i cant stand this feeling in my body im laying down while getting up i get this feeling of energy going up my body i dont know if its the nervous system but im not nervous at all i get up and boom my heart and pulse accerlerates real fast then i can feel the force on my neck the pulse beating forcefully and fast but after it slows down while it does goes fast i get this pressure on my head like it get tite and feel like i cant breath then it leaves what could this be im only 21 and i feel like i have a health problem that wont let me enjoy life again because of it im so mad and stressed and down i just hate that i have to act happy when im not i need to fix my body again to be how i was before because this is crazy none stop everyday 24/7
What is this already i need to get back to... - Anxiety Support
What is this already i need to get back to normal this crazy i cant stand it anymore.
Oh, Johnnie, give yourself a break to heal from your gallbladder removal. Your heart was particularly of concern to your doctors before your procedure and you know they cleared you. Heart is A-OK. Your anxiety can't just leave you alone. But you won't take medication for the anxiety either...,., so you have to deal with how sneaky your anxiety is convincing you that something's wrong. Been writing back and forth with you for a year now, and know what you deal with....just wish you would try your meds. Really think you ought to give it a try. In the meantime, just keep up your deep breathing and all the other things you know how to do to calm yourself. xx
its a really strong feeling and its worrying me a bit
Hi Johnnie,
What is the reason that you won't take your anxiety medication? I'm not passing judgement but simply curious.
Because he's worried it might make him feel worse - there's the irony - the way you feel with anxiety, you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy. One year of almost daily posts anf so much loving and wise advice none of which he takes. Ever.
i just dont like anxiety medication thats why i woukdnt want to take those meds because say its not anxiety and im taking those meda for nothing
So what if that’s the case? After more than a year of stressing and worrying and posting the same symptoms on here several times a week asking for help, dont you want to even just try the meds which might actually help you? I understand not wanting to take them, but at some point you have to man up and try something new to help you.
i understand that the problem is i dont know if its anxiety or heart related thing you understand what im saying im ot gonna take pills if i dont know what is the problem .
Well, that’s how you find out what it is. If you take the meds and it doesn’t help, then you move on to something else. Knowing there is a problem, but not doing anything to see what can help is not going to get you any answers.
I had heart palpitations for years. Doctors told me it was nothing to worry about, my heart was fine.
I still thought about it and still had the palpitations and it would freak me out some times and raise my anxiety.
Once I got on my anxiety med, I haven’t thought about or really had any palpitations since.
Just try it for a month and see how it goes. At this point, it can’t hurt to try.