Saw the cardiologist today went pretty well - Anxiety Support

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Saw the cardiologist today went pretty well

Johnnie1234 profile image
16 Replies

So i saw the cardiologist he checked me out he did a echo like lay me down to see my heart through a computer like a sonagram or something but to see my heart said everything is good he told me it just a bit of anxiety or i get scared of everything told me thats what it is because my heart is fine i dont have have any heart dieases or said its strong and healthy he looked at the other test from 5 months ago said that the thyriod test is fine the monitor that i had for 7 days was fine it was a bit fast certain times but he said my heart is fine its just a bit fast but it slow downs after a little while i describe what was happening he told me that he went through the same thing like me before he was a docter when he was young he said he swear he was dying because he would feel his pulse in his neck beating hard but he said it happens because my heart beats fast he was going to give me meds to calm it down but he said he doesnt want to do that because im only 20 years old he said you should just not think about it and calm down because in reality nothing is wrong with your heart so you should be happy he said also said enjoy life do what i like doing he said it seems like i have alot of fear of my heart he said i have to just get my mind off it he said if i have pain in my chest its muscular pain its nothing with my heart because he checked my heart he said come back in three weeks to do a stress echo just so i can see nothing is wrong with it thats just so he can double check after that he said dont wanna see you here in a long time about 5 months i said ok but its just annoying because i feel like in any moment im going to die with all these sympthoms and my heart racing like crazy and my pulse on my neck also he said probably happens when im at peace like home nobody is around or im just relax he said i said omg how do you know that and he said been through it johnnie dont worry at all because it does happens like when im home or alone or and if im out it hits me out of no where like a pain or racing so it makes me think about or like i panick i get nervous and it tries to take over me and something i wanted to ask aswell is this related to anxiety everytime im trying to fall asleep is like im nervous that makes me jump and i wake up plus i also start twiching my whole body like shaking i was with my girlfriend lastnight i was trying to go to sleep but i was twiching my body or head like i was on drugs or something my girlfriend daid why are you shaking or lets say twiching im like i dont know this always happens she was scared for me she said something has to be wrong is you are doing that and i said nothing is wrong and i left as that.

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Johnnie1234 profile image
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16 Replies
Lm92 profile image

Do you feel better now with that reassurance? I hope so. I'm so proud of you for going. Just remember what he said to you! I'm glad you found a doctor that has been in a similar situation. Take care!

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Lm92

yeah been was seeing him when all this started but last time he did alot of test today he checked my heart and did the echo and said my heart fine the only thing is i know he did test before but how about doing the test again because wouldnt something change over the course of 5 months or 4

Lm92 profile image
Lm92 in reply to Johnnie1234

My cardiologist says a good guideline for EKGs are once yearly, echos every 5 years unless new symptoms emerge, and other tests as needed when new or worsening symptoms happen. Remember he sees hundreds of patients with heart issues. He knows what to look for and how. Do you know how fortunate you are to have been able to get your echocardiogram done today without having to wait? I had to be on a waiting list for nearly a month to get my first one! You have to will your brain to believe in your doctor. He's a specialist. He has taken an oath to first do no harm. He wouldn't have sent you home or reassured you if he thought something dire we're going to happen.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Lm92

yeah your right i guess it is my nerves in my body just medsing with me

philly101 profile image

Now you just need to learn how to calm yourself down. I know its tough but you gotta learn how to concentrate your thoughts on something else. Once those thoughts are coming into your head, you need to immediately think of something else. Tell yourself that nothing is wrong with your body and you're fine.

Mrworrymaster profile image

Take your meds. Quit focusing on symptoms. Get professional help. Get off of this forum and stop living this hell. You're torturing yourself.

These are blunt truths. I apologize if they seem aggressive.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Johnnie, just read your post regarding your appointment with the cardiologist . It was very well written, so I know you completely heard every word he said to you. Now, the hard part. You have to believe what he said before the symptoms will stop. What I find reassuring is that your doctor also suffered from the same symptoms as you when he was your age. That would make me feel that he really understands what you are going through.

That twitching of your body and head is strictly caused from your nervous system. It is so over sensitized that any fear now makes your body start shaking..So when you stop worrying about your heart, the twitching will also disappear.

Apparently, the doctor doesn't want you on medication because of your age as well Johnnie because your heart is okay. You certainly don't need heart medication. A cardiologist is a sub specialty of medicine, meaning he had to put in even more years of schooling. He is well qualified. As for you feeling he might not have done the same tests he did 4/5 months ago, that's because you didn't need it. An Echo tells a lot about the heart that the doctor has no doubts that this is your anxiety causing the fast heart beats.

The stress test that he will be doing in 3 weeks is just another way of reassuring assuring YOU that your heart is the young and healthy heart of a 20year. He already knows that it is. Believe me.

There are a lot of people in this world who would trade with you in a second in getting a good clean bill of health regarding their heart. Maybe now is the time to read Dr. Claire Weekes book that we all talk about on the forum. It has helped many including myself. I 'm hoping it will help you get over your fears as well. Take care

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Agora1

I second Claire Weeks book. Helped me immensely.

For the record. I had all the same issues you had. I had and echocardiogram, heart ultra sound and nuclear stress test. On top of MRI, CT scans, X Rays, ER visits and bloodwork. I've been there.

It really hit me when I was surrounded by people who were actually sick. Elderly people who couldn't last for more than 30 seconds on the treadmill. Sick children on medicine and barely able to breathe. I saw what true sickness is. I felt ashamed.

True sickness doesn't have days where one just "feels" sick. Every moment is a struggle. There is no in between. Illness hits like a train. There isn't time to google the internet or hop on here for second guesses. Those people were are the mercy of thei health and doctors. It broke my heart.

Once I saw true illness. I knew I was only a spectator. Building up everything I my head because of my mental illness: anxiety.

Take your anti anxiety meds. Read Claire Weeks. Exercise. Eat right. Quit fighting your anxiety. Get off this website and focus on your mental health.

It's time to beat this man. You are the only one holding yourself back.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Mrworrymaster, you're absolutely correct. Just spend one day in the hospital as a spectator and you will walk out thanking your lucky stars for your life. I hope Johnnie heeds your words of advice. It could be worse.

Thanks for sharing x

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Yeah thanks man i will beat this some day

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

yeah i just wanna thank god its nothing really wrong with my heart but the speed that happens is the stuff that get me annoyed and feeling my pulse mostly beating every where like my back and the back of my head and my neck and throat its wierd feel like something wrong with my nervous system but thanks again agora1

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Just don't give up Johnnie. Everyday I hear of others like yourself who no longer feel symptoms and if and when they do feel one, they don't care or worry. This will be you one day. Hang in there..It's going to be your turn soon :)

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

thanks agora instead posting something right now i rather ask you right now i dont know i get a bit dizzy and feel my pulse beating right behind my head keep thinking somethig wrong with my brain or might have a stroke or something or have a nervous system disorder .

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Johnnie getting a bit dizzy is more from the anxiety. When anxious we tend to shallow breathe which causes that lightheaded feeling. Also dehydration can cause you to feel lightheaded as well.

Your chances of having a stroke at such a young age is nil. Your mind is challenging your doctor's education by trying to find a reason you feel the way you do. You really need to stop looking and prodding and searching for another answer besides anxiety. I really believe that somehow because this all started with your experience with weed, you feel your nervous system may have been compromised. The more I hear of others on the forum who have gotten their first anxiety attack after smoking proves that it happens to some and not to others. I think it might have been just one of those things that happens in life. I think you were predisposed to anxiety all your life and it just happen to choose a time that you had been smoking, to makes it's appearance.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

yeah your right agora1 i just need to relax and stop trying to find out whats wrong because everything is coming normal so i guess that weed just meesed with me and made me have severe anxiety everyday and it changed my life

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Johnnie1234

Nope. The way you process stress and internalize your symptom checking causes it. Anxiety causes it. You cause it.

Quit searching for any other reason for your issues other than yourself.

You have to accecpt anxiety and deal with it to beat it.

You're always looking for some reason. Stop.

Not what you're looking for?

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