I am a senior who has battled anxiety most of my life. Lately many of our friends and family have passed away. I am beyond terrified of death and am now living ea day in FEAR. I have tried everything suggested to overcome my thoughts to no avail. When the fear hits I feel a smothering feeling of cold. I feel short of breath and terrified. My family is tired of hearing me talk about it but I cannot stop. I have to go out of town for a medical procedure in 3 days. Most would say it is nothing to fear, an epidural for pain from a damaged nerve. Has anyone ever been able to resume a normal life after having GAD and Panic Disorder? I wake in fear ea morning. This is not how I want to spend my last years. Am I the only one like this? Thank you for listening.
Looking for support from excess anxiety - Anxiety Support
Looking for support from excess anxiety
Hi. Sorry to learn that you are suffering.
I've travelled that same path, had the same symptoms you describe which are extremely common.
The good thing is, you can overcome anxiety.
I bought a book by Dr Claire Weekes which explained everything about my suffering. I followed her teachings, accepting all the fearful thoughts and feelings, instead of trying to get rid of them.
You mentioned that you've been struggling with it for a long time and I suspect that is why many sufferers stay trapped in the fear-adrenalin- fear cycle. It's their struggle that causes most of the symptoms to stick around instead of doing nothing about them and developing a genuine attitude of caring less them [being ok about not being ok], even when the symptoms are raging.
Best wishes!
Thank you for taking the time to reply I have the book you mentioned and read it twice but my mind is so strongly focused on death and fear that nothing helps me Yes I think its my daily struggle that causes this battle to linger, I pray nightly and hope one day God will ans, my prayers.
Although fears might be different, the 4 principles described by Dr Weekes apply to all. It took me and my very anxious brain time to relate to the contents of her book and I struggled with the concept of acceptance for a while. I remember feeling extremely anxious which spiked when i read about sufferers being convinced by their anxiety that theg didn't love their spouse. That resonated with me and my anxiety went through the roof! The feelings were so strong about not loving m bwife, I thought they must be true and sent spiralling into a tailspin. Those thoughts became very sticky, wouldnt leave me alone and I reached a point where I was scared to look at my wife!
The thoughts bothered me alot but through facing those fears and accepting all that came with that, those fears gradually dissipated and sank without trace.
What you are experiencing is no different to my fears. It is all created by anxiety and magnified tenfold. If you didn't have anxiety, those thoughts would not be laced with fear and hardly noticeable as they float through and able to let them go very easily.
Keep reading that book and learn to let go of those thoughts and feelings. Recovery will come to you.
I've posted alot information on this forum about how to overcome anxiety which you might find helpful. All based on my experience travelling along that road to recovery, accepting come what may.
Best wishes !