soo i just got home and out of no where felt like my heart was gonna stop or stop was trying stop it made me cough and jump i got so scared i thought i was gonna drop dead just now all i know it had to be something to deal with the heart or the thyriod i do not know but it made me cough and felt like it was go stop function my body something has to be wrong it made me panick now im scared if it comes back.
Omg ... this is crazy: soo i just got home... - Anxiety Support
Omg ... this is crazy

Calm down jonhnnie1234 you know you heart is strong and healthy as your cardiologist told you so a few days ago.remember it could be your thyroid right ?so take a few deep breathes and keep telling yourself my heart is strong and its my anxiety and try to ingnore what your heart is will be fine keep telling yourself this and you will calm down.
Johnnie do you see how anxiety works in filling out minds with fear? Because we are able to step back and read your messages, it's easier for us to see a pattern that has formed regarding your health issues. I'm not putting you down because my mind works the same.
When the doctor had mentioned an arrhythmia while back you tended to focus on that. Now since he brought up possible thyroid issue, your concerns are that it may be causing your weird sensations in your heart. I have neither one of those issues and yet there was a time when I would get irregular heart beats, skips, palps and then I would cough or my body would jerk forward. It was anxiety the whole time, but I didn't see it for that. I hope this can bring your fears down some. Accepting that it's anxiety and nothing more serious can really make a big difference with your symptoms. What is next on the agenda with your doctor? Feel better.
I get those a lot ! It’s scary but I just cough and it goes away for the moment . It happens a few times a month but I have pvcs and pacs everyday . It’s annoying and scary but it’s done happened so many times I know that I’m going to be ok when it happens .
Johnnie, you know your anxiety is a sneaky devil and is messing with you. Take some breaths and remember you have a good strong heart, all the doctors have told you that, ok?
We've all been there i think. Best thing to do is breathe and relax. It's hard we know but this anxiety and stress.
I get this it's called ectopic beats have a look on YouTube at Sanjay Gupta he goes into detail about the connection of these pvcs with anxiety and might provide some reassurance as I know how horrible they feel but they won't harm you
it feels like it would harm me its a crazy feeling .
I know it is really horrible
I get this all the time. It's absolutely horrible and feels horrible and as if you're about to die but you're not. It's honestly just your anxiety that's playing with you. Any other person who didn't suffer from anxiety wouldn't even take notice of their heart doing that weird stopping beat. But because we suffer from anxiety we think into it a lot more