Head pressure/fuzziness : Hi i started taken... - Anxiety Support

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Head pressure/fuzziness

29 Replies

Hi i started taken panic attacks 6 months ago head pressure/fuzziness ive been on fluoxetine 20 4 weeks now both panic attacks/head pressure wen away i felt great til 3 days ago the head pressure/fuzziness feeling its hard to explain has came back! Has anyone else had this or is goin thru it? Thanks

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29 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Lisa36, I believe most of us get head pressure/fuzziness from time to time. When I first started with anxiety, I had it every day. If comes from the muscles in our neck, shoulders, face being extremely tense. When the muscles are that tight it doesn't allow for the lymphatic fluids to drain from the head, causing that head pressure and lightheadedness. In conjunction with that is the fact that most of us are dehydrated. Our muscles need water to function properly. Sometimes just drinking more water each day can avoid that feeling.

Using heat packs on the back of the neck and shoulders can help relax the muscles and reduce the pressure throughout the head. Using relaxation and deep breathing helps with reducing stress. It is a very common symptom of anxiety which can be reversed if we address it on a daily basis before it gets too bad.

in reply to Agora1

Hi thanks for the reply. I dont feel tense at all round my neck or shoulders just this pressure lyk sumone is pulling at my brain its awful i cant cope with it :( was at docs today & they put me on 40 prozac a day im hopeing this helps. Wen did ur head pressure start goin away?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Lisa36, the pressure went away once I starting doing daily relaxation, deep breathing and drinking more water. For me, I need to meditate Morning, afternoon and evenings. The Prozac should help you but you need to do some things on your own while on the medication in working with it. Good Luck. xx

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in reply to Agora1

Thank you i will defo change my ways/diets xx

in reply to Agora1

Hi again how long did it take for yours 2 go away?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Lisa36, at least several years. It was during the height of my anxiety and agoraphobia. I was put on Lexapro that seemed to help me with the numerous tension headaches I was getting as well.

Learning to reduce stress was the factor that helped most. xx

in reply to Agora1

Really that long :( i feel lyk thers a tight band around my forehead its awful thank you for replying xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Lisa, the tight band around your forehead feeling is a classic example of anxiety. The symptoms may be the same for all of us, the difference is in how we respond to ridding ourselves of the feeling and the length of time it takes.

Read all comments including mine with an open mind. xx

in reply to Agora1

I will do thank you. I wen a we walk 2 nyt on my own it helped abit & plenty of water deep breaths il keep that up & c how i get on xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Good for you Lisa, it's not that you are alone with this feeling. You can always look to the forum or PM me. I'd be happy to talk with you. xx

in reply to Agora1

Awk thank you i was looking for ur posts 2 read do i go on ur page? Xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Yes Lisa, that would work. :) x

in reply to Agora1

Hi agora the head pressure in my head frm the smorning isnt 2 bad i can cope with it 2 day yesterday was awful. I only started taken the other 20 fluoxcine yesterday at 4 do u think they have kicked in already or do u think it was going away on its own? Thanks x

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It just feels like a real bad headache

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Lisa, any SSRI usually takes about 4-6 weeks to reach full efficacy. However, some start feeling the effects in a couple weeks. You may be responding to the medication now that it's been 4 weeks. The headache could be a tension headache or the results of the med taking effect.

Mention it to your doctor if the headaches continue, he can tell you if you can take an over the counter pain reliever. But I'm glad the head pressure feeling isn't as bad. xx

in reply to Agora1

C i was thinking that i was speaking with doc 2day she said its anxity ive 2 go bk 2 her next thursday as ive 2 go walking everyday for half hr she thinks this will help the head pressure xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Yes, exercise will help bring down your stress level as well as up the Endorphin levels (the good feeling chemical in your brain)

A 'hug' is always a quick remedy even for a moment. :) x

in reply to Agora1

Thank you xx

in reply to Agora1

Do u think i should cut out the other 20 of fluoxcine seein ive only been on them 2 days the day an the head pressure seems like its goin away. The doc didnt really wana giv me the other 20 xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Don't alter your medication without your doctor's approval. You are just starting to feel better from the med. It's always your doctor's call re: medication. xx

in reply to Agora1

I no but she thought i was taken the other 20 to soon she didnt wana giv me them. She wanted me 2 go a walk for half hr every nyt with out it an c her again in a week! So i was thinking its only been 2 days should i just stop them an carry on with just the 20 & c how i go xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Lisa, I can't make that decision for you. Even just 2 days being on it can give you a negative kick back if you stop. I don't want you to slide back. If you don't call the doctor then that choice needs to be yours.x Sorry

in reply to Agora1

Ok il c how i get on in the morning xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

:) xx

in reply to Agora1

Hi the head pressure has near gone. I just took the 20 fluoxcine but just 2nyt my hearts racein abit :/ tho im not worrying over it x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Lisa36, That's the kind of news I like to hear. Keep going forward in feeling better. I'm happy for you. xx

in reply to Agora1

Wwk thank you xx

autumnthebrat2 profile image

definitely had that when I was on Prozac, but I had weird sensations prior to any meds. I was taking care of my dad who was terminal and my 4 year old. I was in and out of emergency rooms for my dad and also my child. I had a few bouts of double vision and also had weird head pressure in my ears. If I sniffed in hard, my ears would seem to clog and if I opened my mouth wide my jaw would snap. I had an mri of my head and several tests and doc said stress and anxiety. I didn't believe him because I had panic and anxiety since a kid, but this seemed different. This was back in 2014. I still get serious neck tension and tension in my ears and am on no meds, but thinking of trying Zoloft, which I tried for a short time years ago.

in reply to autumnthebrat2

Thanks for the reply & sorry to here bout ur dad. Yes ive had this pressure b4 i took prozac thats 1 of the reasons im on them. They did take it away for a month. I was at docs today an he put me up2 40 a day i hope & pray it goes away for good as i cant take memore of this!

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