Especially if you're on medication? Which in my case is sertraline 50mg.
So Happy Holidays everyone! My holiday has been fairly decent but frustrating at the same time. First of all I had to catch a cold at this time which is already bad luck enough but not only does it make my anxiety worse it also doesn't help that I drank a lot this holiday. I drank more than 7 bottles each night which started the day before Xmas Eve. Ever since then not only have I been anxious but also depressed. I can't go one step without feeling my life is going to end at any minute and it's nothing but a nightmare. Yesterday was especially overwhelming. When so many people showed up giving us so many gifts I panicked and was worried my heart wasn't going to take it even though I'm young and with no heart condition at all. I don't know whats wrong with me. I feel like the mixture of this cold, drinking alcohol and not getting out as much has made for a deadly combination to my anxiety and depression. I plan on not drinking tonight so maybe I might feel better but who knows. But on better news I managed to spend the rest of the night last night without taking a propranolol so that's something.
So what I can do? Will I feel better eventually? Thanks.