I been down because of the physical sympthoms i been having its bothering me alot like right now my pulse is beating i can see it in my rist just moving by its self and feeling a spasm in my check where my heart is and pain that comes and goes in my back and sometimes my left side of my chest its just im down i feel like one day something will happen i just cant take it anymkre im a bit sad of whats going on hopefully my heart is not messed up or something really wrong and i find out when something happens even doe the docters say im fine i havent seen the docter like in 5months doe so anything can change by then ? im scared for my life thats all
it a bit down and thinking about the future - Anxiety Support
it a bit down and thinking about the future

I went thru this for a long while. For months everyone I lied down I could hear my heart in my ears. You have to do your best to move on with life as normal as possible. It will slowly leave you.
its hard because sometimes i get these pains that hurts my chest left side where my heart is even when i press on it asweel at times
Do you have indigestion? I had GERD because my anxiety was do bad. It caused pain and diffulty eating.
I know. Anxiety is a mother. I went to 3 different hospitals 2 years ago still unconvinced I wasn't having a stroke. High anxiety is just that bad. Lower it overall and your symptoms will soon fade. I thought I was going to die, couldn't feel normal to save my life. I gave up struggling with it like it was some kind of demon and in time, symptoms disappear one by one.
yeah but i been this way for 7 months already like i wasnt like this before after a bad experince with had a huge panic attack and i couldnt calm down ever sense then i never been the same like all these physcal sympthoms i never had before my heart just beats wierd now fast , hard , soketimes really slow , or like a jumpy feeling i get thag makes me get shortness of breath of my heart its crazy it has me thinking like whats really wrong with me because im getting alot of physical sympthoms that makes me worried
I was equally bad and worse for more than a year. I don't say this to scare you, rather help you realize it takes time. The sooner you stop freaking yourself out and focus on other things, the sooner you can slowly recover. What are you doing to help yourself?
trying to ignore it and fight the physical sympthoms even doe its a daily thing
That's the problem, you cannot simultaneously fight and ignore. I read an essay about changing your relationship with anxiety that really helped Kickstart my recovery. The premise is first, you must alter the way you think of anxiety. We, those who become enveloped in it, think it's the worst thing ever. I said many times I'd rather have cancer I was so desperate. Rather, tell yourself it sucks but it's not the worst thing. Start minimizing the power of it by thinking of it as less damning. Does this make sense? I only signed up here to share what helped me. I have the occasional bad moments but I can do every single thing I did before.
My pulse can always be seen in my wrist Hun it's more common in men who are of smaller build. My dads pulse has always been visible in his wrist. Remember that if you were having a heart attack your pulse would be weak not strong and true heart pain is not usually felt in the heart. However anxiety can cause your muscles in your chest to tighten which causes these pains. Big hugs xx
oh okay just be worried about it alot
Yes I understand I have health anxiety and one of my triggers is my heart. The things I said above are what I tell myself and they are true to help calm me down big hugs xx
but like physical sympthoms all the time ? thats what i have daily
Yes Hun, I have raising heart, headaches, twinges in left arm, chest tightness, vision changes, sweaty palms, pins and needles, dizzy feelings, rib pain, eye pain, ankle pain, thigh pain, feeling that something is really wrong but can't pin point what exactly. These are just some of the physical symptoms I get Hun. Health anxiety is when you focus on every slight change in your body and catastraphise it so a headache is a brain bleed thigh pain is dvt vision changes are stroke or diabetes and the list is endless but if you have certain things that worry you the most then your body will reproduce the pains that we believe we would feel in that situation. We can get through this it's just finding the right technique and medication to help you. Big hugs xx
yeah it just my first time experincing all this but hopefully one day all this goes away
And it is scary Hun I'm years on and I still have melt downs, but it is proven that the quicker you address the issue the quicker recovery is so I would strongly advise that you get some help from a phyciatrist and some medication from your dr. It took me a long long time to realise I had health anxiety and I believed I'd have it for life but I am starting to have good days and if I keep at it and allow myself to accept that it is just my body causing me to freak out rather than I real emergency my good days will become more frequent and my days won't be as bad they will just be normal bad days big hugs xx
Hi Johnnie, Scared for your life is a big deal....Rather than worry about your life being shortened by your symptoms, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see your doctor since it's been 5 months. Since you got the all clear 5 months ago, not that much life threatening could be happening in that short time as well as your young age. You are smart enough to know that the more we focus in on our body parts, the more we imagine we are sick and on our last leg.
There was a joke when I was growing up about people who continually thought they were sick but the doctors couldn't find anything. So that when they did die, their tombstone read..."I told you I was sick" Do you really want to have the last say?? It's time to enjoy each day the best you can. Death is a long time away for you, so you might as well reap the benefits of living
Do you know how common it is for people to feel the way you do?? It's health anxiety or hypercondria. I've had it for nearly 40 years.when I first stared with it, I had no idea what was happening, I just thought I was going to die. I went from specialist to specialist, test to test and nothing. I was only in my early 20'sand I became very ill. So ill I ended up on a psychiatric ward. After a few weeks, having started on medication and councelling I started to recover. I was in the library one day and came across a book called "hope and help for your nerves" by Dr Claire Weeks . That book changed my life and I still go back to it today. Everything suddenly made sense and I could start to get on with life.
I still get anxious from time to time, but now I understand anxiety and can manage it.I think you need to talk to your doctor and tell he/she exactly how you feel. They may suggest medication or counselling which may help you. But, the biggest thing that will help you is knowledge and understanding about how anxiety works and the physical effects it has on your body.
Hope this helps
You can still buy the book off Amazon
Best wishes
Hi judipat well said anxiety causes so many symptoms and we have to understand what anxiety is,then we can lose our fear of it.dr Claire weeks books are a must in understanding anxiety and accepting the symptoms /thoughts .and with acceptance we can move forward and enjoy our life's.and yes we still get a few bad days now and then which is normal after all we are only human .