I have SVT of the heart, caught it on my 40 day heart monitor, heart rate of 223 beats per minute. Atrial tachycardia is the kind of SVT i have, ablation scheduled for august 3rd. It was hell trying to get a diagnosis, im glad i finally have a answer.
Official diagnosis and all i can say is fi... - Anxiety Support
Official diagnosis and all i can say is finally.....

I'm happy you finally got a diagnosis! Great for You, it's been a long time coming. How has your anxiety been? You can message it, if you prefer. Enjoy the rest of your day.
I been ok, just exhausted after all this stuff..... Been a long long time coming. I wont lie, i got to my car after the appointment and i broke down in tears........
Boy, can I understand. I would have too. So sorry you had to go through this for so long but good to know there is an answer why this was happening.
Wish you good luck with the ablation on August 3rd. You are certainly one strong, determined person who never gave up.
Two doctors said i should become a doctor because i never gave up and i actually had the answer last year and they didnt listen to me. Thanks for always being there agora!
Hi armyguy I had same as you doctors didn't listen ! Had 24 hr monitor said all was OK then asked for 7 day one and picked it up on that at last the tape recorded it whilst I was asleep.not offered ablation though ! Been on beta blocker for 7 years and that really calmed it down.all the best with the ablation Barry manalow has had it done loads of times .
Army guy that's great that you now know and can be fixed . Can I ask what are your symptoms please . Private message me if you have to