i think i really do have some bad arrythmias none stop trying to beat fast also my pulse everyday im not even nervous when my heart beats fast my neck gets sort of tite and pressure on my head i feel like i have a heart rythm disorder need to figure this out because even when im sleeping i rool over and i could feel my heart that is bothering me so i have to lay up facing the cealing in order to jot feel the palptations is annoying injust dont want to die about this heart thing i keep thinking bad stuff about it like the cardiact arrest because i hear that arrythmias can lead to that im worrying i just need my heart to beat well again ugh.
heart related problems or just the anxiety ? - Anxiety Support
heart related problems or just the anxiety ?

I think if you have concerns about your heart then the best course of action would be to book an appointment with a Doctor. Often, I've found that my heart rate is faster than expected simply because I'm thinking about it which then causes anxiety which then further increases my heart rate. It's a vicious cycle.
i have one tommarow again and yeah probably is hat but i dont know for sure
Good to hear that you've got an appointment. Let us know how it goes.
i need some help right now im
really nervous like i checked my blood pressure and it was 137 and pulse 113 my heart keep beating fast is crazy
I think you're probably panicking which is causing your heart rate to increase. Try some deep breathing and try to focus on something else for at least one minute.
yeah im nervous for no reason
Johnnie, I get that way when seeing a doctor especially the cardiologist. Once I'm in the office and the doctor listens to my heart, all is well, all is calm. Go figure. Tomorrow, let the doctor know that you have these continuing symptoms which don't allow you to enjoy your life. Ask for some answers. Good Luck tomorrow and let us know what the results are when you get back. Meanwhile tonight, try to relax and do some deep breathing, your pulse will go down. You are not alone.
It's not good to check you're blood pressure when you're experiencing anxiety because it will only make it worse if you think it's higher than it should be. 137 on the top is not high. 140/90 is considered mild high blood pressure. When you're anxious or scared your body shoots adrenaline into your blood stream which temporarily raises your blood pressure. I have perfect blood pressure, but when I get scared or anxious it goes up temporarily. If you wait 10 minutes and relax it will go down. I had health anxiety about my blood pressure for years and it caused unnecessary anxiety. You have to learn to relax and let the anxiety and rapid pulse run its course and it will pass. You will be okay.
yeah its mostly my pulse always fast and heart rythm problems like arrythmia going really fast it gets my neck tite and head pressure at times its like i can be layingdown i wind up getting up and i feel this energy going up my body that gets my neck tite and wanna make my heart beats fast and forcefully right now i im at the cardiologist checking up.
look up sanjay gupta york cardiologist on youtube, he is fab and will totally put your mind to rest. worked for me