Fright risk: Just watched a horror movie... - Anxiety Support

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Fright risk

Kevin160 profile image
8 Replies

Just watched a horror movie , not the best idea for having anxiety , my friends suggested it and i just wanted to feel normal ..had a couple startles ...and felt anxious the entire movie dr google is making me feel like i will have a heart attack from all the fright ...i litteraly wasnt afraid of the movie , i was startled a coupke times and overthinking took over the rest of my panic ;( im having jaw and neck pain ...headaches and a bit of a tight chest ..i know im fine but trying to calm but its a bit hard

I mean im 18 skinny and dont smoke ..why should i worry about my heart handling a startle ..

I mean at least im happy im not panicking alot but im definitely worried about it ..and i dont want to go to sleep because im worried that something might happen ..but im not going to make up scenarios because i dont want to panic ..

Im not trying to hold back the panic or resist it ..but i dont want to aggravate it

Blood pressure..pulse..all great ..i surprise myself when i see less worried i am as before...if this was a couple months ago i would probably be in some ER right now ordering tests and panicking over the slightest symptom ...

But really realizing the truth to things and allowing yourself to experience the anxiety without adding more to it by trying to stop it or over do it just laying down and allowing it to pass ...and i think im feeling better..

But i dont want to keep thinking about too many things like that its frustrating..and i always think about what my heart can handle .. ofcourse t can take large amounts of stress.. but what about sudden fright, shock, excitement ,

For example i understood anxiety and stress can take time to cause an affect on someone or they may not even be harmless..but what about these other factors...again I'm really just asking to know not because i want to control my anxiety

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8 Replies
Kkimm profile image

Hi Kevin

It will be fine for you to watch the occasional scary movie with friends and it will have done you no harm at all even if you had become terrified in the movie. None of this will have affected your heart in any way.

You sound as if you have a good understanding of anxiety generally and know how important it is to try not to Google symptoms, keep focussing on them etc but just need a bit of reassurance, which is fine. We all need that from time to time.

Get on and enjoy life, you are recovering well. It is probably better not to watch loads of horror movies mostly because it may get you worrying again but it will not cause your heart any damage.

Very best wishes to you and anyone else suffering from anxiety or depression.


Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Kkimm

Thank you so much, you are right its just the need for assurance...i try to convince myself but i just im not convinced by my own self and thoughts.. I'm in constant need to ask people who are experienced in things im going through..i realize it can be annoying but it helps . .i try to not google symptoms but sometimes it gets to me ..i slept well last night and its never about the movie .. i just tend to overthink things that are Soo unlikely ..even when im not that worried about it i cant seem to stop thinking about it sort of to feel safe by preparing ahead

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Kevin160

That's fine, I am happy to do reassurance whenever needed and do not find it at all annoying. I have been through it myself so I understand, as do all the others here in a way that it is hard for family and friends to do at times. Carry on trying not to focus on things, you are doing great.

Always feel free to message if it will help.


Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Kkimm

You are amazing thank you so means so much :)

Hey Kevin,

Unless you have any issues with your heart that a doctor would have found, the heart is one place where a lot of anxiety/panic action likes to manifest. For a lot of anxiety sufferers, they assume the worst because many of the symptoms are the same. Your heart and body are capable of handling a lot....the primary reason your heart even jump starts during anxious moments is because it's getting primed up to "fight or flight" either get ready for a boxing match with a lion or to run for the hills from said lion. During these times, your heart will beat faster and stronger to supply oxygen to your body for what it perceives as a threat. Think about how strong an organ/muscle it is that it beats 100,000 times a day...or 35 million times in a year. It can handle these things, so there's no need to worry.

You're young so it's highly unlikely. Just make sure to get your annual check-up so your doctor can take a listen and take your blood pressure. If you ever have any doubts, obviously visit a hospital, but what you are feeling when anxious is very common: rapid pulse, increased blood pressure, palpitations, chest's all on the anxiety symptoms list.

What I did for awhile when I was afraid of something similar to your situation was drive to an emergency urgent care clinic...I'd sit outside and practice some deep breathing/mindfulness. If the symptoms subsided (and they did), I had my answer. That's part of the difficult part of's extremely deceptive, but it's a mechanism we need and have needed or else humans wouldn't exist. You'll be okay and your heart should be good to go. Every now and then, and I'll do it here, I advise those who still can't believe they're healthy to go ahead and get tests done. Sometimes just knowing your health has a clean bill also helps. Best of luck and hope you're feeling more relaxed at this point. Take care!

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to

I mean i had checkups this year , and whenever i get the flu or have an infection and consider going to the doctor they measure my bp and pulse and temp and all vitals..i recently got blood tests and stool tests for a stomach thing that i had aware im physically healthy, young, skinny,dont smoke,exercise, my eating sometimes is unhealthy but i believe I'm physically healthy ..but googling is a problem for me and things i hear about and listen to tend to throw me off my its hard to convince yourself somethings when you are feeling otherwise ..i measured my bp and pulse they are low not panicking but i just overthink alot and keep thinking about stressful situations and the upcoming months of exams ..results days..any scares or thingw that might cause me to panic or feel stressed and i keep worrying what if ...but since im calm im feeling ok because im not trying to fight it .. I'm going to let it pass and try not to add any thoughts that will cause me to panic ...i read about things online ..and they scared me honestly without too much details some people who were affected by fright or something who probably were very old and had preexisting heart conditions which isnt the case for me but still scares me .. I don't trust my brain and worry it will kill me sometimes ..but i need to remind myself it doesn't control me like i used to think ...thank you so much for the advice and are very kind ;)

in reply to Kevin160

Hey Kevin,

Just wanted to follow up with you because I asked a nurse I know who works with cardiac issues. My question was this..."I try to help a lot of people with health anxiety and the primary concern we seem to get is....what's the difference between anxiety and a heart attack?"

The answer really is you can't tell. What you need to know is this, if you're ever in doubt, let someone know around you that you think it might be anxiety, but just to watch you if something happens and you can't calm down. If you're ever in doubt, go to a hospital. That said...I was told this...know your risk factors. There are calculators all over the web that will you your odds. Cholesterol, blood pressure, race, age, and family history. Going for well check-ups and staying on top of your health is also denting the odds of a heart attack because you are consistently getting vitals checked. The less risk, the less odds it's a heart attack. Having the information is great: tests, checking blood pressure, and having an EKG done at least once a year. Some good, cheap tools you can buy are the following: wrist or arm blood pressure cuff (portable) or a portable ECG/EKG machine. The latter is best given you're worried about disruptions in the sinus rhythm of your heart. It's about $50-$100. That all said, the device itself and any doctor will tell you: it is not a substitution for the real thing. But I've used my own device a few times with "stable" outcomes and just a high pulse (anxiety).

So, I just wanted to be clear to pass this one because I suffer from it and so many others do. Here's another for an ambulance, but don't let them pull away. Have them place the EKG on and see. Know your risk factors...drinking, smoking, diabetes, diet, sleep, blood pressure, age, family history, and cholesterol can all basically tell you. This was the best answer I've gotten and the consensus among most doctors is...if you have any doubt, just go get it checked out. And a little bit of good to finish this...if you ever decide to wait it out and the worst occurs, a heart attack is still reversible....even up to 50 minutes after it begins. She said the heart is capable of withstanding quite a bit if it's healthy (cholesterol and no known heart problems). I know all of this information isn't really 100% helpful, but I felt it was best to share than give you the "you're okay" stuff. You probably by all accounts are okay, but patient education is lacking and this is from a nurse who deals with heart attacks and stabilizing patients.

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, have no medical training....this is all just the opinion on heart health from a nurse based on the question I asked in regards to anxiety. Again, always seek medical attention if you have reasonable doubt. Had to toss this in so I don't get moderated for posting medical opinion.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to

No its really helpful thanks , for me im aware sometimes im fine , im 18 , healthy, skinny, no smoking, maybe passive smoking becayse my family smokes but in general i exercise quite a bit too paremts dont really want me to go to cardiologist or therapist because they dont see the need since im only 18 ..they dont gove me much support honestly so its always up to me and its very har dbecause most of my panic attacks, anxiety and triggers they dont know about and i tryto tell them but they dont really listen and dont care they dont know about panic disorder and GAD so meh ...

I have a bp monitor and pulse ...bp is always good even with some anxiety which is good , pulse too ..but my anxiety sometimes stays ..i get these scary thoughts and i just dont find myself being able to realize sometimes how irrational they are at the time ...but thank you for all the help ❤️❤️

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