i just want to give up...: It's so hard to... - Anxiety Support

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i just want to give up...

17 Replies

It's so hard to keep fighting when your body feels like it's already given up.

I constantly feel weak, tired, lightheaded, dizzy, sick- all around uncomfortable. I have to force a smile for the sake of others because they don't understand while on the inside I'm freaking out. It's so hard watching other people live their lives the way I should but I have this invisible sickness that's holding me back!!

Having one of those nights where I just feel miserable and so tired of fighting myself...I feel like my fiancé is going to regret marrying me because he doesn't understand what I'm going through. He tries to be kind and listen to me when I need to vent but it hurts him to hear how much pain I am in all the time and he's not able to do anything....I'm tired. 🙁

17 Replies
desi04 profile image

yes i kno and the sick feeling daily i get that too along with nausea and headaches with faith tip over feeling

in reply to desi04

Yes! I'm constantly light headed and feel like I have pressure or a headache. I'm so tired of this

Miaaa17 profile image
Miaaa17 in reply to

I know what you mean, it's not even living, it's just a nightmare, keep telling yourself there's no point worrying and just try your best making yourself stop, I did this s couple of days ago and I noticed a massive difference, I had less headaches I was able to speak up, it felt good!

desi04 profile image

do you take meds?

in reply to desi04

I don't. I have recently been thinking about it because I don't want to feel this way. Do you take anything?

desi04 profile image

yes i do im on hydroxzine works most part

in reply to desi04

You're lucky you found something that works for you!

AnxiousSince1998 profile image

Sorry to hear. I think most of us here know these feelings all too well. I'm sure your fella will help you anyway he can, never feel too ashamed to ask, and it may even make you feel better too. This has probably been my worst year over the 18 years that I've had anxiety, and it's been great to see who my true friends are.

Anxious2befree profile image

I had lightheadedness constantly like I was going to pass out, feeling so sick it was painful and vomiting everyday but now I take Acimax and the nausea has completely gone, no more vomiting and lightheadedness comes and goes when I'm stressed. Talk to your doctor you may have excess acid in your stomach as it always gets confused with anxiety. Goodluck x

I go though a lot of the same things. Feeling lightheaded is what gets me. I pray for your peace

Blondiful profile image

Hi anxiousgirl,I'm new on this, u have described how I feel everyday, I get so tired and drained feeling like this everyday, On the days I work and I smile my way through the day, but all the time feeling dizzy and not all there, I take natural remedies they help a little, I talk to one girl in work when it gets really bad, it's so scary. I wish I could go back to the person I was before this, my partner knows And try's to understand but he works so hard I don't want to put it all on him when he comes home, but I do have a sister I vent too, which helps for a little bit. I'm hoping if we keep talking it out we will realise we can get past this, please God.

in reply to Blondiful

I don't talk to anyone about my anxiety because I'm really ashamed of it- when I do tell my parents about it they think "stress" when I say anxiety, so they just say meaningless things like "just let it go" or "go for a walk and stop thinking", but they don't understand that my anxiety has become like an awful habit and my brain just sets it off whenever it pleases. No one gets that anxiety is not just a mental thing but a physical thing too. It's hard for me to believe that my mind is causing all this sickness, but it's the only explanation since from a doctors stand point I am 100% healthy. I miss my old self and going ok road trips and eating different foods and just having fun! Now it's just constant worry...I hope we find a natural solution. I've tried medication but there are just too many side effects

in reply to

Have you tried EMDR?

Look for a psychologist that specializes in trauma and ask them about that and CBT

in reply to

I feel like this is me talking .. how are you feeling?

Blondiful profile image

Well I get told the same go for a walk and don't think about it. I just agree as I guess they are hoping that will work. I just struggle day to day myself and tell myself it's just my anxiety and try to not let it drag me down. I don't want to get out of bed some mornings because I no what I'll have to face, constant heaving not being able to stomach food, but knowing I need to eat something incase I faint. Then fighting the dizzy/spacey feeling and trying to act like im not feeling shooting pains through my head or my nose is too blocked to breath through. Seems a different symptom everyday but equally as scary. I'm the same miss the holidays I took so carefree back then. We will get back there take it a day at a time.

1994smilelove profile image

I know how you feel,im the same way.i was taking celexa and clonzapam.it was a life saver for me.but i had to quit the celexa bc im pregnant again and i can tell a difference.are you considering talking to your doctor about medicine?i think it may help you out alot.i know it did me.i hope you get to feeling better!and remember you are not alone!

I feel the same at times. Good for you that you can open up these kind of things to your fiancee. Im just slowly opening up to my bf little by little. Also, try taking Supplements for Stress coz it might help you. I take Hum Big Chill. Its a supplement so its not like an antidepressant type of drug.

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