Physical symptoms: Hey Happy Friday! I... - Anxiety Support

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Physical symptoms

Ajrea2 profile image
15 Replies

Hey Happy Friday! I wanted to talk about physical symptoms for a minute. Does anyone elses anxiety and panic start from the physical symptoms? I feel like once I get a physical symptom I go from 0 to 100 real fast like there's no in between the thought and the panic. And then I'm incomplete panic mode just from one feeling. I try to do mindfulness and breathing techniques but my crazy brain takes over and I can't get the thought of something extremely tragic and serious is about to happen of my head. With that being said what are some techniques or tips that you do to control the panic?

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Ajrea2 profile image
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15 Replies
Worried-help profile image

I try to distract myself by doing something I like or talking to a friend. I also do some deep breathing as well.

Ffightereng3 profile image

Yes I get the same thing. The slightest discomfort I feel my mind starts racing to worst case scenario then my anxiety just grows from there. I try to make myself do something else to try to not pay any attention.

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to

Fabulous. I've been looking for a version of this that wasn't called "spiritual enlightenment" since the title can be off-putting. I'm stealing this URL for my profile :)

Please listen everyone

Delzek profile image

Often I feel like I can't get my breath or I am having a heart attack,a Family friend who has just visited me from Canada,has told me to speak to my DR (my friend is a DR in Canada) and ask him if it's "M E " that I have? As apparently some of my other ailments point to it being "M E" ! Not "C F S" . I honestly started to believe that I was going crazy ! What with Diverticular Disease, possible Chrones , always either too hot or too cold,never being comfortable sitting standing or even laying down! I try to push myself to get bits of shopping but come back exhausted and sleep for sometimes days but wake up shattered! Other times I can't get any sleep, my nose is always cold as are my toes ears and hands? I asked my friend if having M E was pyscological ? because I know it's not all in my mind as my pain is 100% genuine! The feeling of dread as I push myself to get ready to go to the shop (3houses away). I am always expecting something bad is going to happen or someone is following me! So yes the physical illness brings on the panic attacks! Worse is the fear of not knowing Exactly what is wrong with me, I want to go to work I want to have my own house again,I want to be a worthwhile part of society, instead I have let myself my kids and the rest of my family down because I am physically unable to work.

Mazer profile image
Mazer in reply to Delzek

Hi delzek, your symptoms are exactly like mine but I've never had any fear except when I felt extremely ill. For me the symptoms are caused by silent acid reflux, inflammation, gas and most probably acid and undigested food proteins leaking into my bloodstream. I get reactions from eating certain foods. An anti acid ppi med has really helped me but I can still be bad odd times if I eat the wrong food. It causes stress throughout the body and when you're extremely stressed it's impossible not to get anxiety.

You use mindfulness and breathing, how about doing the opposite, something more extreme that isn't supposed to relax you like running up and down stairs or repeatedly squeezing something in your hand until it tires out.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to

Yes jimmyjimmy,

I try this, I walk around the house 20 times or try and do something, but sometimes I'm very guilty of sitting and just being afraid of another attack....which I do know is no good at all.

babyhippo67 profile image

This is me all over I'm afraid.

The simple feelings you get half hour before a no.2 are enough to start my anxiety off. It's rediculous.

Distractions are my only hope.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to babyhippo67

Hi babyhippo67,

Strange you should say about feelings of wanting a no 2 starting you off...that happens to me, it makes me feel a bit sickly and then Ill start to panic and I'm off....didn't used to be like this, so weary of it all! X

cortisolqueen profile image

Oh yes! I do the exact same thing and it is awful. My anxiety started 3 years ago with an awful case of vertigo. I had no idea what was happening. I woke up at 2am and the room was spinning. I then immediately started to puke. I honestly thought I was dying. I was convinced it was a heart attack or stroke. I woke my husband up and he rushed me to the ER. Then it was on. The last 3 years have been a nightmare. 10 ER visits that first year and now any little physical symptoms sends me spinning. I have had every test done and everything is always perfect. I am doing much better than when this all began but I still struggle daily with the fear that I am dying of something. If I get one little twinge of anything, I will start to feel the anxiety run up the back of my neck and will fire off the feelings of impending doom, death, or the fear of going crazy.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to cortisolqueen

Hi Cortisolqueen,

All this started for me, with 10 years or travelling away to work, lack of sleep, not eating right, and angry all the time because of my situation. I left work thinking g it would be the cure, but it got worse, maybe because I suddenly had a void to fill? I gradually got a little better, Just to get a stomach bug a year ago, and now it's all kicked off again big time, mainly because I have emetiphobia. And now I can't get out of it....I can be sitting wat Hong TV and exactly like you I feels like tension all of a sudden in my neck, then I start to panic that I'm going to feel terrible all over again, I feel muscle pain, nausea, can't catch a breath, lightheaded, feel like I can't swallow, stomach churns and I sometimes gave to dash to the loo...I have the classic fear of the fear...but am weary of it and at my wits end. I hate going to bed, because when I wake I wake shaking g and afraid of the day.

I do tfg to do things and be normal, but I'd rather stay at home. I don't take medication other than the odd diazepam.

Sorry for the rant :-) xx

Funkyfaerie profile image

Yes that same thing happens to me. Read my reply to Cortisolqueen xx

It’s natural to start over thinking when we panic, our brain is built to be curious so it’s hard to control it, you need to find something that takes your mind off it, something positive, it does work but takes time

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