soo ive been home, i go yeah get food and come back home but my mother boyfriend lives with us and he does not stop coughing he's been like that for a week with fever so lastnight we called the ambulance they came and said he is breathing fine and that he has fever but right now its alot of people in hospital due to the corona virus they have no cure for it so he decided to stay in home told him to drink tylnol and they only testing in the emergency room if you really bad so now i been feeling a bit with some chest pain and some shortness of breath and im panicking because i keep watching the news and all these people are dying from it i live in new york and im only 23 and im not trying to die from this shit sorry for cursing but its just like im home this guy keeps coughing he keeps coming in out of the room like nothing i just hope i dont get this virus . just been getting this right side chest pain im a male by the way and shortness of breath at times then it goes away my head feels woozy just cant be home espically with this guy sick in my house and they didnt want to take because they saying he's fine and its alot of people in the hospital this is annoying already. just dont wanna die from this virus and get it. and i been waking up with the sore throat also late it goes away when i drink something but then it comes back again ugh .
im going crazy in this house ! not feeling... - Anxiety Support
im going crazy in this house ! not feeling well eather

Hi Johnny. I'm anxious about this whole thing too. I don't live far from NY and it's crazy out here. I've been gargling with warm salt water, washing my face and hands with soap as much as I can. Showering as usual to stay clean. I hope this helps, just try to take care of yourself and stay in your room and practice breathing techniques to calm your anxiety if you can.
there MIGHT cure for the disease,
Hope you’re not anxious anymore
Johnnie, I just read this post from you now. When I answered your other post yesterday
you had not mentioned anything about your mom's boyfriend being sick with a cough and
a fever. That is an important factor when dealing with this virus. You may still just be
experiencing the anticipation of him being in the same house as you but I would feel
better if you let your doctor know what's going on under the same roof. It's for your
own welfare and safety. You know I care. xx