Well hey all it's me again,
I'm still in a very very bad place most of the time, it's still the case for me currently that every time I think something in my head or whatever something as simple as that about anything, my brain/ I react in muscle spams and pins n needles and random burning/stinging pains, all physical sensations I developed while on ssri medication, never had any of them previously just "normal" anxiety like butterflies in stomach, head tension n panic attacks, n though I came off the ssri LAST YEAR in November! It's still happening, I hate this it feels like my body is not my own, and my brain now goes from A to B in a millisecond!
I was trying to figure out what causes my panic attacks initially, and the thought came to mind maybe thinking quickly and alot puts stress on your brain, also I've read that when u imagine things, your brain can't tell what's real and what's not, the anxiety part of me then became scared to even think a word in my head and to imagine anything in case my brain thought I was somewhere I wasn't or something and I'd go mad, I realise the mistake I made by reinforcing these thoughts, but now it's just an instant physical reaction that I can't stop!
Though the ssri stopped the panic attacks, it gave me GAD instead which is even worse! Even experienced feeling of not being in reality while on them which scared me half to death! It's just non stop most of the time, even as I'm writing this my leg thigh muscle thumped then under my left knee thumped, pain down my right arm etc etc, I hate this so much, surely I should have recovered from the ssri by now?! I came off that stuff so these spasms would stop! I'd rather have the odd panic attack then this n im convinced I suffered a minor bout of serotonin syndrome after reading the symptoms, I even came off cold turkey, but it's still going strong!
Recently I got tested for blood but my calcium was a teeny weeny bit low that's it, magnesium was fine, calcium was so near fine they couldn't prescribe me anything so told me to take multivitamins.
Would a herbal medicine like kalms help with this?
It's obviously still anxiety but now manifests itself in physical ways that are so alien to me, feel disgusting, hurt and quite frankly drive me round the bend since taking these ssris last year!
Please respond? Any advice here? I'm all out of options with the docs, even diazepam has little to no effect, and rarely prescribed for addictive reasons.
Acceptance I try to do, but then the worry comes to mind that I'm feeling like this even though I'm accepting that I do, which means I'll always feel like this no matter what, also to add I do know this stuff can't actually kill me or make me go mad, but it makes me damn miserable and feel terrible.