everyday all the time i get like really weird vision its hard to explain its just really weird and i don't feel real or normal cause of it i've had a mri on my head they said its fine ive had a eye exam they said my eyes are perfect ive had a ekg my heart is fine they said i dont know what it is ive been diagnosed with extreme anxiety and high blood pressure i take meds for it but i feel like nothing is helping my eye sight is really weird does anyone else feel like this please help?????
my vision is really weird help!!! - Anxiety Support
my vision is really weird help!!!

I have those thoughts too about my vision. What have you noticed with yours. I know you say it's hard to explain
ive notice that irs hard to do anything with the way my eyes are
Well like I hAve worries about my vision too. Blurred vision sometimes, sometimes feel like I'm in a dream (snowy vision or like cloudy) like you say still kinda hard to explain. Then I see black dots float in my vision. Is this what you experience?
Hi anxietyprisioner5, I very rarely NOT feel weird vision. Blurry, like I am seeing things in a dream state. I too had been diagnosed with extreme anxiety as well as high blood pressure for which I am on medication. The vision was like that before any meds. I realize now that it is just another symptom of anxiety. More likely from the vessels in our eyes squeezing tight and yet with OK vision. I feel when I don't focus on it, I forget. Other than that, it's with me everyday. Hope this helps some.
thanks it kinda helps but i still worrie alot i just afraid somethings gonna happen to me
Hi anxietyprisioner5, I know you worry. I use to worry too. Take for instance, I just got back from grocery shopping today. Within minutes of being in the store, my right eye got blurry, watering constantly the whole time. I remember thinking, hope I can drive home like this. I got in the car, a song came on that I use to like and lo and behold it wasn't until now reading your post that I remembered my eye had been so blurry. It's gone for now. I not saying it doesn't exist but I am saying that being anxious effects all parts of our body. Not dangerous but annoying. The only difference between us is that I no longer worry about physical symptoms like I use to.
Take care, don't worry be happy!
am i gonna die cause of this though
imean the doctor thics its my blood pressure but im on meds and it just wont do away
The blood pressure medicine should be taking care of your pressure. I think of the medication as my safety valve, keeping my blood pressure in a safe range.
Sweetie you will be fine anxiety causes so many scary symptoms its crazy when i get bad anxiety/panic i jump on this site it's awesome this site is what calms me down.. i have full blown anxiety whitch mean i have every single sympom some times i get them all at once that's the scariest part of my anxiety because t goes straight to panic attacks no warning or some time's i get warning whitch means i can stop it before it gets bad i just paid lots of attention to it at first now i know when i start to get tense-tingly -throbbing - heart fluttering i just do somthing anything so i dont focus on it it really work that's how it's slowing down im training my brain not to focus on the weird feelings inside me it works.... it will slow down then eventually stop all together train your self/ your brain not to over thinks things...
have yoou experiance what im trying to explin
Yes i have its dark in my room right now but if i turn on my light and look up and my sealing i would see very tiny black blurry dot... when i move my eye ball it's weird but its like im seeing my eye pupil.. my vision is also weird the blurred vision its like im about to passed out your vision goes blurry befor we pass out that's how mine is and that's what frwaks me out like im about to passed out but dont ugh.. i get like that but im learning to not focus on it or any of my full blown anxiety crap i will control it it will not control me i let it before not anymore
Jax78, throughout all my anxiety years, seeing a black blurry dot moving across the ceiling as I move my eyes has happened many times. It may go away for a while and then it's back again. I've had it the past several days. I do not get frightened anymore because it goes away after I blink.
Years ago, I was known to see blood red spots on the wall and the ceiling. Found out those were migraine precursors. As long as you have your eyes checked, it's just something we may have to contend with.
Agora1,how are you doing tonight? well i was feeling a little bad tonight since i got on here i feel better not feelingto much of this mess ugh i just feel like scraming some time's at my anxiety or it to just leave me alone andgo away never come back.. like i want to kick it the h*** out of my life hoping it would listen.. lol.... i will be fine it hasn't illed me yet if it was a killer i would of been gone already that's really how im dealing with it i tell my self that every single day... thats really how i calm my self
People with anxiety are hypersensitive,everyone has what you described but they aren't looking for it. Hard to but true! Our minds are great at distractions so we don't really have to deal with things in our life that are sincerely bothering us. Instead our mind focused on benign symptoms like black dots in our vision. On you truly start to believe this, you'll see how quickly weird symptoms go away. I know because in living proof!
I haave experienced all the symptoms you've mentioned. Iv had blurry vision and what look likI floaters in my vision. Been to eye doctor had my eyes tested everything is healthy . Honestly since iv become less anxious it has gone away and haven't noticed it all . Only on days I'm anxious or get no sleep. Anxiety can definitely mess with your vision. It's hard to belief I had many sleepless night and horrible thoughts with these symptoms but ignored them and they are started to go
so your eyes felt weird too
Yup pretty much
did your head ever feel weird
the feeling in my eyes gets like really bad and intense did you have that symptom too
Yes my eyes are sore right now in behind them
no not that type of feeling there not sore i can just feel my eyes and my vision it getts like weird and intense i can see everything fine no bluryness nothing my visdion is just like uppity or something like weird idk
did you ever experiance that
and yes sometimes the back of my eye would be sore
I don't know what your describing sorry but anxiety does mess with your vision
no my vision justt gets really weird my eyes arnt sore my vision just seems weird its jhard to explain
I also had vision issues. I wouldn’t be really bad with anxiety until quite recent. Main thing was my vision started getting weird at work when on my computer. Sortve blurry but more like shaking it’s hard to explain. I did need glasses and they helped but wasn’t the cure. I also get sensitivity or brighter lights coming in or colours change slightly. Last feeling was when things moved fast on tv or in front of me they made me feel confused like I need to refocus my eyes. Also when playing computer games it felt like I could only focus on one thing like tunnel vision in a way. I have good and bad days. But like most people say it’s mainly in the head and way of thinking. Also never google anything for health makes matters worse. My health anxiety stemmed from that when sick for 12 weeks.
Do you look at things and freak out because everthing looks unreal.. do the light in your surroundings looks bright as hell and everthing looks unreal? if you do that is a panic attack..
Like its the wamp wamps i call it lol.. when that happens blow that shit off act like its nothing it goes away i felt like that earlier today i just blew it off and just did somthing that kept my mind busy i got on my phone and played candy crush.. i live at a motel and also manage it so when i start feeling bad i get up i do somthing anything i try mybest to snap my self out of it because if i dont i will just shut people out and i shut down stay to my self my panic attacks cause me to freak out so bad i wont talk to anyone
I know exactly what you mean. Its like looking at a high definition HD TV with that weird motion setting on that makes the motion look weird. I think the setting is to make the motion smoother or something. I used to have it on my other tv and I hated it. Now my vision looks like that sometimes. Also I think I have something called neuro ocular vestibular dysfunction. I have all the symptoms of it. Things like being in a store and walking down the isles, seeing ceiling fans, driving at night, driving in the day in the shadow of trees, all bother me, They call it see sick syndrome, but it seems like mine is intensified lately. It can be treated by doing eye excercises, but lately it seems like everything is getting more intense and it really affects my life. I cant handle driving at all anymore, or being in any buildings or stores because everything bothers me visually except for being in my own house where I control the lighting. Ive been wondering lately if its all anxiety because when I'm distracted things don't bother me, or if I'm drinking, which calms me down, nothing bothers me. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for about 25 years but I had control over it for the most part. My anxiety symptoms have changed so I don't know how to handle them. It used to be the basic stuff and it is just getting weirder, which is upsetting because I really don't know how to control it now.
does anyone know what im experiancing
i dont feel right
my eyes dont seem right
there not blurry there not sore or anything all i am experiancing is weird vision like my vision is enchanced and really intense
please can someone relate
im scared the eye doctor says my eyes are perfect buy why are they messing up then
I can relate anxietyprisioner5, Most people who have anxiety disorder experience this. It's annoying to say the least and unless you know what causes it, it can be down right scary. It is not harmful or dangerous. It is caused from the over tensed tight head muscles due to our fear. These muscles are also in the eyes and when tight cause a blurry intense sight. Sometimes just blinking or lightly swish you finger over the closed eye lid will help for a little while. But until you completely relax, it continues.
You will find it more prominent when driving or shopping because the stimulation of so much to take in makes us anxious and the muscles clamp down once again. The pupils can dilate causing that weird feeling in both eyes. It is a normal reaction to stress and that is why the eye doctor does not see anything wrong.
Hope this helps some in understand what anxiety can do to us.
I get the same thing don't worry lower stress levels slowly and everything will get better but be patient it takes time!!! 💗 Stay strong
so your vision gets weird and your eyes sometimes feel weird
Yes! Totally a normal symptom don't stress over it 👍🏻
Hi I'm new to this community and I feel the same! Do you mind sharing more about how your vision feels?
I have the same thing and it freaks me out I have random panic attacks I've had thing thing for a long time and I'm still not used to it and it doesn't help when I have it during school
Hi I think I know what your trying to explain, the weird vision sounds like you could have depersonalisation,derealisation if you look it up and see if this relates to your problem, I suffer with these conditions and it's hard to explain when you don't know what's going on, I hope this helps and makes sense to you take care
My eye issues are weird too. It feels like my pupils are expanding and everything is bright & like super real. Kind of looks cartoonish at times. I also have the black dots & im glad I stumbled upon this post because for such a long time I thought that was something serious. Well now I'm going to stop worrying about that. Also the gel in my eyes are broken from an accident years ago. I will constantly see floaters but my eye doctors say my eyes are fine. The pressure is fine and everything looks good.
Everything has been ruled out for you if it was something serious. You had an MRI which shows picture segments of your brain and everything came back fine. Your eye doctors said your fine too.
You are probably just experiencing anxiety. My eyes are constantly feeling weird. My right eye feels numb all the time & feels like its going to explode. I just keep telling myself I'm OK. I go to see a neurologist in october.
Hi How did u solve this problem?
hi was wondering if you ever resolved your problem? I just googled my issue and this come up. I am also getting refereed to a neurologist.
I know exactly what you mean. I have the same exact thing. I try to ignore it and ignoring it helps sometimes but O get a lot of headaches due to my vision issurs w Anxiety. It could be derealization but I got over my derealization and my vision is still konda weird. I hope you worked it out. Im currently recovering from severe anxiety so if you got over it then I have some hope for myself.
I’ve been dealing with this for almost 7 years!! Everyday is a struggle. Some days I forget it’s there, others it’s 247 non stop. I was diagnosed with extreme panic attacks an anxiety... but at times I don’t feel like it’s from that. My vision is completely off. Like everything is unreal at times, especially when it’s night time an the lights are bright. I feel like my vision is as if I’m “high”... an dream like. At times I feel like my brain is on fire when I really think about it, but of course after that i usually have a panic attack that I try to control. My doctor always looks at me like I have two heads when I try to explain to him the way I see things. It’s NOT normal. I try to remember what I use to feel like when I saw things way before this happened an everything felt “normal”. Now it doesn’t. At times I want to literarily rip my eyes out of my socket because I don’t feel normal with the way I see things. I’ve had eye exams, and I’ve been put on medication but I feel like it makes things so much worse. I just want to feel okay, so if you end up getting answers please keep me informed!
I’m sorry I couldn’t give you any, other than I know exactly what you’re going through.
What you just wrote perfectly describes how I feel. I have all this tension in my head too that fluctuates from bad to worse.
sometime i dream of sucidal dreams even i watch action movies rarely i had blurred vision i am taking seroxat 20mg i feel like i am burned from the inside everyday i feeling living on a edge and about to fall i keep wishing my health comes back like it was two years ago
Is it like a tunnel vision ? Like your out of your body ? Like your in a dream

I was wondering this too!
I've been battling an anxiety induced 'Tunnel Vision' for about 7 years now.
The word 'Derealisation' has been used alot in these symptoms.
When your feeling anxious and Adrenalin is pumping your eyes are effected but only as an anxiety reaction.
However , your eye lids also drop very slightly and brings your eye lashes into view of your eyes and as your on high alert it can look blurry.
When you get the foggy eye thing try to widen your eye and you’ll probably notice that once your eyelashes moved out the way you’ll have normal vision.
Do you get lightheaded with this??
Hi, I feel the same way.... but just the muscles down my eyes will feel tight, weird and heavy, it feels like it's very tired and my vision will slightly be affected. I went to my doctor and everything is fine. I still don't know what's the reason.
Yes me to I have the same issue I can’t explain it I stopped cipralex 2 years back and i went to gym everything was normal now , I have the same feeling after I got flu and infection and it’s not going away sometimes fast heart beats and can’t sleep well with cold in my feet’s , I’m planning to take the cipralex again
How about now and If u cured it tell me because It started with a headace for me 1 week later the headace was gone my vision still hasn't been the same it feels like I'm dreaming and my eyes gets blurry can u please help me
I really need help to
About a week ago I started getting weird dizzy spells so much like vertigo then after that my vision changed
It feels like I can see but can’t see it’s so hard to explain
Nothing is blurry but when I’m at a supermarket it seems like things aren’t clear and like my eyes are in a dream like state
I don’t know if my anxiety has caused all of this as I have high levels of anxiety and stress almost 24/7
Eye doctor said my eyes are healthy but that some of my vision needed to be corrected with glasses esp with phone use and tv but how did it all happen I’m so scared
Hi, I'm glad you had your eyes checked and everything is okay short of needing glasses
for phone use and tv. How did it all happen?? Our eyes change from time to time especially when using them on the phone, computer or tv. Eye strains happen with the
glare and blue light.
Having anxiety and stress 24/7 tightens those eye muscles giving you that feeling of
not exactly seeing that crisp and clear. (like a dreamlike state) Anxiety can also give
you a dizzyheaded feeling, spacey feeling or liteheaded. Usually vertigo comes from
an inner ear problem. But then again, know that there are tiny muscles down our
ear canal that tighten when we are stressed or fearful which in turn causes the balancing
mechanism in the inner ear to be off.
You should have your ears checked as you did your eyes if the vertigo continues.
There is nothing to be scared of but the negative thoughts that anxiety is giving you.
Try some breathing exercises when in the store making sure you exhale long and slow.
It will help with the extra adrenaline build up. Also make sure you are well hydrated. xx
Aw agora thank you so much for this information it made me feel so good (:
At the optometrist they even gave me an eye scan and saw the back and the insides of my eyes and said it’s healthy
I would like to add that about two months ago I experienced sudden shortness of breath which lasted up to a month and no doc could tell me why they all said it was anxiety related and no puffer worked for me I literally had to deal being breathless and suffocated in air till one morning I woke up feeling absolutely fine
Then I was good for about 3 weeks and now my vision has stuffed up because when I was getting those dizzy spells I kept thinking I have a bran Tumor and stressed myself bad about it. so could it be that from that stress it’s now playing up with my eyes and giving me more stresss ?
About a year ago I suddenly developed tinnitus in both ears and sensitivity to any form of sound which depressed me for the whole year very badly then the Tinnitus went away and I was left with the sensitivity which improved with time thank God but even nowadays it’s still there a little but I can cope and manage
But just this constant stress depression anxiety has been dragging on for the past year and now two years and I feel like I’m drowning
It just moves on to different body parts and makes me believe something is wrong and I can’t live right because of this
I so understand every word you are saying. This is how anxiety draws us into it's
web of lies. It moves around from one symptom to another until we are in one
continuous cycle of fear. Once we learn to realize that anxiety is nothing but a
lie and we accept it as such, the symptoms will go away. Just as it did with your
breathing. It wasn't a lung or heart issue, it was your over sensitized nervous system
and thoughts making you focus on this one particular issue. Once you got bored of
it, so did anxiety and it left and moved onto another symptom to taunt you with.
Don't fall for it's lies. A good book to read is Dr. Claire Weekes' book on
"Hope & Help for your Nerves" It fully explains how acceptance of anxiety
is the key in feeling better, ridding yourself of the symptoms and living your
life fully. xx
Thank you so much for all this useful information
I feel better talking to someone about it as I have no one to talk to about how I feel and whenever I mention even having to go to the doctor everyone’s like oh no not this again
No one truly understands anxiety unless they go through it too and I have to sit there and fake how I feel so no one critisizes me
But I will definitely look into this book thank you again xxx (:
Hopefully what I’m feeling now fades away too
Have had tinnitus on and off and trouble with dizziness too. Anxiety might worsen symptoms but there are other explanations such as cols sinuses, and inflammation of the tissues, ocular migraine and aural migraine. I had my symptoms diagnosed by an ENT specialist and had a sinus op and an op on my nose to open block airways. If I have painful ears, with inflammation, the tinnitus might flare up. I had ti so bad my blood pressure went up, and I fell out of bed as my balance went. This was due to an ear infection. Other causes might be due to drugs you are taking, as many have side effects. My dentist told me that dizziness can be due to seasonal changes with fungus spores which are worse at some times of the year. I also know that dizziness might be caused from too high fats in the diet. The liver enzymes cannot cope with the fat and cannot digest them. People with allergies, and food intolerances especially dairy can be affected by foods. You can ask your doctor for tests for dairy egg and grains which are common allergens which might be affecting you. Cutting them out can improves sinus and dizziness, and pressure in the ears and head.
If you have had any trouble with dizziness your optician can scan behind the eye to see if your circulation I affected. This is a non invasive test, with a computer which can give a photo scan of your circulation and brain. An optician may well be able to help you. If you have balance problem, you stand with legs apart, put your arms out in front of you and shut your eyes. if you start to sway or fall this means your ear and eyes might be affected. You can check your meds on drugs.com and their side effects and reactions to foods. You can look at your prescription leaflet for side effects too.
Hope you are better now.
I just found this post and all these comments I’m glad I’m not the only one I have anxiety depression and severe allergies but ever since I can remember even when I was little I get these weird vision episodes that can last minutes or all day I just feel dreamy my vision gets
Blurry and my head gets heavy I’ve had brain scan MRI and my eyes checked I have a small stigmitism in my right eye but they say everything else is normal can this weird vision be because of anxiety I always tell my partner I feel like I’m going blind somewhat like tunnel vision and it’s just really annoying and frustrating !!?????
I get this all the time I just haven’t been able to figure out what it is I think it could be an anxiety thing or depression I’m not sure though !

Hey cc2323
I think you’re having anxiety issues too
Anxiety can really make you feel things that are physical but in reality there’s nothing wrong with you
It’s a scary feeling.
I use to get this dream like vision thing happen to me also
If you’ve had everything checked then you are most likely fine (: blame it on the anxiety