My anxiety seems like it never takes a day off. Its like each day i have at least one or more symptoms. Anyone else like this?
Anxiety all the time?: My anxiety seems like... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety all the time?

I'm like that!
I have this or that symptom every day as well. Sometimes they're big, sometimes they're small, sometimes there's only one (usually disequilibrium), or sometimes there's a crappy cluster of them. Learning to keep on track even with symptoms is my current goal and practice. (Thank you Clarie Weekes.)
Thank you so much. Also ive heard a lot of this Claire weekes. Can you suggest some stuff by her?
Here's a freebie:
Her audiobooks are great. I also have her digital book HOPE AND HELP FOR YOUR NERVES. I was reading it again just last night.
Thank you!
Absolutely... let me know what you think of it!
Hi can we download this from UTude ? Thank you for sharing it's just what I needed to listen to today to remind myself to just accept bad days and do not fear them.
Yes the books by dr Weeks are the best!!!
Yea, everyday I wake up with a knot in my stomach scared of what the day ahead holds? I'm afraid to leave the house sometimes. Even going to the bank is stressful, I get my daughter to run errands for me sometimes.
No meds the help you a bit ?
I must but sometimes I whant the fight it off course than get worser
I am on meds, but believe it or not I'm better, I had pretty much stopped eating and was looking for a gun at one point. Before the meds, So this is an improvement
O dear
I don't know
Some taken anti depressant
But I can not
So not easy
But i know what you mean how worse it whas
What keeps you from medication? Cost? Side effects? Do not work?
No one's a doc gived me effexor and omg that had a bad reaction on me
I think this is still in my head
Oh no!!! So Sorry
That whas not ok
So found a psychiatrist
Told me only Xanax but don't feel good I mean ok huge attacks no sleep
Serogeul trying this nope also not really ok
Than he whant low doses sulpiride pfff really
I don't know anymore
So difficult
That bring me low
Get frustrated for a long time
Try the think different
But nope the anxiety follow me every where
O sorry
Have a say something wrong 😟sorry if I did
Just sad for you..
Well you know it's now for a long time like this
I cry also when nobody see it
Come on the street with a smile
Also I have huge anxiety crisis I have the do it alone
I have ask for help but here in my country I get the answer
Sorry too. Much people have it difficult
Also I thought maiby I give in
No one gone miss me
No! Never!!!! Someone would miss you!! And you are helping people here! People hear need to hereyour story.
My story
It's too much
My story is only things that people trow over me
I helped a lot
But they let me down because I whas too positive I worked hard
They boulied me
And more things
Day after day
So and more things
And than ye my anxiety disorder whent sudden so worse
No no it's very important that everyone here really reach for help
And not doing what I have the do
Because the health people in Belgium are not good
Well here also
But it's yes anxiety feeling
I hate it
But I cry it out
Because if I keep myself in or running away from the feeling get worser
Loud music
Cold whater in the face
Chock your body
It helps
But sometimes I in it the anxiety verry badly
Than I call a special line for help
Just talking
And help a bit too❤️
Me too! Every day something
And panic attacks every day
I hope you feel better soon
I read something that says that anxiety goes away when you accept it and let it be
😣 not easy but sounds like true 🤯
Yes I have been like that a lot lately. I told my doctor so she was telling me to put on some music that helps calms and doing some breathing exercises, she said while doing the breathing exercises to put one hand on my chest and on stomach
Hello Lindsey14
yes i hear ya. All of the time. its just a part of me. When its not there, i look for it. haha yep. like ok where are you and then peek a boo here i am. its almost like its not normal to not feel it.
I know I’ve mentioned this many times on this forum, but try sleep hypnosis. It has been life changing for me. There are lots of free ones on YouTube, but Thomas Hall Anxiety and Sleep Meditation is my favorite. For those of you who are against this type of thing due to religious beliefs, here’s my theory. God puts people on this planet with different with different gifts and talents. Some of those people can give us tools to help our problems. I say a prayer to God before I listen to the sleep hypnosis that it will help to cure my anxiety. After about a month of listening each night a shift happened in me. Now when I get an anxiety attack or panic attack I repeat the words from the hypnosis to myself and I am able to block out the anxiety mist of the time. The hypnosis helps to rewire your brain. It helps you to learn to stop thinking. Now when a stressful thought comes into my mind, I am able to switch and think of something else whereas before I would obsess on the anxiety. Try it, it’s free.
God gives us this tools so we can suffer it less god is great
Yes...every day...its ok we are suppose to have some anxiety but i am sure tired of the overload....
I am still having sometimes brain fog
I'm having one of those days today. I'm in fetal position barely able to focus on my kids. The more guilt I feel, the more anxious I become. I can't stop either one so I'm stuck in this vicious cycle. I'm so sick of feeling like this.
Yes mine sent me to er twice in one day they did blood work ekg and said ever Was fine. And sent me home. They know I have bad anxiety to but my hart rate is not up and bp is good but still feeling like I’m burning inside. Tired to