I don't know if this is an anxiety issue or not but for some reason my mind always dwells on negative thoughts! Its gotten to the point where NOTHING distracts me from it. Everytime I try to relax my mind keeps chattering and chattering and chattering! Does anyone have an idea on what to do about this? Thanks
Why do I dwell on thoughts?: I don't know if... - Anxiety Support
Why do I dwell on thoughts?

Hi Marc, sounds like you could benefit from talking therapies, instead of having it go round & round in your head you need to get it all out there & get reassuring feedback. In the meantime try writing your thoughts down, when you read it back to yourself you may find out the root cause of your problems.
You really need some kind of distraction. Have you spoken to your Dr about it all?
Hope you find a way to relax & get through all this
At one time I used to where a thick rubber band around my wrist. If I had a negative thought and started to dwell on it, I would literally snap the rubber band on my wrist. It hurt like hell, but after a short while I got in the habit of pushing those negatives aside and learned not to dwell on them. I know that may sound odd, but it did help me. Be well. PS. I only had to use the rubber band for a week or so.
It’s OCD when you get negative thoughts and they repeat like a broken record. It’s very common with generalized anxiety.
Ooooooh yaaaaaa. OCD does this all the time. I'm going to try the rubber band. I have found listening to a relaxing audio book or calming music helps. I do, however, have to choose to focus on what's being played.
My counselor advises "good brain hygiene." Especially in the evening. be very aware of what you're consuming for news and entertainment. So Much of it is negative. Feed your mind peaceful brain food. It helps! Best to you.
It sounds to me like you're depressed. Everyone had thoughts going around in their head but you seem to be on the downside negative wave. Some anti depressants might turn it from negative to positive and you won't find thought's so bad. Try magnesium glycinate if you don't want meds, it acts pretty fast and you'll soon see if it is that .
once i heard the term monkey brain. just like monkeys swing from one branch to another. your mind is going from one thought to another. sit your monkey down. i know its easier said than done but try to be aware of your thoughts. one at a time.