All these wierd feeling its annoying like a feeling i want to go out of control and say something is wrong with me or my heart trying to speed up on me that i can feel in my throat for some reason my heart feels so wierd beating and my head feeling so wierd and also my vision its trying to freak me out unreal dream like feeling it wants me to go crazy it doesnt go away at all
This wierd unreal , dream like vision its ... - Anxiety Support
This wierd unreal , dream like vision its annoying all day daily and head feeling wierd after 5 months with out smoking weed i dont get it

You may not remember, and that's ok if you don't, but I think very possibly you posted this almost identical caption and message previously.
Many of us know you are not taking your medicine.
Please call your Mom and let her know how you are feeling, ok? Sometimes a mother knows better than anyone, and that includes all of us, how to help her son.

i dont need to call my mom she knows whats going on but she doesnt get it at all she just say im probably just going crazy plus im going to take the meds im really im
I was having that feeling and my Therapist said it was a side effect of anxiety but I ignored and it went away Thank God. It's called derealization/depersonalization. I was hoping you tried the therapy. I think you'll benefit from it because you can talk face to face with people who are going through the same thing.
Johnny. Seriously. Don't you read ANY of the responses to your posts? We are all saying the same thing to you over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....... and then you post the same thing again and again........ I'm getting anxiety about YOUR anxiety. Please read the wonderful advice people are giving you and then ACTION that advice.