What do you do to overcome your agoraphobia? - Anxiety Support

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What do you do to overcome your agoraphobia?

4 Replies


Please share what's helped so far in terms of overcoming your agoraphobia?

Do you do anything to overcome this phobia on a daily or weekly basis?

Please share your tips below.


4 Replies
kevoreally profile image

I once got locked in my room due to agorahpboia I dont remember how I was able to conquer it but i still have a goraphobia I can leave the house but leaving my town making other towns or nyc even a comfort zone I have to go to the spot every time and wait for an hour or so basically to create areas or spots as your comfort zone I MUST go to that same spot over and over until my body gets used to realizing that FIGHT OR FLIGHT response is natural and there is no REAL DANGER as your body creates the thoughts which then creates the fears im engaged and worry that i wont be able to go anywhere special for our honey moon after the wedding she wants to goto florida but... i cant even goto the city with out panicking.. hell i cant even go on the expressway..how can i take a plane to another place..

in reply to kevoreally

Thanks so much! This is very helpful! I feel like I do need to go out a lot I hate being stuck in doors so much and I dislike missing out on so many amazing opportunities as a result of being so fearful and panicky! I'm definitely gonna try and work on the tips that you have given me so that I can live life in a better way.

I wish you a wonderful honeymoon! I'm sure that your trip will be amazing! Perhaps you could speak with your partner about going somewhere that's not too challenging! Somewhere where you both feel excited about but not too challenging. All the best 💖

Jeff1943 profile image

Babygirl29, agoraphobia is very common among people experiencing anxiety disorder, it's your brain trying to protect you from danger by making you stay in your comfort zone where you are safe. One can understand that perfectly well, the problem is that just because we have anxiety disorder doesn't mean we WANT to stay home 24/7. You know very well that if you go out nothing bad is going to happen to you. So the answer to agorophobia is 'do what you fear and the death of fear is assured.'

So set yourself a goal, somewhere to go, a store, a cafeteria, a park. Then you should frame you mind to accept the bad feeling, the agorophobia, accept it completely and calmly and leave your home and head for the goal you have set. Your legs may feel like jelly but they will still carry you there and back, you will not collapse in the street, anxiety does not have the power to do that. But all the time on your walk, drive or bus ride ACCEPT the bad feelings, they cannot harm or hurt you, they can only make you feel uncomfortable for the time being.

By accepting you will not be generating fear that keeps you nerves sensitised and you will eventually be setting a precedent that it is possible for you to go outside without the ground opening and swallowing you up.

Imagine you are a rock on the shore and the waves rush in, just like the waves of anxiety rush towards you, but the waves may crash over the rock but they rush on and past it and the rock survives. You are that rock.

I promise you that you have the strength and courage to do this, I promise you all will be well, so do the hard thing and take a walk from your home, accept the feelings of anxiety if they come and you will arrive safely at your destination and return all in one piece, I assure you of this. And just think what a sense of achievement you will feel and you will know that the next time you go for a walk outside it will be slightly easier and the time after that even easier still.

Why not do it?

in reply to Jeff1943

Wow this is really good! Thanks so much for your really wonderful tips! I will indeed take on this challenge and get out much more! I definitely agree that practice is the key and not staying stuck indoors, facing fears, yes so true! Thanks one again 💖

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