Hey wassup guys so i would like to know if this is normal my heart beating fast and hard at time but with even really being nervous or anything you just relaxing and all of sudden its just beating hard and also can feel in my throat i keep saying i have thyriod cancer or something is happening thats causing all of this i get a dry cough sometimes once in a blue not all the time . my heart just beating hard and it annoying and getting me annoyed has anyone experience this ? have anyone have these physically sympthoms but the thing is your not anxious or nervous its just happen and when it happens it happens for hours i saw a spcialist my heart was fine i seen docters they said blood work is fine and thyriod was fine but i been this way for 8months after a problem when i smoked some weed after that boom im stuck having all types of sympthoms i never had a day of my life i was happy and living life but its like someone did a bad spell and im stuck this way the physcally synpthoms are heart poplutions arrythmias that could last for a long time . , mucles spams all over my body, headaches time to time , unreal dream like feeling sometimes , dizzy , weak, shortness of breath, twiching , uncontrbally cant realx my body i start moving so i can try to calm down my heart and my breathing , pain in my legs both mean while i havent even really done anything shaky hands i feel like something its causing all of this thats making me feel this way i have a feeling that its not my mind at all because this is reality thats happening to me the thing im afraid of is something happening and then docters say oh it was this that was wrong with him and they find out the last minute you know This all started in November around thanks giving 2016 now we are in 2017 september and its still happening it has got a lik better then before but all the sympthoms are really there and my heart and thyriod and throat worrying me the most beacuse i can feel it beating fast and hard and also my pulse its like my pulse has a fast problem everything just wanna move fast inside my body like i cant control its crazy man.
Hello wassup everyone I would like to ask ... - Anxiety Support
Hello wassup everyone I would like to ask some questions about whats going on with me or if any one experience it .

Hun, you've had dozens of people tell you they've experienced these things and more and give you lots of good advice on how to help yourself. Go back in your history and read all those and take it to heart. We're all rooting for you, but you have to take the time to actually listen.
Yeah and what what you mean ?
I mean to go here: healthunlocked.com/user/joh... and read all the heartfelt replies you've gotten on your previous posts and read all the advice and support you've been given.
No point in giving you advice you don't pay attention to it.
Go read the stuff already posted to you there is loads of it.

first of all if you feel that way then dont comment on my post because this website its comment on whats going on .
Man! This sounds like I was a few months ago. I got rushed 2 the hospital with what ended up being a panic attack, didn't feel like it at the time, got anxiety sedatives b4 I left the ER. Ever since though, those symptoms would go away and be replaced by horrible tension headaches and vision problems and then those went away and currently at times now my body feels dreamlike and kinda like rubber. Have gotten better, but it's a real struggle cuz like u, happened completely out of the blue. I have an appointment later in the month and I'm pretty sure it's gotta be an anxiety disorder. Hang strong there man!! It's gonna be a tough road, but u can do it!! U have this community here 4 u if u need anything.
thanks man so you think it my be that i have anxiety disorder?
Hey Johnnie1234, how did it go last night? Did you get to enjoy your evening out??
yes everything went pretty well i got a bit of hang over i notice that i wasnt really worrying about my heart but i was getting nervous and i would feel my heart racing really fast i went to dance and out of no where my heart went crazy fast that it felt like it stoped then continue beating fast but then it went away it was crazy but i continue just trying ti enjoy
you probably need to try to see a cognitive behavioral therapist about this so you can learn how to stop thinking about it all the time. i can tell by your frequent posts that this is something that is really scaring you and negatively impacting you. you went to a cardiologist. you know you don't have a heart problem. now you have to go to a therapist and try to fix the real problem, which is marijuana-induced health anxiety! you have to do it or you will never feel better johnnie. on the bright side, therapists won't be as testy as us folks on healthunlocked, because they get paid to listen to you. wishing you the best <3