Hi everyone. I hope you can take the time to read this and give me some relief and advice. If you read my past stories, you would know Im main worry is growing up (im 18). That worry has lessen and has made me kinda get back to my normal life but those thoughts are still in the back of my head haunting me. Every time the thoughts attack or i get triggered, I try to just toss them to the side but idk if that's a good idea bc i feel the thoughts are just gonna get stronger and imma relapse. Im just tired of feeling and thinking like this. I dont understand how this fear even came up but I cant make it go away! Therapy doesnt help because im told the same thing that only helps for short term. Im taking zoloft which im pretty sure is helping me but idk. The other thing im trying to do is keep busy and stay away from triggers and reassure myself by saying, Im still young, people arent really considered an "adult" until 25. Your parents support you and are there for you. Dont grow up until you're ready. All tho saying those things to myself help for a day but i still have bad days where it doesnt. What can I do? I just wanna enjoy life to the fullest.
Update.. im doing better but not 100% - Anxiety Support
Update.. im doing better but not 100%
Hey Alexis, I'm glad u feel a little better, it's a start! You can always come on here and vent. Growing up is scary, even if you're supposed to b already (I'm 43). U have alot ahead of u and alot of it can b great! It may not feel so when you're down, but keep reminding yourself to remember the good things. It sounds like u are on a good track. I hope this helps. Best wishes!
Thank you Im working on myself
Alexis, sometimes even our own brains sort of lie to us & we have to change them. We have to get our thinking lined up with the truth based on available evidence. Your brain was thinking of all of the negative things about growing up and you were worried. The truth is there are many wonderful things about growing up, so in reality, you should be excited about your future. We anxious people have to stop thinking about what might go wrong (negative) and think over and over and over about what you are looking forward to (positive). Just keep repeating the positive thoughts to yourself like, "I'm looking forward to being 25," "I have so much to be thankful for," & "I used to think getting older was scary, but the truth is that it is a blessing." If you want to get better, you have to make an effort to do this. Our thoughts control how we feel. Instead of waiting for something bad to befall you, teach your brain to expect good things. And, take time to pray for your future and thank God for your blessings.
I'm working on the same. Apprehensive behavior like worrying causes anxiety symptoms, so I'm trying to change my thinking patterns from always expecting the worst, "What if this doesn't get better? What if I relapse?" to actually expecting something good, "These feelings and fears are caused by anxiety, they are a lie, and will go away in time. I'm a strong and healthy person. I am a beautiful wonderful child of God."
Hi Alexis,
I have just read your passage and it took me right back when I was 18!Im now 59Years old and dont know how i got here as i too suffered with anxiety and thoughts in my head and still do through all the years of medication and therapy but what i will say to you, you are not alone and your not going mad!!its how youve been conditioned to be the person you are. My advice hard as it is to accept Alexis, dont fight against her, shes your best friend and confidante, just between you..you will get through it and you will survive..keep as busy as you can and do for others what you cant do for yourself and thats care!!be a lending ear to a friend!it takes your mind of you..appreciate the simple things in life, nature, gods creations...God has a plan gor your life, ask him to walk with you, hand over your anxiety for him to carry, he will be more than happy to do so..I will pray for you Alexis..x God Bless xx