I want my life back so bad but feeling light-headed dizzy and off balance everyday prevents me from being the mother I want to be.... I feel like I'm going to pass out every second it seems...... Spells of my vision going all weird and feeling like shit..... Im sitting in my recliner right now crying as I wrote this while my mom is playing in the pool with my son.... My son's calls me mean because I say not right now I'll play later because I feel like I'm slowly dieing......... I want good to answer me as to why im feeling this way for four years... I've lost my relationship because of this because he said I was lazy and didn't ever want to do anything..... I do want to do things but I feel so dizzy it scares me...... I dont know what to do anymore....... I need answers about this dizzy feeling.... I feel almost drunk all day long with feeling faint at the same time... Don't say ignore it but I can't.....
I feel so helpless..: I want my life back so... - Anxiety Support
I feel so helpless..

Sounds like u need to go back to the Doctor.... you probably have vertigo. Praying for u...hugs to u💕
I'm sorry girl ! I completely understand.
Hiya! Very sorry to hear you've been suffering with this! I know how you feel, and i know how awfully it gets you down as i suffer with this day in and day out.. I hate going to sleep at night sometimes to cus I'm that scared that i often think that I'm not gonna wake up! But i remember one night when my little boy woke me for a drink, i got up and the whole was spinning around in circles- i couldn't not walk i had to literally crawl on my hands and knees! So that day when i woke after eventually falling to sleep i rang the doctors got an appointment straight away! Got seen they did some wierd movements with my head, and they then told me i had Vertigo! But down sound to it was that they said to me that this is something that goes away by its self!!!! So yeah i have lived with this for round about the same amount of years as you! It's horrible and so annoying! But i have noticed the more i keep busy and the more i do it takes my mind off it.. Like doing house chores, playing with the kids constantly on my feet.. Then when my children whine down and go to sleep, i just like to sit with no tv on and read and twiddle with something in my hand to take my mind off it! I know its really hard to say take your mind off it.. But i don't really let this bother me as much as it did!
It will get better you just have to stop letting it beat you! Hugs xxx
Ashley, if you haven't already you should go see your doctor for a refferal to see an ear consultant because there's a small chance that your balance problem is something to do with the inner ear. It will bring you some reassurance if nothing else, but bearing in mind all you other symptoms are classic symptoms of anxiety disorder there's every chance the balance problem is cause by anxiety too.
I'm referring to the dizziness, visual disturbances and feeling you're going to pass out (but of course you never do) - all very common symptoms of anxiety disorder. It's been badly affecting your life for four years, you've lost a partner because of it and your son is losing out - time to take action and do something about it, I'd of thought.
I think you need a break from all these symptoms so go see your doctor and discuss what medication can bring you relief. If after a month you feel it's not helping see your doctor again and go on seeing him until he prescribes something that does work. Forget all the nonsense you read onthis forum about becoming addicted when that's the least of the problems. When the meds are helping you to feel more normal use the time to read a book by Claire Weekes titled 'Self help for your nerves' in the U.K. and 'Hope and help with your nerves' in the U.S. If you've already read it then read it again, no it doesn"t say to ignore the symptoms but it does tell you how to learn to accept them without fear which allows your over sensitised nerves to return to normal and stop blighting your life withthese annoying symptoms.
Ashley, don't become just another member of this forum who just lists and complains about their anxiety symptoms. Follow a plan for recovery and use this forum to report PROGRESS no matter how modest to begin with. Don't just say it's too hard or you can't do it. There is the solution to all your problems and the time for you to engage with it is NOW, it's only a few clicks away at Amazon.
Ashley nobody will understand until it happens to them the problem is that we don't look sick I'm seing a physician Ashley he prescribed medication for this diziness but stil I become worse people don't understand how awful and painful this is no matter how hard we try it doesn't go away I have tried everything Ashley I just pray to God to heal me I have been like this since 2015 till this day am still dizzy 24/7I have done all the test everything is normal but what am feeling is bad if it's anxiety it's so cruel lucky you you have a mother to help you
Thank you so much for your reply hun..... I know it is a constant battle for us
.. it hurts to know I use to take normal living for granted I pray we will get better soon
One day God will try our tears
Doctors don't understand they think that it's something to do with my ears because of my balance but one of the psychologist said its anxiety and I was given alprasolam (xanax) I took it for 4 days then I stop because I was getting worse I couldn't walk that time I couldn't even lift my head from the pillow I was worse my memory was gone I was so scared and the headache I thought I was gonna die that day