I've noticed some of the symptoms I've had during anxiety I've had before I even discovered the word anxiety. Feeling dizzy, Heart palpitations, cold chills, headaches, floaters but I realised all these feelings i've been more sensitive too when I found out I had anxiety, i noticed every twitch and pain in my body,so when I experienced dizziness it was the worst thing ever and it was the end of the world but the old me would have just ignored this feeling. Im starting to ignore these symptoms I'm getting now that I've got control over my anxiety and had the thumbs up from the doctors and these symptoms have slowly lessened. Sometimes I would feel a symptom without feeling anxious but I don't really overthink this anymore, i don't think everyone feels perfect 24/7 I'm sure other people feel nauseous randomly but if you focus on the symptom the worse it will get. Try and notice your leg for example and really try and focus on it you will most probably feel something you haven't noticed before because you usually don't focus on it. This is what we anxiety sufferers are doing to ourselves.
This might be totally irrelevant but the thing that helped me most was reading about other anxiety sufferers and acknowledging the fact that i am not alone in this journey, The symptoms we feel a lot of people describe these feelings from their anxiety. I also read positive quotes that uplifted me, i let my emotions free and allowed myself to be sad, angry ect. I started looking after myself because I stopped caring for myself during anxiety, i purchased things that relaxed me for example i started using aromatherapy and found lavender really relaxes me. Even little things that you don't need to spend money on, taking a hot shower and taking the time to wash my hair and cream myself after made me feel so much better and motivated. I set myself targets on what i want to do and read books to understand my anxiety more. I know this isn't as easy as I say but it was hard for me as well,I'm not where I want to be yet but I feel like I'm in a better place from when I joined this group. I still fear it could all come back and i will be crippled with anxiety too I'm sure we all do but all i know is if it does this will soon pass like the other times.