At the Barbershop Feeling a Bit Neevous F... - Anxiety Support

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At the Barbershop Feeling a Bit Neevous For No Reason

Johnnie1234 profile image
39 Replies

So im at the barbershop my head feels wierd and feel like my feet had a rush like tingling feeling and my hands feel sweaty a bit like a feeling im going to go out of control and my heart might race and i could feel my teeth like biting it to try to relax and not go out of control infront of every one i just hope when i sit down to get my cut i do not go crazy that would be a little bit of embrassing

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Johnnie1234 profile image
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39 Replies
Loveydovey0519 profile image

Take your medicine that you have been prescribed, and like everyone has been telling you to do for weeks now! What is the worst that can happen? Your anxiety MAY get worse, if so stop taking the medicine and within in a few days you will be back to where you were. If you are struggling this badly day in and day out you HAVE to listen to your doctors and take your medicine. NO ONE can help you but yourself. You have to want to feel better and listen to what the doctors have been telling you to do. You deserve to live a life better than what you are now, so you must try anything and every thing to start feeling better! Best of luck to you!

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Loveydovey0519

You saying if i take the meds it would get worse ?

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply to Johnnie1234

No you aren't listening to what anyone is saying. IT COULD get worse, but the likely hood of that is VERY slim. Doctors always outweigh the side effects versus the benefits.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Loveydovey0519

The anxiety could get wordt if i keep fighting it and trying to control it ? and the meds i have its the paxil and the betablocker

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply to Johnnie1234

Take the medicine and you will probably feel a TON better!

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Loveydovey0519

but idk if i could take those to at the same time betablockers and the paxil

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply to Johnnie1234

Doctors won't prescribe medicine that can't be taken together. Trust them as they are the professionals not us. You have to want to help yourself johnnie. Try to stop overthinking everything.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Loveydovey0519

yeah a docter in the ER gave me the beta blocker and a physcatrist gave me the paxil .

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply to Johnnie1234

Right, but your records are shared between all doctors. Or just call the pharmacy and ask to speak to a pharmacist. They will know more about drug interactions than a doctor will. Help yourself and get better!

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Loveydovey0519

i will 🙌🏻💯

in reply to Loveydovey0519

Johnnie listen to LoveyDovey...he's a DUDE and is talking to you man to man.

Please take your meds.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah i im going to take the medication

in reply to Johnnie1234

Johnnie, please reread the message from LoveyDovey. That's not what he wrote.

You promised me on your honor you would take your medicine two days ago?

Did you take you medicine each day?

We worry about you.

in reply to

He doesn't use any of the advice given to him here or by his doctors, he has been on here for months and hasn't taken anything said to him into account.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Ok and like i said im going to take them its just alot when you really dont know what happening to you and you just dont wanna take meds just like that with out knowing whats really wrong with you

in reply to Johnnie1234

Go to the party and have a good night it out, it might show you that you are ok, get up and dance, chat with people and just enjoy it all.

Do what your doctor has told you to do and try to help yourself also. You can do it!!

in reply to

I know. Think he is really confused at times and needs help.

Johnnie, if you are reading this, I'm not going to be suck into writing rational long answers to your posts anymore. I'm guilty of enabling you by doing that.

We are all here listening to you.

However, my response from now on is just going to be

"Take your meds."

We all care about you, but you are wearing some of us out.

in reply to

He needs to do things for himself, he can't rely on other people all of the time. He has been seeking advice on here for months but has never taken any of it. We can only say so much to him, he needs to do it himself.

He has a great opportunity at the party to enjoy himself and i hope it does him the world of good.

in reply to Loveydovey0519

Thank you for writing a message to Johnnie supporting everyone who has been trying to help him.

in reply to

What do you mean?

in reply to

Basically about helping himself and do what his doctors have told him.

Everyone who writes back has been rather consistent in telling him that.

in reply to

Yes, he needs to have a good go at it.

in reply to

It's like beating a dead horse. Say things have been said to him over and over. He needs help, but for months he appears to meeting his need for people through communication with people in this venue.

in reply to

Yes you are spot on, he needs to go out and be face to face with people I think.

Agora1 profile image

Johnnie, I remember last time you were at the barbers you experienced those symptoms. I also remember you bit the bullet and you were proud of yourself for staying there and not running out.

Hope you did the same this time. Give yourself credit when you succeed. You can do it :)

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Yeah im here now feelinfg a bit nervous for nothing like i dont get ehats the problem if im calm im here waiting to get the cut and its like im nervous for anything symthoms daily , plus heart anxiety its not that much how it use to be it was everyday now its barely but i think i might have to to take medication atleast for a little while until its good because already 5months seems like it wont leave by its self or fighting and another thing tonight its my mother birthday party hopefully i would be good tonight its a lounge but starting next monday deff gonna take it i have to get rid of this already its driving me a bit crazy like something is really wrong with me i got to get back on track how i use to be because 5months already like this and docters cant find anything so its time to do what i have to do also is this part of anxiety like i cant relax my body my back i keep moving it in order to relax

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Johnnie that sounds like a good plan..Making a decision to do something helps our anxiety issues. Sounds like you are ready physically for tonight's birthday party for your mom. You're clean shaven and hair cut will make your mom proud.

Sounds like an awesome night is planned at a lounge. Put a smile on, give your mom a hug and make it a night she will remember. Most of all Johnnie, enjoy yourself.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

yeah just hope nun of this happens while im there

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Johnnie, don't even put that thought in your mind. However, if you start feeling a little uptight, go to the men's room or outside and start doing a few deep breathing breathes. It will carry you through. I think you will do great :) Wish your mom Happy Birthday from the forum....

OK, Johnnie1234,

You keep promisimgyou

HopingCat profile image

We talked about this last week and you agreed you were going to take your medication!! What's the problem? Take it already! We already been through this. If you are so concern all you have to do is give the psychiatrist a call. All doctors and psychriatris prescribe a beta blocker with SSRI. You take one in the morning or whatever and the beta blocker when you are on edge. End of story. How old are you?


Lm92 profile image

Take your meds. My mom has been on Paxil and beta blockers together for over 20 years! Stop making excuses and help yourself. No one else can but you.

Vbee profile image

Groundhog day

Johnnie1234 profile image

No thats a dumb question if im posting stuff is because im feeling this thats corny to just post up for fun

Johnnie1234 profile image

Yeah but what is this website for its to post up right?

Johnnie1234 profile image

I post because i never ever experinced this before this is the first time really experincing this bad and daily but stuck with symthoms for 5 months back to back who wouldnt get worried before i never went through this so to me its a new thing and when you dont really know whats going you freak out because everyday daily feeling nervous fot nothing its a crazy feeling something is try to control or you would go out of control and fighting this got me drained and tierd its like 5 months like this feels like i would never have my life back how it use to be having fun go out with friends doing what i have to do but all this is just making me think something is really wrong with me and dont know what to doo this is why im like this posting everyday wnd writing because i cant talk to no one about because my friends and people i know will think im just going crazy if the docters seen me and say im fine you know .

Johnnie1234 profile image

yeah this is the only reason why i go on here because it makes me get a piece of mind and makes me calm down a bit more if i wouldnt never knew about this website and try to figure out my self i probably would of been the hospital mostly everyday and wouldnt really know what was going on with me because this a powerful feeling

Johnnie1234 profile image

yeah you probably right i just hope all this goes away and i look back and say all this was drained i couldnt do anything thank god i got better thats how i wanna be and yeah plus googling sympthoms makes me worst seeing things i might have makes me a bit out of control and start thinking alot about it

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