I honestly feel done with my life now...I cant bear my condition Aspergers Syndrome having this horrible rigid brain and the more stressed I become the worse my traits become and I have tried for so long to care for my Autistic son too...no help at all..its like I have to be Wonderwoman and I'm so chronically exhausted its unbearable...and I have daily morning panic attacks that I cant control probably due to my stupid obsessive brain....ive had 3 different infections in 6 months due to the chronic stress....I have helped everyone around me for years and when I'm broken down...they never come near to support me...Cant go on like this...
Cant stop crying...I really want to not wa... - Anxiety Support
Cant stop crying...I really want to not waken up tomorrow!!!!

That's really sad. Could you join a carers link. Where I'm from carers are able to get together and have individual time with the service too to talk to others in the same boat. Your local gp could tell you more I'm sure. It sounds like you need to tell your GP all about it. Maybe it's time you had some help from others if your close friends/family are not returning the kindness you have given them. Don't suffer alone ask for help. Talk away on here someo b e is always listening. Good luck.
The real trouble is that GP has only 10 mins to say hello, listen to a brief outline of your problem and look at his watch to remind you that your time is up.......a male doctor I have found is less likely to want to listen or empathise....I'm trying to change my e fir a woman who will understand about abuse and its psychological impact.
Hey...Thank u for your reply I ended up being taken into Psych ward come home yesterday...it gave me a bit of a rest if nothing else!!!!!! lots of noise played havoc with my sensory issues though...I have been given access to Community Psych Nurse ...I have an appointment tomorrow...they said I'm totally exhausted that's how I feel..like theres nothing left...I have been given a small amount of Valium to help me sleep
Really nice to know there are people like u on here to chat too...means a lot...
Please speak to somebody about your feelings. Try Womensaid, they would advise you and maybe give you a support worker:08082000247
Your GP should really be doing something for you, you could look up the Anxiety helpline and ring them.....you NEED TO DO THIS.
You must be feeling SO HELPLESS right now, I am worried for you.
My friend has a child with Aspergers and 2 with ADHD.....as you yourself have Asoergers it is a double whammy.....PLEASE get help....post on this site that you have...........we shall all be concerned for you....
Do you have family support ?
A partner?
Hey Maribee....I appreciate your help I have been in hospital and they have given me a CPN I now have an appointment this Friday....I hope it helps....Yes having Aspergers myself has made things so difficult....I really was feeling suicidal and completely helpless as its an overwhelming situation...My family are very dysfunctional and I cant rely on any of them..they are only interested in helping themselves....not one of them visited me in hospital...I had to rely on my Autistic son and I'm his carer....I am hoping the CPN can help in some way...Thank u for being there...
If you can afford it I'd go see a nutritionist who can do a comprehensive parisotolology stool test. You may have bad bacteria causing the stress on your immune system.