Yeah wassup guys soo i was layingdown in bed texting i was feeling alright this is not aniety i dont think so at all something is really wrong with my heart so im layed back and texting like i said and i felt like my heart was about to stop right now and its beating hard but felt like it was trying its best to beat like forcing to beat i havent got no pain at all in my chest but like a feeling i was going to choke and made me jump so fast up in order to try to get my house to call 911 its crazy my heart right now is beating wierd its like a jumpy feeling but my heart having trouble to beat like its beating hard but but slow trying its best to beat i dont but i felt it and my throat like i was gonna die its wierd and hard to explain but i was gonna die im still feeling the way my heart beating i dont know something is probably wrong with my heart guys omg please help
Something is wrong !!!: Yeah wassup guys soo... - Anxiety Support
Something is wrong !!!

Maybe you should go back and read all your post because maybe that will give you some reassuring that this is anxiety since you been posting the same symptoms and almost the same scenarios since you joined the site. If you don't take the medication the doctor gave you then you are not going to get better. Lots of people here have anxiety problems and get weird pounding heart and so on.
yeah but i hate meds plus its not bad how it use to be its just annoying and sometimes making me really worried
Maybe try some deep breathing and/or guided meditations. Palpitations are horrible and make you worry more and anxiety levels rise. Playing some music to occupy your mind? Find something that works for you so that you don't think about it too intensely when it happens. I used to think of butterflies (weirdly enough it worked to soothe me).
My heart was doing this same thing and I just went to the doctor today, received an EKG and they told me it was normal and that it's only anxiety. I think yours is too.
Ive been exactly through this. I just was playing video games....Outta No Where that feeling in your heart hits. You are clearly way too aware of your heart because you started thinking something was wrong. What seals the deal is that feeling like you're choking. Anxiety will make you feel that way especially since you instantly started thinking something was seriously wrong. Was there a feeling like a lump or something in your throat? Coming from an Anxious soul...I suffer with your issue multiple times a week. I am a hypochondriac. You may also be one 😀 but dont sweat this issue so much. I genuinely give you my word that it is anxiety
If it's truly that bad and you feel like your body is struggling to stay alive, then go to the ER so they can check you out.
Hi Johnnie,
You're not having a panic attack or heart attack, you sometimes have what I call an "anxiety hour" concerning your health anxiety. Kind of like that term, because I have had an "anxiety hour" a number of times....but my heart doesn't play along so I don't feel it doing anything.
So, you won't take your meds. And so you're going to continue to have these "anxiety hours,", I'm afraid.
Take as could care of yourself as possible, ok?

hopefully nothing is wrong with my heart im worried i dont want to find out later on something happen because of it
Think you can stop worrying about your heart, ok? Your doctors have check that out. I'm more concerned about your frantic anxiety attacks because you won't take your meds.

yeah but why my heart still is this way for a long time already everyday mostly and none stop alot of bunch of sympthoms its crazy
I'm not going to let you pull me into a discussion about your heart. I know nothing about hearts, except mine gets sad for you when you have these anxiety attacks.
Its anxiety Johnny , yur heart is fine! Take yor meds.