I feel like i have tachycardia because my hearts beats hard then fast but like i dont feel like am bervous or stress but when i do tpuch my chest my heart speed up idk am juat panicking about this a little but idk if i should go to another heart docter to see if its really fine
Heart docter say am fine everything good i... - Anxiety Support
Heart docter say am fine everything good is my nerves or stress

The same thing happens to me all the time!!! I have seen two different cardiologist and worn three heart monitors. And everything came back normal every time. Been to the ER three times because I thought I was having a heart attack. But that's never been the case. I have heart palpitations, my heart speeds up really fast feels like it skips beats or flip-flops in my chest. I have really bad anxiety and panic attacks I can Tell you that if your test came back fine be sure in knowing that those doctors know what they're talking about and if they tell you everything's fine then I'm sure you are when it comes to your heart. I recommend therapy it has helped me a lot I'm still on the road to getting control of my panic attacks and anxiety but I promise you with Good will power and motivation you can get through this ! Stay positive.
Yeah i dont get it i go out side my heart is racing i only went to one hear docter he tells me he been doing this for twenty years that am amfine i had a monitor on for 7 days and before i gave it back like a day before my heart was racing it went really high and he saw he told me its fine it was just a panick attack to take a metaprolol and that everything is fine but still i go out my heart racing certain times idk why but i understand if it was beating normal but it goes fast am just scared if something happens honestly
I don't get it either :/ mine does the same thing. But I know it is anxiety and the only one who's going to be able to change it is myself. Which took me so long to realize but now that I have I feel like my future is brighter. When we panic about having panic it only prolongs the process of getting better. There is be seat backs but that just means you push even harder! I know you got this. Just remember practice makes perfect.
So i should believe my heart docter i he say am fine and did a stress test
I know it's easier said than done but absolutely. They know what they are looking for, if something was wrong they would've picked up on it by now. Trust their studies in knowing they medically see that your heart is fine. Now you have to take different steps in finding what makes you more at ease. Like for me I love to listen to motivational podcasts on anxiety and panic. I recommend looking up "the anxiety guy" he's amazing!!! And he really helps me because he went through what I'm going through with my anxiety. Inspiration is what keeps me going.
its a video ? and do you tske medication for it ?
He does videos on YouTube and podcasts. I'm not on any medication. I've been prescribed meds for anxiety and depression but I decided not to take them because I want to self help myself. Which some can do and some can't. So as far as meds go I can't be the judge for you when it comes to taking them or not. I'm not doc, but for me I'm just trying to do it on my own. With the Lord by my side and therapy/surrounding myself with genuine family and friends who also help me through.
Okay thats good hopefully i get better because this happen because smoking weed dont want this to stay for ever
I used to smoke to but one day I had a panic attack out of the blue which was weird cause I smoked manu times before that and was fine. But now I haven't been able to smoke since because it gives me bad panic attacks. Which I'm fine with not smoking anyways it was in my teen years and I've grown passed all that.
Yeah mines was smoking weed and i had severe anxiety hopefully all this go away wish could go bakc never smoke that day but i been smoking for 2 or 3 years i got three months sense this happen and never smoked again but you know during these years i would smoke and i will feel my heart racing sometimes and pay it no mind but i guess it me hard that day and got worst after that