Hi all I suffer with general anxiety, social anxiety and my therapist is still deciding weather I have health anxiety or a form of OCD.
Dealing with anxiety is hard as I'm sure you all know and breast cancer is a big worry of mine after having a scare 2 years ago. I hate worrying about my health and I'm terrified of death but over the past 8 months it's not just my health and possible demise it's transfered so I'm worried over my husbands and children's health.
My eldest daughter has suffered with tonsillitis her whole life and of course like every other mum I worry a little when her temp spikes but the last time she had it I couldn't stop worrying about her throat closing over and kept asking how I could go on if she wasn't here. My youngest son has issues with his bowels and every so often gets bad tummy pains, even though I know it's through his bowel issues (as confirmed by the doctor) I worry about it being a tumour then my baby girl was scratched by a cat and a couple of weeks later got 2 little bumps under her armpit (lymphnodes) the docs assured us it's nothing to worry about and can take a long time for them to go away if they ever do but I can't stop googling! And all Google seems to come up with is lymphoma I worry myself sick I can't sleep and I cry so much. My baby girl is in perfect health these lil bumps don't bother her at all they don't hurt theyre soft and moveable and slightly smaller then a pea. Apparently childrens nodes are normal up to the size of a pea so why won't my brain let me stop worrying?!
I would rather be plagued by worry over myself then over my children, I just want these thoughts to stop :'-( please has anyone got any tips or ideas on how to shun these thoughts. I can't take them no more they're so upsetting