Hello. I've been living a with an anxiety disorder now for close to 2 years. Some days are worse than others, but unfortunately my anxiety is with me every day. I've tried therapy (unsuccessful) and i don't medicate. I don't demonize medication but it's not for me. I feel it's just a bandaid and can lead to dependency.
My anxiety stems from and event that took place in my life that lead me to experience a really bad panic attack. I thought i was having a heart attack and dying. This basically signed me up for the disorder i have today.
I was never able to get over what happened. The intensity of the experience. Given that i was always a natural over thinker/worrier which was the perfect combination for any person to develop anxiety. It went down hill for me from there.
I was a reck. Constantly on edge. Couldn't sleep, focus, or enjoy alone/relaxation time. I was in constant anticipation for the next major panic attack. And guess what? A second major attack is what exactly happened. Lasted 2 hours. Two hours of freaking out.
It was a done deal after that. Welcome Mr.anxiety into my life. Now it's been almost 3 years. I've made the hospitals very rich within this time. Though I've received many diagnoses deeming me a well and healthy individual. My anxiety doesn't allow for me to be.
I still experience chess pressure, panic attacks, and all the debilitating physical symptoms that accompany anxiety. Each passing day i feel like my anxiety is evolving. I've developed cardiophobia, health anxiety, some form of hypochondriac, fear of panic attacks, and the thought of thinking I'm going to die almost every day.
I manage myself. I eat right, meditate , work out and try to behave unanxiously. Sometimes i feel it's just not enough. I've even considered hypnotherapy, but am a still up on the fence about it.
I know my story is very long winded. I'm so lost sometimes and i find myself hating life. What can i do to feel better, be better and live better? I'm so very tired. Every day is a new day with this and unfortunately it never gets old.