So following last nights ‘episode’ I didn’t manage to sleep well at all! I’ve woke up this morning with the weirdest feeling, I feel all shaky, my eyes feel blurry and I just feel like I’m not with it! This is making my anxiety worse now... has anyone else woke up like this before after a panic attack the night before?!
Getting worse!! : So following last nights... - Anxiety Support
Getting worse!!

it seems that you are right in the middle of the "Anxiety Health Disorder", I too have multiple issues like yours, like yours a twinge or a pang sets off my anxieties, try to remember that your first post was nearly a month ago and you are still okay, Breath, take your time with everything that you do, be more deliberate and love what you are doing.
Thank you for your reply.
I thought I was getting better but it seems I’ve taken 1 step forward and 10 steps back! I’m so annoyed. Today I feel awful, I have weakness in my arm, I feel really dizzy and sick. I’ve literally convinced myself I’m going to have a stroke. Can anxiety do this? These symptoms literally feel real but I’ve felt like it all day. Surely to god if something was going to happen it would have happened by now? I need to talk to myself out of this and tell myself I am going to be OK.
Thanks for your support.
Hope you feel better soon. My morning has been filled with sensations produced by anxiety like you such as dizziness chest pains shortness of breath...but my day is getting easier as I tell myself it’s okay it’s just anxiety and trying to stay in the present moment. Also be easy on yourself. I don’t know about you, but I can get really frustrated and down on myself for having the anxiety but what we need is love and compassion. Best to you!!!
Hi Aimeeplant,
believe me the power of the mind can do anything, everything that you are saying is what I and many others have said to ourselves, try to be calm, nothing is going to happen, do you know I cut finger last week and spent the next 2 hours having an anxiety attack as I believed I was going to die of Septicemia, I mean "Seriously". Breath in to your stomach, exhale slowly through your mouth. Our brains are powerful, we just need to train it to accept the truth, that its all in the mind!!! Take care, take it easy!!
Its crazy isn’t it, once you convince yourself you get all sorts of symptoms. I think also my body is over tired as I haven’t been sleeping well. This is probably what’s causing me to feel so drained. Hopefully I get a much better sleep and will feel better tomorrow. Take care and thank you for your support.
Hi. Yes just from my experience of being in the loop of negative thoughts, the mind is powerful and when its powerful in a negative way you will have convinced yourself the most terrible things and it seems as if nothing can help. I know I go through this a lot. Its like wow if we can actually convince ourselves of the worse and it actually makes you feel bad mentally and physically, what if we give that same energy to positive thoughts? Could we actually make ourselves feel and believe and actually good positive things can happen if we think with our minds the same way we do when we are thinking the worst? Its so unbelievable and scary at the same time. But I am going through my rough times again too and find it so hard to get through it. Its as if I have never been through this before. Its like wow can we actually make ourselves sick and feel bad with anxiety? But, I wish us the best.
Wow, I literally couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t think my brain can take anymore negative thoughts today, since I woke up this morning I haven’t felt right at all, I felt dizzy, I was shaky and my left arm was weak, I was so convinced I was going to have a stroke and if I’m honest I still don’t feel right I think today and been one of the worst days with my anxiety it’s been terrible and i was doing so well. I made myself worse by googling symptoms and of course, the worst possible thing came up, Stoke! I just wish it would go away and never ever come back. Take care, I hope you get better soon x
Wow. I dont even wanna get started on Google and what it does to me. When i had that allergic reaction and i hit that google button I went from looking up allergies and reactions and wound up on cancers and infections and i lie to you not, immediately that day of googling my mind had not been right since. Even though im apparently ok for the most part but mentally i am a mess. And sad thing is Ive been through this before and know how that negative cycle can hit you so fast and your in tunnel vision and mind is everywhere but safe and secure. And just that quick after googling i had convinced myslef i had every viral, bacterial, cancerous whatever. And i cant even focus unless im actually doing something physically to take my mind off of anything. I woke up today feeling a little weak and also had diarrhea and now im scared and worried why my bm is runny. Went to the google button again and now im just a mess. Scared to eat cuz i dont know whats gonna happen. This is atrocious.
Dr Google is a very awful thing! I tell myself I will never google a symptom again and end up doing it all the time I get a new one!! I keep telling myself WHY?! But i can’t cope, I tell myself ‘this time it will actually tell you what’s wrong’ but In fact does the complete opposite! I’m praying to God I can sleep tonight because I feel so exhausted and I can’t concentrate properly - that’s how my thoughts spiralled out of control I thought omg I can’t think properly and my arm felt quite weak, so I googled it and that’s when it told me I was having a stroke. Today got so bad I was conceding going to the hospital but I’m too embarrassed by it all. I really don’t know what to do anymore I want this all to go away!! I wish I could make this go away and help people along the way. I hope you feel better soon and your anxiety gets better 🤞🏼
The same exact with me right now. I was contemplating going back to the er but just to disappointed and discouraged by it all. And quite frustrating to keep going through because just like you said, we try and tell ourselves dont google think positive and infact its like our mentals draw us to do the opposite as if our minds subconsciously want to draw to negative or to see whats wrong. Its vicious. I went to an clinic to other day to do a bloodwork and all again. I go back for my results ne r week. I told myslef i might need to go every 6 months or so to get cbc and blood panels drawn just to ease my mind a little to when this anxiety is back on me i can atleast have some reassurance that im not going through anything too serious. I keep thinking of death.
I have to admit it, I have had many anxiety attacks and yes I too was embarrassed when I went to the hospital those many times, but as usual after ECG, scan and bloods I was found to be healthy but of course they haven't found something and.. What do they know after all, they only have degrees, experience and vast amounts of knowledge, but still i know they are missing something because Google told me so!!! My heart goes out to you and of us alike...
I haven’t had any checks on my heart but I have had my bloods done twice and they came back perfect! My boyfriend keeps saying isn’t that enough to reassure you but the answer is always NO! the thing is as well I always think what is the doctor is wrong this time and there is defiantly something wrong but I need to learn how to stop it! Thanks for responding to my post. Take care
Don't Google. I once googled a spot on my skin. Kept searching images until I found the most lethal cancer ever. Couldn't eat and lost 5lb in a week.Got an appointment to see specialist and it was a totally harmless senile wart. I am much better now and try to avoid Google. Except today and yesterday after buying a Fitbit and worrying about my fluctuating heart rate.
Hi icanbeatthis 2016
And you can beat this!!! I can beat this we all can. Diarrhea another symptom of anxiety and stress. Had an attack whilst at the cinema Saturday night, bum not so good later that evening, stress, stress oh what a mess, mess. Happy thoughts, happy days are for all of us and soon we will be enjoying our lives again!!
Yes its like i was ok bm wise the past few days and then boom this morning it came and now im worries and thinking im sick with something. My mentals have been all over the place the last few weeks for sure. Constipated one week, then soft bm the next, then this morning runny. And just cant focus unless im actually doing something. And google is the enemy but yet we almost cant help but turn to it for some reason. Thanks for your response.
I suffer with health anxiety. Several years ago I experienced symptoms just like yours. I woke with a pain in my chest and convinced myself I was having a heart attack. For weeks afterwards I suffered palpitations, light headedness, tingling and numbness in face and hands. All classic signs of anxiety and panic attacks. Now when I feel an attack beginning I breath visualising drawing the breath in through my toes and up into my chest and exhale in the opposite direction. I had ECGs and saw a cardiologist. Heart fine . Hioe you feel better soon.
I suffer similar physical symptoms and it is scary! I repeat my mantra “I am healthy, I am Safe” and do my breathing exercises. On high anxiety days I feel sluggish and sick and I just tell myself that I am okay. It doesn’t stop the anxiety but I try very hard to stop the negative thought loop. We do our best. Take care of yourself and research some coping mechanisms. I know you are scared but physically you are okay. Don’t know if that helps but sometimes it helps me to hear it from another person.
You are absolutely correct Cmaplmap in the help that we can get by using positive mantras. I find that hearing it from another person (I use YouTube Affirmations) can refocus our fears by allowing us to relax as we sit back and absorb what's being told to us.
thanks for sharing how important positivity is. You are Safe. Breathe xx
Hi Aimeeplant,
Oh my goodness!!!, I too like many of us suffer googleiteis, and like you and all of us we are all having a stroke, dying of cancer, have a Brain tumour and many others, I did stumble upon a website that might help, has many anicdotes, radio interviews and other assistance anxiety
Power to us, we will all get better, it's a blip on the life we lead....