once again at the barbershop i feel so nervous i could feel my heart beating hard i feel shaky my hands and like i drank some water and thought i was joking or couldnt breath from my mouth its getting me a bit neevous and im about to sit down and get my cut im just super nervous for no reason i dont know why is my body doing all this and get a feeling in my throat and stomach like nervous cant swallow or something i just dont wanna sit down and ever see me like im crazy if over react
Not going to good right now for some reaso... - Anxiety Support
Not going to good right now for some reason at the barbershop

I always get this one time I was even shaking and they told me to stop acting nervous haha
at the barbershop ? yeah i dont why i feel my pulse on my neck going really fast
Ye haha getting my hair cut its because I know there's no escape when I'm sat there and yep same
yeah i dont know why my heart beating fast and pulse its like it wont calm down and i feel shaky aswell hope fully it goes away im about to sit down now
It's just your nerves and anxious state adjusting you will be fine
yeah im fine and done now i wanted to ask a question can having fast rste all the time mostly everyday like
getting really nervous or panicked can give me a heart dieases or mess up my heart i have that in my mind lately
Gosh, Johnnie,
Guess you should ask your doctor about your heart question. We aren't doctors but I am so sorry you're worried about this.
I remember the last time you posted you were going to the barber shop....You made it through then like a champ, just like today.
Johnny your heart has been cleared by your docs.You have no underlying heart diseases so your heart should be just fine.also you are Twenty years old!! Now if you started taking your meds,you could start getting those nerves under control!
yeah are xnax good ?
Hi Johnnie, you need something to calm your nerves. At this point anything would be better than taking nothing. You need to stop that fear cycle you are in. It's for your own good. I know you are hesitant to try it, but the alternative is to continue suffering needlessly. You're too young to give up the best years of your life. We are all here for you Johnnie, you're not alone.
what is good to calm nerves but i could get them off them when i want to