptom, it’s most likely anxiety tricking us! I mean it can masquerade as so many things! And it can cause us to physically feel bad when we are already mentally suffering.
After 20 years of anxiety I can now say I had none of the many diseases I thought I had! I’m sure the same is true for you.
Yeah the last time I fully checked with a doctor was three years ago, I asked my mom recently to check again but she said no because she reminded me how we checked three years ago. I then told her that, that was three years ago, things could have changed now and she told me that at my age I can’t get any lung or heart disease, and that it usually only comes after the age of 40. That made me feel better but then I realized that what if she only said that to make me feel better and its not true is it true that at the age of 16 if I don’t have asthma or any lung disorder I can’t get it at that age?
Yeah I was maybe 28 when I was worried about heart disease, now I’m in my mid 40s and my heart is in great shape, but even knowing my age was too young at 28 for heart problems did nothing to help me not worry about it! But it’s true that at a young age like yours, a lot of the scary stuff that happens as we age, is way less likely to happen to you.
Sure you could have something like asthma, but you’d know if you had it bad, like in the movies where people are about to die. If you have it it’s probably mild like my husbands, it only flares up when your allergies are bad and it makes you a little tired. You have to remember that you’re young and healthy and the very worst thing you have is fear.
Something that I learned awhile ago and it really helps me cope is that when you are afraid, you fear the worst, but in reality it’s always the easiest and simplest cause, not the worst and most complicated one.
When you go in to see a doctor make sure it’s a good one who you trust and who understands anxiety. If you get a good one who understands you, they will go far to putting a lot of your fears at rest.
Once again, thank you so much for reassurance! I’m really glad to know that I am not alone, I checked for asthma and I don’t have it thankfully! Every time I go to the ER the doctors always know it’s a panic attack and try to comfort me but I go back home and the symptoms come back. A few weeks ago my breathing worsened after eating, it always does after I eat or each time I swallow something I feel like I’m about to suffocate, is this anxiety as well? Im sorry for asking so many questions. So when it worsened I forced my mom to rush me to the clinic and the doctor there checked my heart and lungs with a stethoscope and told me everything was okay and I don’t have asthma. She finally admitted in the end that she right away knew I was having a panic attack when I entered her room. She was the one that introduced me to this website and I am so thankful, she talked to me about anxiety and told me how if it was a disease, it wouldn’t get better without medication for that disease. That somehow comforted me but then now I think about it, she only checked with a stethoscope I dont know if it’s as accurate as having an xray done? I remember having a chest xray because I sustained an injury to my rib, and the doctor randomly pointed out that my lungs were perfect. I dont know, the idea of the fact that she only used a stethoscope flares up my symptoms again. Once again thanks for the reassurance! xx
Ha! See that’s anxiety for you, you think you’re good, and then it’s like “hey you aren’t okay, because she didn’t do an X-ray”. It will always try to trick you out of your comfort zone. Don’t give in though, say to yourself “I’m gonna let this pass because its all in my head, I felt this way yesterday, or last week, and I’m still alive”. It takes practice but it works. You just need to learn the tools to fight and not give into your fears. Anxiety is the bully that wants you to be scared because that’s how it grows stronger. The stronger it is, the worse you physically feel and that makes you more anxious, and the bully gets even more powerful.
You’re so lucky that the Er staff was good when you came in. I had my first panic attack in the mid 90s, I was maybe 22. They did all the tests and the doctor came back and said to me “is this your first panic attack”, I was thinking what the heck is a panic attack? Now we have communities like this and the web full of (good and bad) information. When I was young anxiety was something no one but a doctor could tell you about. You’re lucky to be alive at this point in time if you have to go through this because there are so many ways to find the tools you need to manage this. Remember you’re going to be okay, and always ask for help and support when you need it.
I learned from my years of health anxiety and seeing people here , that if you ever wondered if something is from anxiety or a physical disease , its almost always anxiety, anxiety causes a countless number of symptoms, to me its derealizatio,headaches,hot flashes which could be what you are describing , shakiness, muscle spasms, speech problems, numbness, and much more , but know that its all harmless , if you are concerned go to a doctor and explain your symptoms and let them do all the work , its very hard to not worry but overtime u will start to see that it gets much better as you start to realize you are safe and nothing truly bad will happen, also try to engage in acitivties and meditation , calming techniques and health helped me alot in managing terrible migraines and symptoms that result from anxiety