so lately i feel like im out breath sense yesterday its like i want to cough like tickle to cough but i don't cough if that make sense but i feel like a shortness of breath i dont if its me or i should be worried in a little bit im going out for some drinks with my friends and some hookah but im really worried if something happens because i feel like im not breathing right or i dont know if its me to be honest i just dont wanna go with me friends and something happens to me . i dont know why i feel that way like a short ness of breath but sense yesterday wouldn't something already been happen? then i get this nervous feeling going up my body because i feel like i cant breath .
hey should i be worried or go to a hospital? - Anxiety Support
hey should i be worried or go to a hospital?

It's very common with anxiety finding it hard to breathe so unless you have other symptoms you don't need the ER. Perhaps lay off the hookah as that can make you cough and won't help your anxiety! x
yeah what other symptoms should i worry about
I agree. Hookah is HORRIBLE when you’re feeling shortness of breath. When you take a deep breath in does your chest hurt at all? I am short of breath 24/7 but my oxygen is always 95% or above. I know it’s not an issue with my lungs, just a problem with my diaphragm being too tense.
If you had them you wouldn't need me to tell you x
Oh hyper, I need a translation book sometimes lol
What is Hookah?
Its something you smoke flavored tobaccoo out of.
And im someone with anxiety, from experience smoking can negatively affect your lungs....and anything with nicotene will raise your blood pressure causing you to feel more anxious.
Also from someone who recently quit drinking... Im finding my all my issues have decreased so much. I still vape, but Im finding it a lot easier to cope when I take care of my body.
Again, these are just my experiences...Wish you the best.
Ahhhh ok. I'm not up with the lingo.
I do know there were too more deaths to vaping in my area last week. I know that's not good.
Be careful with that.
Yes. There is a lot of talk about the negative impacts. The vape devices have been taking over, especially in the hands of people under age... its very scary. And I hope younger people can see before its too late, that addiction is real, and its the worst path to go down.
Please don’t google any symptoms, for reading about symptoms and having anxiety can actually make you think you have those symptoms and make things worse. I’m trying to take that advice myself as well. Maybe meditate before you leave with your friends and realize that you are not in any danger. If something was to happen, your friends would be there for you, but nothing will happen. Keep us updated please. I know how this feels.
How about urgent Care? ALL of the people who have written that they have gone to the ER, there was Nothing Wrong with them. My boyfriends mom went yesterday they even kept her over night and did every test under the Sun, Vertict.... Nothing Wrong. Save the co-payment and time, just go to the urgent Care for Peace of mind
I was having the same problem, with the breathing. I started making myself walk at a decent speed daily in order to feel in control and it has worked so far. Some days it gets the best of me due to anxiety but so far I’ve been managing things pretty well
I am always feeling that way. A dry cough, some kind of strange off feeling in my chest- up high,4 center.. I've had ct scan , xray, blood work, seen the pulmonologist. NOTHING I'm convinced it's just anxiety.
Not telling you what to do at all..
But if you are worried you probably shouldn't hookah, vape or breathe in anything but air..
That's bad enough anymore..
Oh I went and bought a blood pressure cuff & o2 sensor.
Monitor yourself.. it gives me comfort it should help knowing you are ok.