I dont know why my mind feel like it wants to loose control cant think strieght i feel numb in the head i feel ill its just not me i want to have a good time and have some few drinks with my family but i just dont feel like my self and my mind its like it wants to me go crazy . like trying to play tricks on me aswell dont know why this is happen im living good dont know why my emotions and everything making me feel this way
what a good way to start the new year . - Anxiety Support
what a good way to start the new year .

Are you getting any treatment for how you're feeling? Focus on your breathing and calming your mind. Notice the thoughts that enter your head and then try to let them go. I know how it feels to have a million thoughts every second, it's so distracting and exhausting. I hope you feel better soon xx
Johnnie, I'm so sorry you are still feeling this way. Maybe it's time to
revisit the therapist or doctor and see what they have to say. It's very
wearing to suffer like this every day.
I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year tonight! Hope next year is
a better year for all of us.
yeah but it comes and goes its wired i never had this its a crazy feeling its like im lolsing my mind im freaking out
Hi Johnny. It sounds like you could be having panic attacks? Try to breath out for 4, in for 4, hold for 2 and repeat. Focus on something external like a picture on the wall and notice the details of it (colour, patterns, theme, what the painter/, photographer might have been wanting to capture) or look closely at any object nearby and do the same. When you feel panicky/ like you're going crazy you need to get out of your own head and focus on something external. Accept that you are feeling the way you are, tell yourself it's anxiety, stand tall and relax your shoulders, observe your thoughts and feelings and let them drift by, and then focus on the outside world. You are not going crazy... it's anxiety trying to convince you that something is terribly wrong and that you have to react. The key is NOT to react at all! By not reacting you eventually train your brain that everything is ok and there is no danger. I hope this helps you in some way. 😊
Hey, so sorry you are feeling this way. I know what you're talking about!! You just wish it could go away, but it won't. I agree with others, seeking professional help is a great thing to do. I know it can be scary or you have fear it will cost too much. But I know some places that will have you pay based on what you make (sliding scale), so it can be doable!! I hope you start to feel better, I am praying for healing.