so i woke up with the same thing that was happening to me other night its like my heart is having a spasm or strong pump then beat regular but a bit fast i dont know its because i focus on it and its gets me worried but it make me jump my heart and cough right after i also get muscle spasms every where different parts of my body i dont know if its that happening to my heart or is the rythm its just worried me because i be thinking my heart it just gonna stop i do not have no pains in my chest or anything its just that any Suggestion?
Good Morning everyone ...: so i woke up with... - Anxiety Support
Good Morning everyone ...

Johnnie, my suggestion is to set up an appointment with your doctor. Not that it is an emergency but the fact that it keeps going on and is taking away from the quality of your life. You may need to be on something just for a while to settle things down. Think about it please.
what do you think it might be a heart issue ?
I'm not a doctor, but I've been following your posts long enough to know
if it were anything serious, it would have shown up by now. The thing is Johnnie
you are spending a good amount of quality time on worrying. It shouldn't be like
that at your young age. I don't believe in pills being magic, but sometimes we
need to reach out for a little help that will take that feeling you sense, away.
It's okay to reach out for help,but you have to follow through with what the doctor
gives you or advises you to do.
How long has it been now since this all happened because of the weed? That
answer alone should make you want to get some relief. You know I care and it
hurts seeing you suffer needlessly when there may be an answer for you.
yeahh how do they know if something wrong because everytime they do ekgs they say its fine it just a lik fast not to much
Your doctor is the best judge of that as well as doing the EKG, he can also tell by listening to your heart. If anything you may need talking therapy. You need something to break that fear cycle that is prompting the irregular beats. I think you were given something at one time for anxiety. Have you ever tried the medication?
at this point i have no medication for anxiety at all
Then maybe your doctor may give you a prescription for something that will calm your fears and reduce the fast or irregular beats. If not that, then therapy to convince you it is an anxiety issue and not your heart.
i think its like nerves spasms happening my heart that makes me jump and cough that it moves different part of my body because i feel time to time
I have premature contractions. It is normal all by itself. Do you drink coffee or caffeine? That can cause it. Mine is caused by anxiety, caffeine etc. Fast rates can also be from the same thing. It’s almost like a hiccup to your heart. That does not mean you have heart disease. It can be caused by a number of non serious causes. However, if you have never discussed this with your doctor or been checked for it you may want to get it checked out. If you are okay otherwise then non emergently. Again as we are waking up or falling asleep we are much less able to be able to control our emotions. Even like bad colds etc. you will always feel worse at night or as you wake up. Keep in touch. I have the same symptoms on a daily almost. Anxiety. Although I’ve been admitted twice for a full cardiac workup. Primarily due to age and family history with my symptoms. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. It took me a long time to learn to live with it and not stress over it. I wish you well!
yeah i have about 7 months ago or a year ago but they said everything was fine did everything to make sure is fine they said my heart is healthy and strong just a little bit arrythmia like fast but not worry but can things change over 7 months or a year almost ? plus im only 21
I think you are just anxious. Obviously people have heart attacks etc all the time but with testing you will usually see the buildup of plaque in your arteries prior. This is usually comes over time. Although there are blood clots that can be fast. Those however would not cause what you are feeling. You have age on your side with a good history. I feel like it is anxiety. You however know your body. I would definitely let your doctor know any new symptoms you come across. Your are quite normal. I’m much older and I have it daily and my heart is fine. It would not hurt to get a check up even if just for peace of mind. I think you will find it’s anxiety but being safe is never a bad thing.
yeah just dont believe its anxiety when its hapeening
Have you worn a holster Monitor? I get palpitations unrelated to anxiety. When I breath in too hard, stretch, bloat, when I’m sick, and lay on my left side. It’s a vagal nerve stimulation.
yeah i have 7 months ago or a year ago he said its fine my is good just a little fast but nothing bad i had for 5 days aswell the heart monitor but i dont knoe sense it was that long ago might need to do it again or something can change by that time?
Things that help me... sleep, water, magnesium. Is it fast? Or completely irregular? Or is it a thud here and there?
thud here and there and fast for some reason is crazy though because i always take my blood pressure and its always low but it says my pulse is always a bit high and fast