Hi I want to share my feeling that every single time I feel like my brain is in space or there is nothing inside my brain or in other words I am going to fall if I will not lay down and I just focus on everything near me to assure that it's moving or not...can someone help me as I have been to neurologist,ENT specialist but all in vein...
Lightheaded all the time: Hi I want to share... - Anxiety Support
Lightheaded all the time

Anxiety does influence the vestibular system. I deal with this often. When you're less nervous it will likely go away. I hope hearing that others deal with this exact issue helps to soothe you!
Thanks for your kind response do you take any medicine for anxiety?
I do. I'm using Zoloft and low doses of Ativan at the moment.
Do you find them effective?
The Zoloft has helped my intrusive thoughts when anxious and the Ativan definitely helps with acute anxiety (temporarily).
I do feel hush voice in my left ear too...
You might want to get your ears checked. Ear problems can cause disequilibrium.
We'll have been to enter specialist,he said nothing wrong with ears am so worried and sometimes I feel like I should suicide...
I've had those thoughts as well. If you genuinely feel a danger to yourself, go to a hospital and tell them.
Well doctors just tell me that nothing is wrong and am just anxious and get panic attacks
I understand the frustration. Look up the books by Dr. Claire Weekes - you can even listen to some of them on YouTube. They will help you.
You are such nice person to talk and share my feelings
Question, I have the same problem as the original poster, but even when I'm not nervous I'm still lightheaded. Been like this for a month and have had every blood test ran and they tell me I'm fine ): it started randomly one day and I havent been the same for a month. I dont understand
Hey Fractulz. Have you also had your ears checked? If so, and everything is in order there, it could still be anxiety. I had disequilibrium long before my anxiety issues became acute.
Me all day everyday.
I’m lightheaded/off balance/faint 24/7.
You are definitely not alone! X
Do you faint actually it feel like going to faint?
I’ve never fainted.but always feel like I will.its horrible!
I’ve been going through the same thing for the past couple of weeks now. I felt good the other day but it’s slightly back and I hate it. I call it the “on a boat” feeling. I wasn’t have anxiety prior to this, but now I do because of this - so I don’t chalk mine up to anxiety. I have an appointment with an ENT on the 14th but have a feeling it has to do with my neck.
Hang in there... I have the same issues off and on for months .. your not alone
I get like that if I do not wear my glasses and when I’m mentally overwhelmed. It’s called dissociation. Everybody experiences it differently but what your saying sounds very much like it . X
Suffered with similar symptoms for some time, hence my username haha. Something for you to look into is PPPD, I had been to loads of doctors and ENT specialists, all confirming that nothing is wrong with ears, dizziness unrelated etc.. until I met Mr Kumar at a Bupa private hospital in England, explained about PPPD (persistent postural perceptual dizziness)
Not got time to go into it atm but honestly it’s worth a look, so just thought I’d pop on and tell you. Good news is their are ways to reduce it and even resolve the issue completely.
Have a look on vestibular.org
Hi there - have your GP or naturopath check your B vitamins - B12, folate, as well as zinc, etc. Lightheadedness is a typical symptom of low vitamins. I eat a very healthy diet but have trouble absorbing vitamins.
We'll have you checked your vitamins and zinc levels and yes what's the test for that?
I see a naturopath re vitamin supplements- GPs usually haven’t a clue about what levels are needed - the go off the lab levels and they’re often set too low as they’re an average of the population. Ask for a comprehensive blood test - a good naturopath will know what you need by your symptoms, and if you haven’t had a test for a while. Dr Google can give you information about low B vitamins, zinc and the symptoms, but only view reputable sites.
I know exactly what you mean, I felt like this for a long time and still do occasionally (mostly at work or shopping malls), I always thought something serious was wrong and felt like I was constantly walking on a slope and about to pass out, but as soon as I found this forum and saw other people experiencing similar symptoms it immediately put my mind at some rest and I think that was my first steps to acceptance and recovery, hang in there and try to get out into nature as much as possible as well as eating nutritious meals
I feel the same way but when I think about something else I don’t feel it that much sometimes I don’t even feel it but mostly I do all the time haha
How do you get rid of this? Cause I go through that so much