I want to hear from all of you guys what works for you to reduce your anxiety naturally. I want to hear your tips or ideas! Please share
Guys! What are some natural ways to reduce... - Anxiety Support
Guys! What are some natural ways to reduce anxiety?

Hello there my name is Crystal I am 28 and I also have anxiety I used to have really bad anxiety to the point where I couldn't control it anymore and it felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest you're going to be driving I will have to pull over I want to run and scream butt can to a solution of a friend of mine she told me to try ginger tea what I thought she was crazy and dumb because I'm sure you make it with food you can make with anything I didn't think it was going to work so I actually gave in and I tried it the first time I didn't make it strong enough so it didn't work it's a spice or herb that really works wonders I normally when I have anxiety or feel very anxious I make a ginger tea put some honey and lemon drink it while it's not too hot let it warm I little bit and cool down drink that at least twice a day for a week I'm pretty sure you'll know the big difference I love Ginger it does wonders for me! Now my anxiety is it like that anymore it is something different I feel anxious I feel like I can't breathe it's different my feels like my heart's going to stop it's not going fast it's going low and at the moment of this time I feel super sick I don't know if it's my blood pressure or something but I've been doing good all day without anxiety thank God but I've tried ginger tea and it's done me wonders please try it and let me know if that works for you and to add that on make sure you eat like spinach broccoli all the green stuff almonds peanuts and very healthy for you every Deuces and gives you the energy that you need without taking caffeine or coffee cause I'm not allowed to drink coffee and coffee due to my anxiety and heart palpitations butt you'll see a big difference in your health a big difference in the feeling or if you don't like ginger you can try mint leaves mint leaves with honey and lemon also does the trick to so let me know if no you try it Ginger the tea it's it's it's a little bit spicy especially when you're sick you have a cold can't breathe and open your your nose nostrils it's a really beautiful Earth but yes let me know if you have anymore questions I'm here
I'll try that. At this moment I am trying to get as much resources from people who have gone thru it. But what you just describe that you are feeling is exactly what I am feeling my heart doesnt go as fast. My heart isn't the problem now I just feel dizzy and weak here and there like if my blood pressure will go down or something. I also have a lot problem with my bow movements.
Well I'm going threw same thing as you I don't have a problem with my heart I went to the cardiologists to check stress test all that time it came out fine as is for now I am on a Holter monitor it's weird because I feel like my heart's going to stop by going slow even when I do get anxiety it's supposed to normally go high but it's not there's times where I don't get what's going on but my cardiologists called me this morning and told me that I don't have no cardiac arrest there's issues or anything with my heart I do have a heart murmur a small one and they said that that wouldn't kill me but I'm in the same boat as you and nobody can really understand me because all my family they think that I'm just making stuff up to get attention or because I'm not happy I am happy and they don't understand because they're not going through it they never did my mom don't even know what to tell me anymore because she's tried everything she possibly can but it's not working you know that's why like right now I feel so sick feel like my heart's going to stop I get scared because my husband works and I have 2 kids I'm home alone with them and I'm just afraid something might happen but I have to think positive and I took it a little bit panicky but it could be lack of vitamin I do take vitamins but maybe vitamin B12 I heard that does wonders for people but the shot instead of the pill and I'm going to ask my doctor that tomorrow it's just a weird feeling that you can feel that is the part I did not get if it's not the heart that what could it be because it feels like it's the heart area I've always asked myself that my husband used to be pissed off because I'm calling the ambulance and I was crying and he thought I was just making stuff up and I finally had to have a talk with them because I mean he calls me babe you're fine you're fine you're fine no I'm not fine there you know you don't understand because you're not going through it even if he did just a little bit you don't you're not in my shoes you know butt I hope you can find something to really help you out
i know where you are coming from. It is hard for people to understand us. Everyone will think I am crazy because they don't understand what we are going thru
Yes it takes a big factor a part of our Lives my family thinks I'm going cuckoo but really I'm not I'm just trying to fight for my life and make sure I keep going forward going to this adventure is very scary and I wish other people would understand but there's other people that are more stronger than others on deal with anxiety different way and there's not the same as ours but it's hard

Hi Matt, for me it was the hypnosis apps!! Glenn Harold's heal your body and anxiety app also. They helped calm my mind. Also excercise, walking for me. Couldn't do anything too energetic because of the operation I had. As soon as I felt anxiety starting I'd be off ! I'm lucky I have a large garden so I would walk up and down gradually doing more and more. I eventually started walking around a large field where people walked there dogs. This was ok for me as it wasn't too busy. I'd sit in my car until I couldn't see anyone before I would get out!! I also had blood tests to check all my iron, vitamin D,thyroid etc. I got copies of my results as we are allowed to do this. Even though I was classed as within the normal ranges they were all very low. So I take supplements now. I drink green tea in a morning, I have ginger and lemon tea mid day and camomile on an evening. I do still have normal tea And the occasional coffee.i no longer have dairy products but that was my choice due to being diagnosed with Chrohons disease. Anyway hope some of that helps. Your doing the best thing asking because it's always best to try help yourself as much as you can because realistically there just isn't enough help and support out there. That's why there are forums like this!!! And thank god for them 😀👍
Hi all,
For me it was the anxiety audio program 120 by Michael Mahoney. I loved the resource library's , helping me understand why I think the way I do, the structure is brilliant, and he sounds like he's talking directly to me knows what I'm thinking which I think is great. Samples and info on this site healthyaudio.com
Remain strong. Peace!
Exercise , reading , music , meditation on your breath , yoga , mindfulness , go outside in nature, feel the grass under your feet, I listen to lectures by Ram dass, Alan watts and Terrance McKenna on you tube / they Discuss a lot of things about life. be here now by ram dass is a great book. " there is only one here and now let it be "Mindfulness is a wonderful thing.
Having a low vitamin B12 level can create feelings of low mood, depression and anxiety. Within 4 days of being on a Vitamin B12 mouth spray all of the above symtoms for me lifted. That was after years of suffering.
If you live in the UK visit the Pernicious Anemia Society website they have some great info on B12 deficiency and they talk about has B12 in the UK is extremely under diagnosed, as what is classed as a 'normal' blood reading starts at 145.
In other countries (america and japan), if you have reading more like 300 or under 500, they would start to look at a B12 supplement being whats needed. It is ridiculous to think that B12 is only being considered as part of the problem when it falls as low as 145.
I know a lot of people who have turned their lives around introducing this to their life. A brand called Garden of Life do a great vegan B12 mouth spray. It contains 140 sprays and so lasts a good 3 months. Certainly cheaper than a prescription in the UK and is B12 in its most natural form (methylcabolabin), as opposed to a synthetic B12 version which the body has to work hard to convert (cyanocabolabin).
Hope this is your missing piece of the jigsaw.
Discovering Wellness
Lots of different things have been mentioned but the best remedy (cure) is to practice acceptance and allow the scary thoughts and feelings to be there without resistance. In other words learn to be ok about not feeling ok. It is the resistance that keeps people in the anxiety cycle which can include anything you are doing to rid or control the thoughts or feelings. Learn to let go of any control you might think you have because it is the "controlling" bit that sends the wrong message to your brain. It thinks there must still be a problem so keeps your fear/flight mechanism switched on so you feel anxious all the time. If you do the opposite and do nothing about the thoughts and feelings, the brain eventually gets the message that there is no threat and switches off your fear/flight mechanism. It Just takes a little time for this to work but it is the way to recover, naturally. Go take a look at a website called Anxiety No More which promotes natural cure for anxiety and panic. Anxiety is a learned behaviour. The website shows you how to unlearn that behaviour using the same principles as published by Dr Claire Weekes in her self help books. If you learn about the subject of anxiety, it diffuses much of he fear that keeps people suffering. Acceptance is the key to recovery.
Hope this helps
Hello Matt. I take a multi vitamin,organic of course, which is Megafood brand, B complex, organic flaxseed oil, but omega 3 are also good, vitamin D, and Magnesium, and I fell better. It took me about 3 months before I started feeling better. Oh yeah, I also take minerals and amino acids, ( Energy boost 70 Fulvic Minerals). I am not a doctor. I have done some research of my on. I must also point out that magnesium also comes in a combination, or complex form which I read was best, because it shouldn't be taken alone. Bone Renewal has a combo that includes magnesium. It's called pure Synergy Bone Renewable, but I take magnesium alone.These are just a name of few. Anxiety is sometimes caused by a lack of nutrients :
B complex
Amino acid ( tryptophan )
Vitamin D ( cholecalciferol, not ergocalciferol)
I hope my spelling is correct.
I hope this helps you.
Oh yeah Matt, make sure you are getting enough sleep, and listening to relaxing music from youtube helps. I listen to birds and water. You will be fine. It takes your body time to get back the nutrients that it has been deficient of.
I also have been feeling nauseous lately likd I will throw up but I don't my apetito isn't good either
Hi i also suffer bad anxiety its got to the point a think am going to die our iam dying keep taking panic atracks witch am scared any help how to cope a donrmt ehant to take medication as a have 3 kids
What helps my anxiety is to stay away from caffeine , food colorings like red 40 , yellow 5 and blue 1 them r found in candies and soda. I've heard B12 helps I haven't tryed the B12 yet but I'm going to. I hope that's helps
I find that listening to or watching ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos on youtube helps to calm me and take my mind off of whatever I'm worrying about. The ASMR feeling is described as a calming tingle sensation through the body but usually focuses around the head. The videos can include someone doing mundane tasks such as folding towels or pouring water between glasses or can involve the video maker speaking gently. It may seem odd at first but some can be very relaxing and there are a lot of youtube channels out there so I'm sure you can find something worth trying even if you don't experience the feeling of ASMR itself (the tingling) it may still work to relax you! Hope this helps a bit, I have a range of anxiety symptoms and this helps
Thank you guys for all your advice. It is pretty helpful. At this moment I made an appointment with the doctor to see why I have been having bow movement problems (diarrhea) for a month. I also want to ask the doctor why I have feeling like throwing up. One of my biggest worries is that they are miss diagnosing what I have and to have something worse like cancer in he blood or something like that. Because I been tired, weak, shaky, and nasues .